She's Back!

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*Johnny's POV*

Things have been very well for the past few weeks. But, not too long ago, Sodapop and Sandy both came to me and Jenny about how having a child was such a pain in the ass, mainly since they haven't been sleeping because of their daughter waking up in the middle of the night, how they always have to keep an eye on her whenever they need to feed her or change her. They came to us to see if me and Jenny could give them any advice on how they could be able to get some sleep and have some time to themselves without hearing a baby crying every few hours.
"That's gonna happen guys. Having a child is a lot of work. They need to be fed, changed and entertained if they're not napping." Jenny said. I nodded in agreement.
"Absolutely, but guys, if you ever need some time away from your daughter sometimes, which is absolutely normal and alright, we could always take you daughter for a few hours whenever you guys need a break." I said. It was Jenny's turn to nod and agree. Since we've already taken care of our twins when they were newborns, we know exactly what to do whenever they need attention. They thanked us before they headed out of our house.

Just before they closed the door, I could've sworn I saw that weird chick that we thought was working for Bob and was harassing Ponyboy before Bob got arrested at Soda and Sandy's wedding.
"Jen, we need to lock the door and close the curtains." I said. She gave me a weird look.
"Why are we gonna do that Johnny? It's a beautiful day and I want to have some sun come into the house." She said. I put my hands on her shoulders.
"I know that, but I think I just saw Nikki and we need to make sure that we keep ourselves, the twins and the dogs safe from this lunatic, God knows what she could do now that Bob got arrested, she could crack and kill us." I said. She then grew incredibly nervous and did what I said. We decided to call the police to make sure that our safety is in check to make sure that Nikki is put away, along with the other lunatic that keeps trying to harm us and our children.

I gave the police a very accurate description of Nikki and they said they would be on the look out for the crazed girl. The gang was also on the lookout for her so that all of us would stay safe and fight the insane bitch ourselves if the police don't find her first. Each day seemed like we were living on edge, afraid that Nikki had gotten more orders from Bob while he was in prison. We want to make sure that he is stopped for good, mainly since he's been trying to ruin our lives with his schemes, including kidnapping me and Jenny's children and attempting to murder Sandy at her own wedding. We want him to suffer for what he's been doing to us, including whoever follows him and his orders.

Eventually, what we had feared had come to reality when while we were at the Curtis house to help Soda and Sandy with their daughter and the others were watching tv, a rock was suddenly thrown at the window and then we heard gunshots outside. We all feared for our lives cause when we would fight against Bob and his minions, we've never had to deal with guns before. Jenny and the girls all brought the children into another room while me and the guys went over by the window, but made sure that Nikki couldn't get a good shot on us and try to shoot us. We all heard her scream:
"Come on bitches, I'm ready to fight! Do what I say and no one will get shot! I bet you don't want that again Johnny!" I felt like I wanted to cry because all the memories when Jenny was shot at and nearly killed because someone who never should've had a gun nearly killed an innocent person who never did a thing wrong got shot at. I didn't want to go through something like that again, especially if it could possibly one of my children or possibly Soda's newborn daughter.

We all our hands in the air and stood up straight. She told us to leave and come outside while her gun was raised high towards us. She told the girls to stay in the house, but to also have their hands in the air and where she could see them. She then told me to come close to her and to go down on my knees. She walked over to me and hit me in the face with the gun before falling straight to the ground and seeing Jenny with a scared look on her face was the last thing I saw before I blacked out.

*Jenny's POV*

I saw Johnny fall to the ground after getting hit in the face with Nikki's gun. I wanted to scream but Nikki had pointed the gun straight at me and told me that if I screamed, she would shoot Johnny to death. I placed my hand towards my mouth to  prevent myself from screaming. She continued with her demands towards us and I was getting incredibly pissed off that no police is on their way here to help us to prevent anyone from getting shot and killed. Eventually, she pointed the gun towards me and demanded me that I bring the twins to her. I really don't want the children to get involved with this sort of thing like this again. I tried to tell her that I didn't know where the children were even though I knew where they were, but she shot the gun in the air and demanded me to bring the twins out or the kids would grow up without a father. I did what she wanted and walked towards the room where the kids were, but I grabbed a phone and quietly called the police to the house the get Nikki arrested.

I brought the children to Nikki. I was about to hand them to her, she put her hand in the air.
"No, I don't those slobbery things on me, you keep holding them." She said. I did what she wanted and she placed the gun on top of Jonathan's head. I nearly started to bawl my eyes out as she placed it on his head. 
"Say bye-bye to your mother you little brat." She said, while nearly pulling the trigger. But just before she was going to pull the trigger, the police had arrived and shot her in the arm and she dropped the gun to the ground. She screamed in pain as the twins started to cry. I had Carly bring the twins into the house to make sure that nothing else happens to them. She then attempted to get the gun back but, I grabbed the gun before she could and pointed it straight at her. She then coward away like a dog with it's tail between it's legs. The police then picked her up and brought her to an ambulance to have her arm checked out, all while having handcuffs on her wrists so that she couldn't lay her hands on us again. 

The police then came over to us to make sure that none of us were hurt. Johnny was finally waking up after he got hit straight in the face from the gun. He had a massive headache and was brought into the house to have him lay down to help his head. The police officer came towards me.
"Miss, is everyone alright? Is there anyone here that's injured other than the young man?" He asked. I shook my head.
"No, everyone else is fine, but I thought that you guys were gonna keep your eyes on this chick?" I asked, trying really hard not to get super pissed off and getting myself arrested.
"We were looking for this girl, but no matter where we looked, we couldn't seem to find her. The only lead we ever had at one point was a stolen 9 mm semi-automatic the other day." He said. I finally managed to calm down since the officer was giving me an honest answer about finding Nikki and having her arrested. The officer asked us if we wanted to press charges on Nikki and all of us agreed. They checked her out, they wrapped her arm to prevent it from bleeding a ton in the cop car and threw her in the car and took her to jail for the night before she would be sent to prison the same way Bob was.

We all went back inside to help our nerves and I went to Johnny to check on him. Darry then stood up and then started to tell us something.
"Guys, I know a lot has happened right now, since we're part of all of this, we're gonna have to testify to all of this to make sure that these guys will be put away forever. Bob's is tomorrow and Nikki's might be a while from now, but we need to pull ourselves together and be ready to tell the authorities everything that Bob has done to us." He said. Everyone agreed and then we all headed home. I told Johnny to go straight to bed to help his head while I would put the twins to bed and make sure that the dogs have been fed and bring Johnny some ice to help with his headache. We spent the rest of the day watching tv on a quiet volume so that it wouldn't hurt his head.

Eventually, we decided to head to sleep. I got into bed after I put the twins to sleep and the dogs were in their beds with me and Johnny. I checked with Johnny to make sure that he was doing okay.
"Hey honey, are you feeling any better?" I asked. He nodded."
"Yeah, it's a lot better than it was earlier, but I'm hoping that the pain will go away before we testify tomorrow morning." He said. I kissed the top of his head and looked into his eyes.
"You'll be just fine honey and I know for a fact that you're strong enough to be able to testify against the lunatic that has been trying to hurt us and our family." I said. He then leaned over and kissed me on the lips. 
"Thanks sweetheart, you always know how to make me feel better. Goodnight, I love you so much." He said. I smile at him before we fell asleep.
"I love you so much too honey." I said before we both fell asleep in each others arms.

 I'm getting more chapters done all while writing other chapters for my other stories, When Will the Pain Go Away and Forbidden Lovers. I still hope to have plenty of chapters for this story that I have been loving to write. Stay Gold guys

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