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*Jenny's POV*

Things still seemed a little weird after what had happened with Ponyboy and Cherry last night. We have no idea if that blonde chick is gonna come back, especially since we're still recovering from what happened with Bob. Why are so many weird things are happening to us right now? Why can't we get a break from this? 

I walked down into the kitchen to go feed the twins and the dogs since Johnny hasn't woken up yet. I feel like I've been waking up sooner and sooner lately, even though when I wake up, it's only at least 8 in the morning, normal time for someone like me. I'm both a early bird and a night owl., I could wake up early even after staying up all night

Anyway, while I was in the middle of giving the dogs their food, I felt Johnny's hands wrap around my waist. I placed my hands over his.
"You're looking pretty good this morning." He said. I was only wearing a pair of shorts and a crop top, but I was wearing my robe over it, so honestly, I look like a mess.
"How? I look terrible." I said with a smile tugging on the side of my lips. He smirked.
"Ah, but in my eyes, I see a beautiful young woman who happens to be my wife." He said, before kissing my check. I started chuckling while he was kissing my cheek then going to my neck, but I turned the tables on him and started kissing his lips, moving my arms around his neck and he moved his arms to my lower waist. We were going at it for a while before we heard footsteps coming from the stairs. Darry or Sodapop were coming down for work. Why is it that when we do that in the kitchen, someone's coming in to spoil the moment? I gave Johnny my 'let's finish this later on' look and we acted like nothing happened.
"Hey guys, how's it going?" Darry asked. We both said we're good before he ran out the door. Sodapop also came running into the kitchen to grab a quick breakfast before running out of the door. They both must be running late for work. Me and Johnny decided to wait a little longer so we can continue after Sodapop goes to work and Ponyboy goes to school.

After the guys all left for their different things this morning and we made sure the twins were in their nursery taking a nap, I tugged on Johnny and brought him to our room. Once he locked the door, he pretty much pounced on me and we fell back on the bed. He started moving his hips and grinding against me while kissing me passionately. I removed his shirt, then he removed my crop top as he continued to grind on me, keeping a good pace. Our pants came off faster than our shirts, but he wore a pair of boxers under his shorts, but I didn't have anything under my shorts. He then started massaging my breasts with his hands as I moved my hand down to his dick and slowly moved my hand. It was already pretty hard but he started to be entirely hard within a few seconds as I started to stroke his hard cock.

He started to moan while nipping on my neck. He continued to grind against me, pretty much teasing me since he was already completely erect. I ripped off his boxers and he slowly inserted his hard cock inside of me, causing a moan to escape my throat. He started off slowly, but then started to increase his speed over time. It's been a while since we've actually had sex and it felt so good. As he continued to pick up his speed, I would move my hips along with movement, and a quiet noise started to fill the room next to our moaning. Johnny then started to slam into me, but not hard enough for it to hurt, but hard enough to make it feel so good since he was all the way inside of me. As he continued to slam into me, my hands were in his hair, while I was biting his neck but not hard enough for it to hurt him, but hard enough to leave marks.

As he continued to pound me, I was able to feel his balls slamming onto me, making a loud noise along with our moans. Eventually, he was at full speed, but we had to keep quiet enough to make sure we didn't wake up the twins. He reached top speed and I felt super close to my orgasm, and I'm pretty sure he was super close too since he was moaning just as loud and just a much as I was. Eventually, we both had our orgasms together, I felt him cum inside of me since we didn't use a condom, but I was still on birth control. I felt him cum while I came on his cock while it was still inside of me. We were both breathing heavy and we were both tired. He pulled out of me and we cleaned up, then we decided to take a short nap for a little bit, for about a half hour or so that we could keep an eye on the twins later.

After our half hour of relaxing after our time together, I went up to check on the twins while Johnny went to go check on the dogs. I brought the twins into the living room to watch tv with Johnny after he fed the dogs. While flipping through the channels, the doorbell went off. At first we thought it was Two-Bit or Steve, but they normally just walk right through the door and just enter whenever they want to so we figured it was someone else. Johnny got up and opened the door to see who it was and it some random girl that we've never seen before.

"Uh, can I help you with something miss?" Johnny asked. The girl had a crooked smile as if she was up to something.
"Oh, the name's Nikki, I'm looking for Ponyboy?" She said, still having that dangerous smile of hers. She kinda reminds me of the chick that ran up to Ponyboy the night before and claimed to be his girlfriend.
"Why? Ponyboy's never told us anything about you and we don't trust no strangers." He said defensively. He tends to do that especially when it involves the gang.
"I'm a good friend of his, I just want to know where he is." She said, starting to defend herself. I got up and stood by Johnny.
"You don't familiar at all to us so get lost, we're not gonna tell you where he is so why don't you just go back to where you belong, the piles of shit on the side of the road?" I said, incredibly frustrated since she wouldn't seem to get lost. She gave me a glare that looked like it was made of daggers.
"Fine, don't tell me where he is, I'll find out for myself assholes." She snapped before walking off. I don't think I've ever seen anything weirder than that in my life. I just turned and looked at Johnny.
"What the hell was that about?" I asked. Johnny just shrugged.
"Beats me." He said. I just shrugged it off and we went back to tv and went back to flipping through channels, till we just decided to watch some old cop shows.

Ponyboy was the first to come home from school, but we decided to tell him about the girl that came to the house earlier in the day while he was at school. 
"Hey Ponyboy, can I talk to you for a second?" I asked him after he put his stiff down.
"Sure Jenny, what's on your mind?" He asked. I started rubbing my arm since I"m kinda nervous on what he'll say about it.
"Well some random girl came to the house this morning and was looking for you, I was just wondering if you happen to know who this girl is." I said, still kind of nervous after asking. He made a weird face.
"What did she look like?" He asked, obviously very confused on what I was talking about.
"Well, she had long blonde hair, big hazel eyes, skinny and had full lips. Does any of that ring a bell to you at all?" I said. His eyes then grew big.
"Oh God not her again." He said panicking. This time was my turn to look at him funny.
"What do you mean again?" I asked. He started to pace around the room.
"That's the girl that interrupted me and Cherry's date the other night! How the hell did she manage to find out where I live!" He said, freaked out. So he does know her then.
"Well, we did manage to get her name, did you know what it was in advance?" I asked. He shook her head.
"Her name is Nikki, she came to the house this morning looking for you and when we wouldn't tell her where you were, she said she'll find out where you are." I said, starting to get worried. He started to shake his head, freaking out so bad that he started to shake.
"What am I gonna do? This chick is insane and I have no idea who the hell she is and what she might to do me." He said. 
"Don't worry Ponyboy, we'll all help you through this and keep you safe." I said reassuring him. He just nodded and I gave him a hug.

*Anonymous POV*

My plan seems to be working. Ponyboy is terrified about this. This will show these motherfuckers that I mean business and that I won't stop until I get want. Which is for them to pay.....

With their lives.

Thanks for reading guys. Took me a while to update the story, but I'm finally gonna start updating more from now on, now that school is almost over for me. Also, come and check out my new story, Forbidden Lovers. Stay Gold guys. 

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