Chapter 26

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So I was reading some funny stuff this morning in school, and then my friend placed a snapback on my head and pushed a raybans on my eyes. I watched her and she was all like" Guys!! She looks like a really hot boy!" So I stood up and processed what she said...... I'm gonna leave it here for now.


N.B: GUYS! VOTE!!!!!!! YAY!!


Chapter 26: Hell just came to the surface

Gray's POV

"Are you freaking crazy Kuran?!" shouted Yori. "Just accept the fact that they are Lucy-sama's friends and they will go for her!! Kuros! Tell him so!!"

"I-I'm fine." whimpered Kuros. (Actually forgot he was in the picture. LOL.)

"Get lost fool. Friends? Were these people not the same people who decided to not protect her when we destroyed the guild?! Huh?" he asked.  I looked to the ground, realizing that he was right. I couldn't stop Lucy, no, I didn't stop her.

"Kuran! Stop! You will hurt them!" cried Rosa, who winced in pain.

"That's the point." he replied. He turned to me and smirked. "We're just gonna have some fun."

"Ice make: Ice impact!" I shouted, bringing my hands together and forming a huge bock of ice on Kuran. Nothing happened, and I knew it was victory for me.

"That's it?" I asked. "I don't see what you guys are so scared of an-"

"MOVE NOW!!" yelled Rosa and Yori. The ice broke into tiny little pieces creating snow, and in between them stood a shadow, who had magic power surrounding him. He looked up, and I swear I almost peed my pants. The guy had not one scratch, and he laughed.

"Devils roam everywhere," He whispered. The ground shook, and I widened my eyes. A mass of monsters about 10ft high crawled behind him and roared.

"W-w-w-what are t-those???" whimpered Happy.

"He started..." murmured Yori.

The monsters poured themselves around me and pushed their hands out. I was too shocked to move, so I couldn't defend myself. A bright flash appeared and I gasped. Erza was blocking the attacks, and Natsu was busy fending them off. Wendy was still healing Rosa and Yori.

"Gray! Start fighting! Natsu and Erza will hold them off!!" said Charle.

I turned back to my opponent. I blasted a stem of ice  towards him. I shook when he suddenly appeared behind me.

"Too slow." He said. His sword came and stabbed me from behind. I coughed and winced in pain. I closed my eyes because the suffering was too much. I opened my eyes again to see Kuran on the other side. I felt no pain suddenly,and I looked at my chest. Where did the wound go?

I fell to the ground and examined myself frantically. There was no injury! I was positive I felt the sword!!

"Gray! What's wrong?!" asked Erza. It seems like they were not shown what happened. It was probably my head. I recomposed myself and stood up.

"Oh my. Are we done daydreaming?" Kuran teased.

"Ice Make:Ice Bringer!" I shouted. Two swords appeared in my hands as I ran towards Kuran, shaking in fear as I went.

"Not enough." He said. He vanished and I really felt a pain in my chest. I was stabbed, for real this time.

"GRAY!!!!" Screamed Natsu. I spit out blood as I fell to the floor.

Wendy's POV

I ran towards Gray and started healing him immediately.

"You bastard! Fire Dragon's Roar!!!" screamed Natsu. A great wave of flames swept towards Kuran. The monsters blocked the attack but some vanished.

"I have no more time for you." said Kuran. A bright beam appeared, and we all fell to the ground, getting scraped by needles flying everywhere. Kuran appeared by Rosa, Kuros and Yori. He grabbed them by the collars and vanished. I slowly got up and used my power to heal Gray and soon fell unconscious.

Suzori's POV

The doors to my throne room opened and The Deadly Three stood there half beaten, along with Kuros and ofcourse, the exception Of Kuran. Lucy was with me, and I was careful to hide my face. She knew about her friends coming to help her, and she wasn't happy one bit.


"You do know that your friends are here for you, right?" I asked.

"They....what? I told them not to come!!" she said angrily.

"Are you angry?" I asked.

"Ofcourse. Wait till I get my hands on those idiots." She said calmly as a dark aura surrounded her.


"If you're here, then..... they lost?" She asked with hope. She really doesn't want her friends to come any closer. "If they come closer, they will get injured.... those damn idiots putting their life on the line."

"Of course, mi'lady." said Kuran. " I took care of them, but these silly pests here lost and I had to carry them."

I glanced over at Kuros and the others. The bowed in apology.

"No problem. Lu-cy, will you take care of their half-healed injuries please?" I asked.

"How did you know?" She asked in surprise.

"Lucy, I know you better than anyone else... now, about healing?" I said. She looked hesitant because I was actually commanding her to heal them. She despises me a lot for taking her away and destroying her guild.

"Fine, but only because it's Rosa and Kuran." She said while walking up to them. A dim blue light covered them and their injuries closed up , and they were back to normal. Lucy's eyes wavered until she fell to the floor unconscious.

"Master, it must be the effect of the bracelet you placed on her." informed Kuran.

"Ahh, yes. I forgot about that. Geez, I hurt her now!" I said sadly. I picked her up.

"You're bringing her to her room?" asked Kuran.

"Yes. Rosa, Yori, please make something for her to eat and for yourself. Kuros, go and command your guards to set up a barrier around the infiltrators. Kuran, come with me." I commanded.

"Hai." they all said. Kuran walked up to me as we left for Lucy's room.

"Master, when will the ceremony begin?" Kuran inquired.

" Isn't someone hasty! It won't be far, just a two more days to go and the world shall meet its end and I shall reign over using the dragons." I said.

"Dragons?" He replied.

"Oh yes. I forgot to tell you. I will rule the world, and I will bring back the dragons and curse the world. If only Zeref would agree with me." I said.

"If Zeref agreed with you, then everything would be in disaster." He said.

"Indeed." I said. I placed Lucy down on her bed.

"Kuran, take care of her as I will be out for a day doing some personal business with the infiltrators and Fairytail. Treat her well." I said before vanishing.

"As you wish, Master." said Kuran. He turned around and faced Lucy. "Lucy-sama, you're so beautiful."


Next Chapter: Uncovered

Summary: Suzori visits Natsu and the others, and decide to visit Fairytail too. He also went hunting for some vital things for the 'ceremony.' However, when will Natsu uncover Suzori, and what will happen?

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