Chapter 30

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Sorry.... y'all thought this was the ceremony day, huh? Actually, it's the next chapter. So just wait for it please. This chapter will of course, as in the previous summary, be about the spirits and Suzori. Anywyas~, thnx for the reads and votes so far. It means a lot. Bye!~~


Oh yeah, it's kind of short. Don't kill me!!


Chapter 30: The feeling of both sides, trouble for Spirits?! Suzori's evil catch?!

Loki's POV

We stood infront of Spirit King along with the other spirits. Horologium told the story and what the runes were translated to, and so far, Spirit King knew what was going on.

"What do we do, your highness?" asked Taurus.

"Well, I have a terrible feeling, so we must work hard. This chant is ancient. Do you want to know what it means?" asked Spirit King.

"Yes!" we all said together.

'Basically, Lucy and her evil emotions drive her into a corner. This created and formed a ball of dark magic in Lucy, and it is affecting her like making her go through all those stages etc. Going by the chant, it says that 'I have awakened once again'. That part is the part that is confusing. I was thinking about  it, and I remember the day that Lucy was born. Something bad happened that day." said Spirit King.

"Oh yeah. I remember that day. All I saw was dark clouds as I wondered about punishment." said Virgo.

"Exactly. When Lucy was born, Zeref sent an evil aura to Lucy, meaning for her to appear as how she is now. However, Lucy did not release the energy yet. When she was about the age her mother died, Lucy lost control of herself and released all the magic pressure from herself. Her mother wanted to save us, and the world, so she sacrificed her herself." said Spirit King.

"But, she didn't  die one time, Queen Layla was sick!" protested Capricorn.

"Yes. She was weakened a great deal, but no one knew the truth except for Jude, Zeref and us. Queen Layla died after, and this evil killing intent grew in Lucy since then." explained Spirit King.

"Makes sense now, but it also said that it was not awakened for a long time and so on." said Sagittarius.

"Don't forget there is Zeref." replied Spirit King." So simply put, ........ Lucy is similar to Zeref now, only he is stronger."

Suzori's POV

"Uh, Master?" called a sweet voice. I turned around to see Lucy, standing in the doorway with a lovely pajama on.

"Master? Don't call me that.... it makes me feel distant from you." I whispered as I appeared next to her. She gasped as I bent down to her level.

"What do you want?" I asked.

"Uh, well, I was wondering if I could go into the garden for a walk?" she pleaded. I sighed heavily in defeat, although I knew she did nothing.

"okay. But you will not go alone, I fear you will leave." I said. She still couldn't see my face as my hair hid my eyes and the cloak covered the back of my head with my collars turned up to the side.

"Okay...." she said.

"Rosa, Yori, Kuran, please accompany her." I commanded.


"As you wish, master."

Of course, it was easy to tell that Rosa and Yori sang the first part, and Kuran, being Kuran, was still strict as always.

Lucy smiled sweetly and linked her arms with Rosa and Yori. Kuran stopped to speak with me as he told the others that he would meet them later.

"Master Suzori, the items that you told me to collect are in your room." He informed.

'Thank you Kuran. Will you please go and call Kuros for me?" I asked.

"As you wish." He replied as he bowed his head. He disappeared. Five seconds later Kuros appears.

"Master, you called?" He asked.

"Yes. Kuran is quick, just what I expect." I said.

"Indeed. Kuran-sama told me you needed me.... Is it about the transportation?" he asked.

"Yes. Tell Mestas to make the preparations for tomorrow. You, on the other hand, are to go and meet them." I commanded.

"Yes sir." he said while vanishing.

Lucy's POV

Kuran just came back, and all of us were walking in the garden.

"Wow, this place is huge! And its just the garden! The flowers are so bright and pretty!!" I exclaimed.

"Yes it is Lucy-sama." agreed Rosa.

"Lucy-sama, you look so pretty in the garden." said Yori.  I smiled and we all continued Talking.

"Oh yeah! I forgot to ask, how are your injuries doing, Rosa, Yori?" I asked.

"Eh? They're doing fine. Why do you bother?" asked Yori.

"Well, I just feel that I must ask you. I worry for you a lot you know." I said.

'But, we are just servants under our Master." protested Rosa.

"I don't care. Servants or not, you guys are friends." I said.

"Wow. You're so kind. I wish I was like you." said Rosa.

"Yeah. You'll make a great sister or wife." smiled Yori. I gush of wind blew as we sat near some flowers.

"Lucy-sama, you know what is going to happen, right?" asked Kuran who came out of nowhere.

"Y-yes." I replied.

"Aren't you scared?" He asked.

"I don't know, but I chose to come." I said. There was silence after that. We all continued talking about random stuff until we soon departed. I went into my bedroom. A knock was heard and the master guy came in.

"Lucy-san~. I just wanted to tell you that your friends will come tomorrow. You can see them, if you want, however, Rosa, Kuran, or Yori will accompany you." He said.

I smiled a bit.

"Thanks, but no thanks." I replied sadly. I had to do this.


Next chapter: We see you, but don't you see us? The tragedy day begins.........

Summary: The day begins. Natsu and the others are in despair, but they are in high hopes of seeing Lucy. However, Lucy ignores them, with an evil aura around her. Suzori is surprised to, but what happens?

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