Why Are You Here?

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*Johnny's pov*
The next morning, after we had our celebration the night before, things felt like they had been going back to normal, until we heard a knock on the door, and we couldn't believe who was standing outside. It was Bob's little buddy and sidekick, Randy Andersen.
"What the hell do you want Andersen?" I growled.
"Look, before anything gets out of hand, I just wanted to say, I'm really sorry about what happened with us and Bob taking your babies." He said glancing down at his shoes.
"What do you mean?" I asked really confused.
"I thought his plan was really insane, kidnapping your babies at that age? I mean, I wouldn't even stoop that low." He said.
"Really?" I asked.
"Yeah. Again, look, I'm really sorry about kidnapping your children." He said.
"It's alright man, like you said, it was an insane idea for him to come up with." I said.
"Yeah. I didn't even want to be part of his plan anyway, but I was like, literally forced to do something I didn't want to do." He said.
"Like I said man, everything's cool. Right guys?" I turned and looked at the gang as we all ate breakfast in the living room.
"As long as he said he didn't mean to do anything to us and the kids, that's fine." Jenny said. Everyone basically agreed and I turned back at Randy.
"See? Everything's cool with us, just as long as you didn't mean to do all of that since you didn't want any part of it." I said.
"I really didn't." He reach his hand out and we shook hands. For the first time ever, a Soc came by us and didn't threaten to do anything to us, we just settled everything, the way we should've a long time ago. Randy took one last glance I the house and said,
"You're a lucky man, you know that?"
"Whys that?" I asked.
"Cause you got a beautiful wife, two kids, two sweet dogs, and a gang that loves you like family," he said, "I just wish I had something like that."
"Hey man, when no other Socs are around, you are always welcome to join us in anything we're doing." I said.
"Really? Your serious?" He said, kinda surprised.
"Absolutely." I said.
"And you guys wouldn't treat me any different than you would treat each other right?" He asked.
"Course we wouldn't treat you any different." " I said.
"Thanks man. Good talk." He said.
"Yeah." I said.
"Later man." He said before leaving.
"Later." I said as I walked back in the house.
"So man," Dally started to say, "what did Randell want?"
"To talk," I said, "he was just a guy who wanted to talk."
"I thought I heard him talking. He was actually apologizing for what happened with the kids?" Two-Bit asked.
"Yeah." I said. I still can't believe he apologized.
"Well, for his kindness," Jenny said, "why don't we treat him to a little dinner next week, huh?"
"Yeah, that sounds like a great idea Jenny." Darry said.
"Where should the dinner be?" Steve asked.
"Why not here? I could make some dinner for all of us, including Carly, Isabelle, Olivia, Mikayla, Sandy and Cherry." She said.
"Sounds great." Soda said.
"You wouldn't mind needing a little help with dinner, would you Jenny?" I asked with a quick wink.
"Of course not." She said with a smile. I walked into the kitchen and started to help her out with some dinner. I then started to talk about what I was talking to Randy about.
"What do you think about the whole thing?" I asked her.
"I'm still kinda upset that he went along with Bob's plan, but I'm glad he wants to put it behind him and say he was sorry. Maybe we should give him a second chance." She said.
"That's what I was thinking. Maybe we should invite him to dinner sometime, first start of with just us then maybe in the future, the rest of the gang can join with us." I said.
"That sounds like a brilliant idea honey." She said, giving me a kiss on the cheek. I turned to continue helping her with dinner while smiling. After dinner, Two-Bit, Dally, and Steve all left to go home, while me, Jenny, the babies, and the Curtis' all went to bed.
"Goodnight honey. Love you." I said giving her a kiss on her forehead.
"Goodnight sweetheart. Love you too." She said kissing me back.

*The Next Morning*
I woke up to notice that Jenny was still asleep. I slowly climbed out of bed and quietly closed the door behind me. I went to go check on the babies to feed them and I saw Jonathan Jr was sitting up in his crib rocking back and forth. Jasmine was still sound asleep in her's. She looks just like her mother. I walked over to Jonathan and picked him up in my arms and walked him over to the kitchen.
"How's my little buddy this morning?" I said to him, which made him giggle. I brought his formula over when he started tugging on my shirt that I slept in.
"Oh no," I said quietly to make sure I wouldn't wake Jenny up, "a tough man has me a tight grip, I don't think I'll be able to escape." Jonathan just kept laughing and kept pulling on my shirt.
"I think I may know a way to escape." I said. I then started to tickle him and he just kept on laughing. When I stopped tickling him, I gave him his formula while I held him in my arms. After he finished his formula, he fell asleep in my arms. So, while still carrying Jonathan, I put his bottle in the sink and started to go back to the nursery when I saw Jenny standing at the doorway with a sleeping Jasmine in her arms.
"Do you how adorable you two are together?" She asked while smiling.
"Why do you say that?" I asked, pretending to play stupid. I know she doesn't mind when I do that.
"As I was about to bring Jasmine in here to feed her, I hear you and Jonathan laughing," she said, "and then I see you holding him in your arms while you feed him and falls asleep in your arms."
"Yeah. Before I went to get him, I saw Jasmine asleep and she reminds me of you when your asleep." I said smiling.
"And why do you say that?" Playing the stupid game like I did.
"Because your so cute and peaceful when you sleep." I said.
"You look pretty adorable yourself, sleepyhead." She said messing up my hair even more than it already was from my bed head. We brought the twins back into the nursery for them to sleep a little longer.
"Hey Johnny?" Jenny started to ask.
"Do you wanna go for a little morning walk, you know, just you and me for a little bit." She asked. I thought it was a good idea. I did want to spend some time with her, just her and me, at least before my birthday.
"Sure. I would love to go on a morning walk with you." I said with a warm smile. We walked out of the nursery and went in the kitchen and saw Darry at the table reading the paper.
"Man Darry, your up early." Jenny said.
"Just felt like getting up. Where are you two off to?" He said.
"Just going for a little morning walk, do you mind keeping and eye on the twins while we're gone?" I asked.
"Sure thing guys. Enjoy your walk." He said.
"Thanks Darry." We both said in unison.
"Happy to help guys." He said. After that, we walked out the door. We decided to bring Honey and Gabby with us since they haven't gone on a walk in a while. It wasn't a really cold morning, but it was cold enough to need a jacket. While we were walking, we heard a mustang driving behind us. Jenny grabbed my hand out of fear because of what happened with the kids. We slowly turned around and noticed it was just Randy, and only Randy, there weren't any other Socs around.
"Hey guys." He said.
"Morning Randy." Jenny said.
"How are you guys?"
"Pretty good." She said.
"What are ya up to?" He asked.
"Just taking a walk with my wife and the dogs." I said, still holding Jenny' s hand.
"Nice. Hey guys, do you guys want to, like just hang out or something. You and your gang with me, and just me, no other Socs to try and kill you?" He asked.
"Sure, that sounds like a wonderful idea." Jenny said.
"Cool, when would be the best time?" Randy asked.
"Definitely not for the next few days since it's Johnny's birthday in two days so, how about next week or so at the Dingo?" Jenny said.
"Sounds like a plan. See you guys then." Randy said, then he drove away in his mustang.
"Man, that sure is a tuff car huh? Mustangs, their tuff." I said.
"They sure are Johnny." Jenny said. We walked around the block at least one more time before heading home. When we got home, everyone was already there. We walked in the door and saw everyone eating Darry's chocolate cake.
"What, you guys didn't save any for us?" She whined. Steve looked at us with chocolate on his face and said, "There's still some left if you guys want some so bad." We walked into the kitchen and got a few slices before sitting on the couch and started watching Mickey Mouse all day. A little after we had dinner, Jenny came up to me with a concerned look on her face.
"Hey Jenny, what's the matter?" I asked.
"Do you still think it would be a good idea to hang out with Randy, I mean, what if he's setting us up for something?" She said getting a little scared. I pulled her into a hug to try and calm her down.
"Don't worry sweetheart, I'm pretty sure he 's not going to do anything since he already apologized and didn't jump us earlier. I think he'll be a decent guy once we got hang out with him and maybe he's not such a bad guy after all." I said.
"Maybe your right." She said.
"Aren't I always." I said and she playfully hits me on the side. After maybe a few more hours or so, we decided to turn in to for the night. After we crawled into bed, I kissed Jenny on her forehead.
"Goodnight Jenny." I said.
"Goodnight Johnny." She said sleepily.
"I love you." I said.
"I love you too." She said before we both drifted off to sleep.

Well that was chapter 19. I able to start writing more now when I have the chance to. Stay gold to all my readers. 💫💫✨✨

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