Chapter 23

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Hola! I hope you guys are alive and well!! I think its pretty normal for people to say that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yes, i am HAPPY!!!!!!!!!!!

N.B: Remember how Master told them that they had two weeks to train? Well after that Master finds out that the actual time was less than a week. Then this chapter happens. Got that?



Chapter 23: Detected or not? The path to Lucy is trapped!!

Natsu's POV

I groaned. Why did gramps tell us to take the train? I was fine with walking.

"Natsu, you're giving me a headache." complained Gray.

"Indeed." said Erza.

"Not my fault! Besides, where are we going??" i asked curiously.

"You never listen, do you? Master managed to scrape up some details and found out where Lucy is. Somewhere called Okutsuchi. He told us to go there and get Lucy." said Erza.

"I hope Lucy-san is alright. That guy from the lake was really scary!!!" whimpered Wendy.

After a while, we got off the super extra too much time wasting sad terrible disgusting train ride. We walked into an inn that Erza reserved for us and we set our stuff down.

"Now, we begin our plan. We split up and explore. If anything is weird, you report it immediately. We meet at the park across from here at noon. Got that?" said Erza.

"For Lucy-san!!" cried Wendy.

We went our ways and I decided to get some foooooodddddd. Happy flew along because he was hungry too.

Gray's POV

I walked into a library and asked a librarian(They know a lot in these books) about anything suspicious.

"Actually, there is! One afternoon, I saw three people to be exact escorting a young girl with blonde hair. They looked joyful together other than The three people bickering most of the way. They walked into that forest over there" She said pointing to a clump of trees. " and went straight for the big mansion up there. It's strange because there is a mysterious young man up there."

I looked at her as if she was crazy. Stalker much??!!

" What is the guy looking like?" I asked.

" He had a hood, but he had brown curly hair with eyes that paralyze you. He sends off an aura that makes you faint and have traumas if you touch him." She said as she shakily clenched her hands.

"Thank you, that helps a lot." I said as I turned around to leave.

"Wait!!!! That girl who they were escorting, she's a friend, isn't she? And you're with those Fairytail mages who came in town." she said.

"Yea she is." I said. I left and sighed. I mean what I said earlier, she's a stalker!!! Like Juvia!!!! Oh crap.

At around noon, we all reassembled at the park. As they approached, Erza shook her head, indicating that she found nothing. Wendy and Natsu did the same and Charle stepped up.

"Guys, while Wendy was in the gift shop, I peeked into the bar next door. I overheard some men taling about a mage who was very strong indeed, and they described him as brown hair and tall figure." She said.

"You got something? Well I got more to that. I went into the library and talked to this weird librarian. She said she saw a group of people escorting Lucy to that mansion up on the hill behind those woods,' I said pointing my finger. Everyone sighed in relief and I was soon engulfed in a split second hug. Wanna guess who did it??? WELL...

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