Newest members of the Family

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*Johnny's Pov*
As we were walking in the lot, we sat down by a tree near the fountain where I proposed at. We laid down and star gazed.
"How do you think Ponyboy's little date is going?" Jenny asked.
"I'm pretty sure it's going pretty good." I said as she moved over closer to me. After about maybe ten minutes or so, I saw Ponyboy walking hand in hand with Cherry. I guess I was right, things did go well.
"Hey Johnny." Ponyboy said.
"Hey Pony." I said.
"Hi Jenny." Cherry said.
"Hi Cherry," Jenny said, "how was time together?"
"It was amazing, Ponyboy asked me to be his girlfriend." Cherry said happily.
"And she said yes." Pony said just as happy.
"That's great. I'm so happy for you guys." I said. We then started walking Cherry back home. Me and Jenny were waiting by the sidewalk while Ponyboy walked up to Cherry's house with her. Just watching the reminded me of the first time I walked Jenny back to her home for the first time. A smile grew on my face, I guess Jenny must've noticed.
"What are you smiling about honey?" She asked.
"Watching Pony walk up the doorstep with Cherry reminds of the time I first walked you back home." I said holding her hand.
"I remember that, that was the first time I realized I had fallen in love with you." She said. "That was one of the greatest nights of my life. Next to you asking me to be your girlfriend then your proposal." She then placed her arms around my neck. I wrapped my arms around her waist and we shared a gentle kiss. After we parted, Ponyboy back from walking with Cherry to her house.
"You guys ready to head back home?" He asked.
"Sure are." We both said.
We walked down the street and Jenny turned to look at Ponyboy as we kept walking.
"What did you guys do during your date?" She asked.
"We pretty much just talked about random stuff before I asked her to be my girl." He said.
"That's so sweet. I still remember when Johnny asked me to be his girl. It was so romantic." She said holding my hand.
When we made it home, we saw Darry and Sodapop with Johnathan and Jasmine. Sodapop was playing with Jasmine while Johnathan was asleep in Darry's arms while he was watching tv.
"Hey Darry." Ponyboy said quietly.
"Hey guys," Darry whispered, "hey Jenny do you want to go put Johnathan to bed?"
"Sure Darry. I'll be right back guys." She said as she took Johnathan from Darry and walked to the nursery.
"Hey guys there's something I've been meaning to tell you." I said.
"What is it Johnny?" Soda asked.
"I think I'm gonna get a puppy for Jenny since she's always wanted one." I said.
"That's so nice of you Johnny." Pony said.
"You guys don't mind having the puppy for a little while until we get our own place to stay do you?" I asked.
"Of course not. We'll help you guys take of him until you guys get a place to stay." Darry said.
"Actually I have something to tell you Johnny." Soda said coming by me with Jasmine.
"What is it?" I asked he handed me Jasmine.
"I managed to find a place that's not that expensive and pretty close by us." He said showing me a picture of the house. It looked almost as if it were brand new. I thought it looked beautiful.
"Ah man Soda how did you manage to find this?" I asked with happiness in my voice.
"Actually Jenny found it. Don't tell her I told you about it. She wanted to you." He said.
"Too late." We all turned around saw Jenny standing by the hallway. Surprisingly, she wasn't mad about Sodapop telling me. She walked by me with a huge smile on her face.
"I hope you like it." She said.
"I love it." I said. After little bit of more talking, we all went to bed.
"Night Johnny. I love you." Jenny said.
"Night Jenny. I love you too." I said. We had our kiss goodnight and fell asleep.

The next morning
I got up early to go find the perfect puppy for Jenny. I left a note on her nightstand a left. I hope she'll like the puppy.

*Jenny's pov*
I woke up the next morning and noticed Johnny wasn't in bed with me. I saw a note on my nightstand and it read:
Dear Jenny, I went out for little bit. I'm gonna have a little surprise for waiting in a little while. I'll see you in about 30 minutes. I love you, Johnny.
He has a surprise waiting for me? He's such a sweetheart. I got out of bed to go check on the twins. I walked in the nursery and saw they were awake.
"How are my little babies doing today?" I said. Johnathan turned and smiled while Jasmine giggled. I changed both of them and fed them. I played with Johnathan for little bit before I heard the front door open. Turned and saw Johnny.
"Hey honey I'm home." Johnny said.
"Hi honey." I walked by and kissed him.
"How you've been since I've been gone?" He asked.
"Pretty good. I've been with the kids since you were gone." I said.
"You know that surprise I wrote about on the note?" Johnny said.
"Yeah." I said a little confused.
"Well that surprise turned into two surprises." He said.
"Really? What are they?!" I asked. I really want to know what the surprises are.
"Go look in the car." He said. I ran outside and opened the car door and a gigantic smile grew on my. There were two adorable puppies in the car.
"Oh my god!" I half yelled. Johnny by me from the house and put and arm around me.
"What do you think of them?" He asked.
"Their so adorable. What made you go out get them?" I asked.
"I've known that you've always wanted a puppy so, I went out and got the smaller one at a rescue center and the bigger one at a foster home." He said.
"Their so adorable." I said hugging both of them while they were licking my face.
"The gold one's name is Honey and the other one name is Gabby." He said as he showed me each one of them.
"Gabby is so beautiful and Honey is so cute!" I said as I held Honey in my arms. We brought them into the house and they already started walking around sniffing the house. A little bit later, the rest of the gang walked through the door.
"Hey guys." Two-Bit said.
"Hey gang." I said then Honey and Gabby both ran to the door. Or at least Honey tried to, she tripped on the way there but was ok.
"Aww Johnny are these the puppies you got?" Soda asked.
"Yeah they are. The gold one is 2 months and the other is about a year." He said.
"Their so adorable." Steve said. I heard Jasmine crying in the nursery and I went to go get her. After seeing that both the babies were awake, I brought them into the living room and went by the new puppies. I sat them down on the floor and they both walked over by them and started sniffing them. It made them both giggle and they started to pet them.
"Are those puppies?" I asked the babies. They both just giggled and kept petting them and the puppies kept rubbing up against them until the puppies got tired and fell asleep in their new beds. The babies were hungry so me and Johnny went to go feed them. After the babies were fed, Jonathan feel back to sleep. Johnny brought Jonathan back to bed while I held Jasmine. When Johnny came back, I used my free arm to give him a loving hug.
"Thank you so much for the puppies honey." I said.
"Your welcome baby." He said hugging me back. Things in my life had been like a fairy tale, absolutely perfect, but I have a feeling that it might not last long.

Thanks for reading. Next chapter coming soon. I'm hoping to write more now that I'm on summer vacation. And those cute little angels are actually my dogs in real life.

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