Just Tell Her Ponyboy

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*Johnny's pov*
I woke up the next morning with Jenny in my arms. I stayed with her a little longer before I saw her eyes fluttering open.
"Hey honey. Sleep good?" I asked.
"I was with you so of course I did." She said with a smile. We got out of bed and went to the kitchen. We saw Sodapop and Darry in the living room watching tv with Soda holding Jonathan while Darry was holding Jasmine.
"Hey guys. Enjoy your time together for Jenny's birthday? Alone?" Soda asked with a smirk.
"Yes Soda, we enjoyed our time together. Alone." I said with me and Jenny holding hands.
"I just noticed something," Jenny said, "where's Ponyboy?"
"He's out with a friend of his." Darry said. Not even a second after he said that, Pony came walking in the door with who it looked like Cherry, the girl he goes to school with.
"Hey guys. How's it going?" Pony asked.
"Pretty good." Jenny said.
"Hey Johnny, can I talk to you for a sec?" He asked.
"Sure Pony." I said. We walked into Ponyboy's room to make sure nobody could hear us.
"What is it Pony?" I asked.
"Remember that girl I told you that I couldn't really talk to a whole ago?" He said rubbing his neck nervously.
"Yeah I remember that." I said.
"Well... That girl I was talking about was Cherry." He said kind of embarrassed. I could tell he was embarrassed.
"What're you so embarrassed for? Remember how I was when I was with Jenny for the first time?" I said. "Yeah." He said.
"So, do you like Cherry kinda like how I love Jenny?" I asked.
"Yeah. Kinda." He said.
"Well, just be honest with her. Take her out for a walk tonight and tell her how your feel about her." I said.
"Okay. I think I can do that. Thanks Johnny." Ponyboy said.
"Anytime man." I said as I laid a hand on Pony's shoulder. We walked back into the living room with the rest of the gang and Cherry together. Jenny and Cherry seemed like they're really getting along. Jenny was now holding Jasmine when we came by.
"She is so adorable." Cherry said.
"Thanks Cherry." Jenny said.

*Jenny's pov*
I was talking to Cherry when Johnny and Ponyboy came back. Ponyboy sat by Cherry and Johnny sat next to me and I held his hand. Darry handed Johnny Jonathan to go make breakfast for all of us.
"God, it feels so good to hold our little angels again." Johnny said.
"I know. I feel like it's been forever since I held my little girl." I said.
"How was your guy's time together?" Two-Bit asked.
Me and Johnny smirked at each other. "Of course you guys would do that while you guys were alone." Steve said.
"Hey it was my birthday, so we did what I wanted to do." I said. Some of the guys just rolled their eyes while Dally laughed.
"I would've thought you guys would go that far, especially if it's for her." He said to Johnny pointing towards me with a sly smirk. I just chuckled while shaking my head. Me and Johnny spent some time with the babies. Jasmine
was awake and playing with my hair in her tiny hands, I couldn't help but laugh. Jonathan was holding Johnny's index finger. Our lives seems to be perfect.

*Johnny's pov*
I was playing with Jonathan for a little bit before Darry had finished making a large breakfast for all of us. He mainly made at least two plates of pancakes, eggs and bacon for everyone. It was pretty good. Me and Jenny noticed that the babies were getting tired so she went to put them in bed for a nap. She usually sings them a lullaby but, I don't think she knows that I secretly listen in on her when we're about to go to bed. I quietly followed her to the nursery as she sang Golden Slumbers from the Beatles.
"Once there was a way to get back homeward. Once there was a way to get back home. Sleep pretty darlings do not cry. And I will sing you a lullaby."
God her singing was so beautiful.
"Golden slumbers fill your eyes. Smiles awakes you when you rise. Sleep pretty darlings do not cry. And I will sing you a lullaby."
I smiled as she was finishing the song. I loved her singing.
"Once there was a way to get back homeward. Once there was a way to get back home. Sleep pretty darlings do not cry. And I will sing you a lullaby."
She finished the song and she quietly began to walk out of the nursery. I was standing at the end of the hall so she didn't know I was listening in on her. She closed the door then she noticed I was at the end of the hall.
"You didn't hear all of that, did you?" She said blushing a light pink. I walked over by her and laid my hand on her shoulder.
"I heard all of it. And I thought it was the most beautiful I ever heard." I said with a smile. She retuned the smile and hugged me.
"I'm glad you think so." She said.
"C'mon, let's go do the dishes." I said. We then walked into the kitchen and began to clean the dishes.
"Johnny?" Jenny said.
"Yeah, what is it honey?" I asked.
"Just out curiousity, what were you and Ponyboy talking about," she said, "and if you can't tell me or anything, it's ok."
"I'm pretty sure I can tell you. I'm sure he won't mind, but you can't tell him I told you and you can't tell anyone else." I said. She nodded her head and I walked closer to her so no one else can hear me.
"Remember when he asked us how to approach a girl that he liked in school a little while ago?" I said. She nodded.
"Well that girl he was talking about was Cherry." I said.
"Aww, that's so cute." She said quietly.
"I told him that he should just be honest with her and tell how he really feels about her. Like take her for a walk then when the moments feels right, tell her how he feels." I said honestly.
"You really told him that?" She asked.
"Yeah. Why?" I said a little confused.
"Cause that's probably the best advice I've ever heard." She said.
"Ya think so?" I said.
"Sure is. And I bet you he'll tell her exactly how he feels tonight. Tonight would probably be the best night to do it since it will be so nice out." She said. "I'm pretty sure it even be pretty romantic if we went for a walk together."
"Sounds like a great idea. Do you want to spend it in the lot?" I asked. "Ponyboy and Cherry are probably going to be in the park." I said.
"That sounds great." She said resting her head on my shoulder.

*Ponyboy's pov*
Tonight's the night. I'm sure of it. I'm gonna ask Cherry to be my girl. She told me that she dumped Bob for good a few months ago and we've been spending a lot of time together since. So tonight, I'm gonna ask to her to be my girlfriend. Later on that night, I asked Cherry if she wanted to go for a walk since it was pretty nice outside.
"Sure Ponyboy, I'd love to go on a walk with you." She said with a smile. We walked down the park just talking about random stuff when I thought it would be the perfect time to ask her.
"Yes Ponyboy?"
"I've been.. Meaning to ask you something." I said beginning to feel very nervous.
"What is it?" She asked.
"These past few months have been great. Spending so much time with you. So, Cherry Valance. Will you be my girl?" I asked, hoping she wouldn't say no. She had one of the biggest smile I've ever seen.
"Yes Ponyboy. I will be your girl." She said. She hugged me and I hugged her back. We gazed into each other's eyes and slowly leaned forward and shared a soft kiss. She wrapped her arms around my neck and as I did around her waist. This was probably, the best night of my life.

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