What's Going On?

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*Jenny's POV*

Things today didn't really feel like an average to me, it seemed different. I woke up the next morning with a headache. I wanted to stay in bed, but I had to get out of bed since i heard the twins, I'm guessing because they must've been hungry. I walked into the nursery and got their bottles ready. I brought the kids into the kitchen and put them in their chairs by the table and noticed that it was pretty quiet throughout the house, which is pretty odd, it's normally pretty loud in the house in the morning with the guys running around. But there was nothing.

I looked around the house and I looked outside the window and I could've sworn that I saw a shadow in the back. I got so freaked out I jumped. What could possibly be moving around at this time of day. It's about 6 in the morning so it's usually pretty quiet in the neighborhood so it was pretty weird. I then heard the door swing open and Steve and Two-Bit walked through the door, scaring me. The two guys put their hands up in defense.
"Woah girl what's wrong it's just us." Steve said. Two-Bit nodded.
"You know us, we wouldn't hurt you." Two-Bit. I shook my head.
"Sorry guys, I'm just a little on edge since i saw a shadow running around the backyard." I said with my voice slightly shaky. The two of them looked at each other.
"Well that wasn't us in the backyard, we were in the front yard, about to come through the front." Two-Bit said. Darry and Sodapop then came downstairs. Sodapop then came by the guys.
"Hey guys, how's it going?" Steve asked.
"Pretty weird. Jenny just said that she saw something running around the backyard." Steve said. Darry looked at me.
"I'm pretty it was just a raccoon or something, what did the shadow look like?" Darry asked.
"It surely didn't look like a raccoon shadow, since I use to live in a place where raccoons would run around often, it looked like a human's shadow." I said, a little scared. Sodapop came by and put an arm around me.
"Don't worry Jen, I'm pretty sure that whatever you saw is gone by now." He said reassuringly. I nodded and watched as all of the guys walked out as they headed to work. I then started to make myself some breakfast, but I decided to look out the window again, but this time, there was a guy looking straight at me. I didn't know who he was but he was staring at me with a smirk on his face. I got so scared since I feel like I know this man. I ran upstairs to get Johnny. Once I got to our room, I gently shook Johnny awake.
"Johnny, honey wake up." I said shaking him. He groaned since he was still asleep. "What's going on sweetie? Is everything ok?" He asked, concerned but still pretty sleepy. "There's a man outside of our house." I said panicking. He got out of bed and I led him to the window where I saw the man. When we looked outside, there was nobody there. I stood there in disbelief.

"Are you sure that there was someone there cause I don't see anyone there honey." Johnny said rubbing his eyes.
"I'm positive, I swear that I saw someone there. He was staring straight at me with this smirk on his face like he was gonna do something to me." I said with terror in my voice. He wrapped his arms around me.
"I believe you dear, but just know that you're safe here, you've got nothing to worry about. If he comes back, just let me know ok?" He said reassuring me. I nodded.
"Why don't I make us some breakfast, help take your mind off of what just happened alright?" He asked. I nodded my head and went to go lie down on the couch. Seeing that man outside of my house was like seeing something straight out of a horror movie. While I was trying to relax and clear my head of what just happened, I heard a loud crash then a hard thud along with the babies crying. I ran in to the kitchen to see what just happened. I saw Johnny on the floor with the man standing over him. I realized that I did know who this man was. It was Bob. I thought the last time we saw him, we had kicked his ass. Before I knew it, he struck me in the head and I feel to the floor. The last thing that I saw was Bob standing over me with a smile on his face and then I blacked out.

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