Chapter 15

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Teehee! I feel troublesome! Here is the next chapter, action time!

Next Chapter: Natsu picks a fight with Suzori?! Lucy, help!

Lucy's POV

I woke up to find myself sleeping on Suzori. I jumped back immediately but stopped because Suzori's arms were around me. He held me in position. He was still asleep.

Suzori moved his head drowsily.

"Stay with me babe." He huskily said. I widened my eyes, babe?! I tried getting back up quickly but Suzori held me tightly and I fell again, but I fell uncomfortably on top of him. My chest went on his face, and my legs straddled him. I became annoyed and smirked. I had a perfect plan.

"Suzori-nee, please hold me like that again. It feels so good. Wake up, Suzori-nee, I want to kiss you properly." I said seductively.

Suzori's eyes immediately shot open and stared at me.

"Got you! Now let me go." I said.

"Let me see...." he said, while putting on a thinking face. "Okay."

He brought me up but pushed me down instead.

"Only because i like this position instead."he smirked. God, he can really scare me sometimes. I was about to say something when a loud boom sounded in Suzori's front lawn. We got up immediately and ran outside. I stared infront of me.

It was Natsu and the others!

"What the hell do you think you're doing with Lucy?!"he shouted.

"He did nothing!" i said.

"Really? Explain to me why he is shirtless and you're wearing his clothes!" exclaimed a furious Gray.

"oh. Oh! OH!" said me and Suzori in unison. ( AN: I suck at language.  it was supposed to be Suzori and I. teehe!)

"Oh?!! Is that all you can say?! The guy raped you yesterday, didn't he? And you did it again last night!"  accused Natsu.

"Natsu, Gray! Calm down!" said a worried Erza.

"Erza-san is right!" said Wendy. Charle nodded roughly. Happy just didn't know what to say.

"That's a lie! Even if I would love the fact we did it, I wouldn't go so low as to do that to her!" said Suzori. Erza, Wendy, Happy and Charle pulled me away to talk to me.

Suzori's POV

Gray, Natsu and I bickered for an extremely long time when Lucy was dragged away. I was getting pissed off, but I knew that I couldn't fight here. That would be dangerous. That means that I will have to take the blows. One by one I dodged them successfully.

I knew that if I continued dodging, I would have to use my magic. I stood there taking the blows continuously.  It was until I couldn't suppress my magic that I had to fight. Everything froze, and wind erupted from my feet.

Lucy's POV

I froze.The air became heavy, and I knew that Suzori lost his sanity. Erza saw that I was worried, and she let me run towards Suzori. I ran as fast as possible and caught him, with wind around me. His eyes were about to turn black when I ran and chanted a spell to bind him up.

" 5 of the 20 parodox, bind!" I shouted. Black streams surrounded Suzori and it tied him up. Natsu and Gray stared but Suzori thrashed about. I kneeled infront of him.

"Suzori, calm down, they will find out." I whispered. Suzori stopped and calmed down. I released him and brought him to his feet. He became silent. I grabbed Natsu and Gray and brought them over to Wendy and the others.

"You idiots! He was, trying to show me a freaking lesson that time! We did nothing last night either! It was raining!" I scream-whispered.I scolded them and told them to go to the hotel. I went back to Suzori and brought him inside his mansion.

I took off his pants, which left him in his boxers. I took a cloth and soaked it with water. I washed him up and his hair. I turned him around and combed his hair. He was blushing but he was still silent. I brougt my face to his ear.

"Suzori, you okay?" I asked. I rubbed his shoulder. I pushed his hair to the side when I felt water.

I was sure I dried his hair! I faced him and gasped. His eyes watered and he hiccuped. He was crying! I tried pushing away his tears but he only slapped my hand away and got up. He walked into his room and slammed the door shut. I sighed.

After a couple of hours, I decided to check on him. I knocked on his door. No response.

"Suzori?" I nervously asked. I tried opening his door, but it was locked. I tried again, but failed.

"Suzori, open the door!" I shouted. I pressed on the door. The door suddenly flung open and revealed Suzori, looking as devastated as ever. I fell to the ground because I had been leaning on it.

I got up quickly and shut the door.

"What do you want?"he asked angrily.

"Suzori I-"I started.

"I SAID, WHAT DO YOU WANT?!" he hissed. I was shocked. I couldn't say anything. I held his hand , but he only pushed me away.

Tears brimmed my eyes. Wait, why was I crying?

"Suzori, Please! Don't be like this!" I said in a shaky voice.


I only looked down to the floor.

"WHY AREN'T YOU GOING?!" he screeched. He held me by my shoulders and shook me.  Tears now flew down my face quickly. I was scared of him now.

"Suzori! Stop!" I pleaded, but he only pushed me against the wall.

"Stop what, Lucy." he toned his voice down, but he was still angry.

"Get out before I hurt you!" he said angrily.

I stepped out warily and he shut the door. I leaned on the door.


I stood in the bathroom, staring at myself. The door behind me opened at Suzori appeared there.

"Suzori." I whispered. He grabbed me from behind. He lifted me up and put me on the counter. He went in between my legs while his right hand held my hands behind my back. I gasped when Suzori broughr his head by the crook of my neck.

"Lucy." he whispered. He lifted his head a little, and his eyes scared me.

I tried pushing him away, but he only held on tighter. He led me so tight, I whimpered.

"SUZORI, STOP!!!!" I exclaimed. I hit him in the stomach and back away from him. Suzori only appeared behind me and his arms wrapped around my waist.

"I'm sorry for everything. I'm sorry for being moody today. I'm sorry for shouting at you. I'm sorry for holding you like that before. Please....." He apologised. I felt tears running down my neck. He was crying. It was sweet, and he was so adorable and cute.

"You scared me." I sniffled.

"Please...." he cried even harder.

I turned around to face him. I wiped his tears away. I pushed his hair aside and patted his head.

"It's okay." I said.

"Thank you!" he exclaimed. He hugged me tightly.

"Suzori, it's the middle of the night. You should go to bed."I said. I brought him in his room and he lay down. He pulled me next to him.

Natsu POV

"Lucy is right. He didn't do anything." said Erza.

"That bastard!" said Me and Gray in unison.

"Haa? You copying me icepee?"

"Bring it on, Flame Brain!"
Next chapter:  Later is near!
Summary: Lucy and the group decide its time to leave. Suzori and Lucy part ways!

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