Crawling Babies

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*Jenny's POV*

Most of the plans for the wedding have been turning out very well. Sandy, Payton and I all helped Isabelle get the wedding dress of Isabelle's dreams. We picked a spot on the beach to have the wedding and it the most beautiful spot that we could find. Isabelle agreed and the destination was booked during the summer since we thought that a spring wedding wouldn't be the best time to have the wedding on the beach.

Darry went out with Johnny and his brother Soda to look for a tux for the wedding. Me and Sandy handled the decorations while everyone else handled the invitations to family members and other friends. Me and Johnny spent the day looking for a different mini tux for Jonathan Jr while Jasmine had to have a new dress to match the dresses of the bridesmaids. I was one of the bridesmaids. to which the we had to wear spa green.

The wedding wasn't scheduled for another few months or so, but we had everything we needed ahead of time just in case something happened in the future. Me and Johnny kept our suit and dress in our closet, looking as though they had just gotten back from the dry cleaners. We kept the twins outfits in our closet too, just so that we wouldn't lose it.

One night, we were laying in bed and I suddenly started thinking about me and Johnny's wedding. We were laying in bed cuddling and Johnny had noticed me thinking.
"What are you thinking about?" He asked. I just shrugged.
"Our wedding. Since we're already gonna be part of a second wedding within a year or so." I said. He turned over a little bit and looked at me.
"So, why think about our's?" He asked.
"Cause it was so perfect. There was no interruptions, nothing went wrong, it was just perfect." I said. He looked up at the ceiling, also thinking about it.
" Yeah, it was, the honeymoon was my favorite." Johnny said. I thumped him on the head playfully.
"The honeymoon was fun, but I still think the wedding was the best part, and that's why I'm a little worried about Darry and Isabelle's wedding." I said. He gave me a concerning look.
"Why do you say that hun?" He asked. I shook my head.
"It's so weird that our wedding was so perfect and yet Sodapop and Sandy's wedding was nearly ruined because of Bob and with everything that's been going on with Dally," I said, "I'm afraid that he's gonna do something to them during their wedding."

Johnny also started to get a little worried. We were afraid that Dally could do something much worse then Bob ever did since he knows our fears and secrets and such, meaning that he could destroy our friendships and who knows what in the future if he does something at the wedding. The next day, after taking care of the twins and letting the dogs back into the house after I let them out of the house for a short amount of time. I walked over to our stash of letters, which were the invitations for the wedding. I looked through them and saw that Dally was part of the list of guests for the wedding. I just stared at the list and kept thinking about what I should do. I felt as though I should take him off the list, but if I did, he could possibly do something to Isabelle or possibly Darry from being so pissed off, he would attack someone at the wedding.

I also felt as though I should leave his I should leave his name, but I also felt as though he could sabotage the wedding if I left his name on the list and he showed up there. I just sat there and stared at the list. I didn't even notice that Johnny had came downstairs from our room and wrapped his arms around me.
"What're doing honey?" He asked. I placed my hand on my head.
"I don't know what I should do about Dally." I said. "At one point I want to take him off of the list guest list while at another point, I really don't since he's been a close friend of our's for how many years."
"I would just leave it and when the day comes, we do a search on him to make sure he doesn't any weapons or alcohol on him to do anything to the wedding or the guests that are there." He said. I nodded. He did have a point. It would be a lot better and easier to just search him when he's at the wedding than to cause any problems in the future and make things so much worse.

We spent the day with Ponyboy and Cherry, while being with the twins and the dogs. Things were going pretty well and quiet, since we were just watching some tv while the dogs were walking around the house. Me and Cherry were watching tv with the twins while Johnny and Ponyboy went to grab some water for us all to drink. I saw Jasmine starting to move a little bit and eventually started to crawl. I felt as though I was gonna scream with joy since this is the first time the twins have tried to crawl.
"Johnny, you gotta get in here!" I shouted. Him and Ponyboy both came running into the room, looking worried. They then saw the twins crawling and smiles grew on their faces.

The boys went down to their knees and watched the twins crawling on the floor. Johnny opened his arms and Jasmine had crawled over to him and he picked her up. Jonathan Jr crawled over to me and I picked him up in my arms. Now that we knew that the twins would be crawling around the house, we knew that we didn't have to carry them everywhere in the house all the time, but now we had to watch where we were walking and we had to childproof the house to make sure that they stay safe while they were crawling around soon walking. We have to make sure that dogs wouldn't attack the twins either since they've never seen the kids crawl before so we wanted to make sure that the dogs wouldn't do anything to them.

Over the course of a few days, the twins looked at though they were starting wreak havoc with their crawling. We had to be around them twenty-four seven since we didn't know what the kids were gonna get their hands on, like any wires that they could touch and possibly put it in their mouths. We started putting wires on higher ground so that they can't get them. We put stoppers on the electrical sockets so they don't shock the kids and we put little gates in front of the stairs on the bottom and the top so that they don't fall down them and get themselves hurt. The dogs had to adjust to them crawling too, since they've been pulling on their tails and such. Honey doesn't really mind since she's known the kids since they were first brought home a little after the kids were born.

The dogs grew to know that the kids will be crawling around and they will be grabbing them and pulling on them. We were would be watching the kids no matter where they are since we didn't want them to get hurt. Sodapop and Sandy came over to see the twins crawling around a few days later while they brought they own daughter over with them. Since shes's still real young, she needed to held when they were moving around.
"Just wait guys, soon you'll be just as tired as us when your daughter starts crawling and walking." Johnny said. He was right, watching them all the time is making us really tired since we've been running around more, even though we've made sure that the house was as safe as possible. They just laughed.
"There's no way that could be possible." Soda said while laughing. I shook my head.
"It's actually pretty though, their always trying to get their hands on stuff all the time now, especially the most dangerous stuff all the time." I said. Sandy shook her head, while still laughing a little bit.
"Still, you've got the whole house childproofed, it can't be that bad." She said. Each time they said that it wasn't that bad, we always tried to contradict what they said since it is as bad as they say it is, they should just wait until Tea starts crawling and walking, it'll be our turn to laugh at them and tell them we told them so. But, we wouldn't be that mean, we'd help them as much as we can with them since we now have experience.

Later that night, we both nearly just fell on the bed from exhaustion. We've been so tired from making sure the kids don't get themselves into danger. They had just managed to put the twins down to sleep since the kids had a lot of energy, though Johnny and I thought they would be knocked out from crawling all day, they thought that the kids would be tired. They got their pajamas on and climbed into bed.
"Oh man honey, I really thought that they would wear themselves out." I said. Johnny shook his head.
"Guess not. I fell as though I just ran a marathon I'm so tired." Johnny said. I hugged him.
"Don't worry babe, I feel the same way." I said. He wrapped his arm around me and I laid my hand and head on his chest.
"But no matter what, I'll be by your side." Johnny said and then kissed the top of my head. I smiled at him.
"Thanks honey, good night, I love you." I said.
"Good night, I love you too." He said before we fell asleep for the night.

I'm finally getting more chapters done for this story will writing my other two stories at the same time. The next chapter will be up as soon as possible. Stay Gold to all my readers.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 25, 2020 ⏰

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