A New Surprise

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*Jenny's pov*
Two days after we rescued our babies, we had our own little celebration at Buck's place. Cherry had asked her mother to watch over the babies, to which she agreed to do, and we all headed out. The place was loaded with people and had tons of alcohol. Johnny and me figured it had been a while since we had a few beers. The rest of the guys, except for Darry, had already been wasted in less than two hours. Darry had taken a little longer to have enough alcohol in his system, then after that, the rest of it was a blur. I woke up the next morning with an excruciating headache and was in bed naked with Johnny in a room I wasn't familiar with. I rubbed my head just as Johnny was waking up.
"Oh man, what happened last night?" I asked as he was rubbing his head too.
"Honestly, I have no idea. One of the guys must remember what happened." He said. I got out of bed and got dressed and went to check to see if anyone else was around. I walked down the hallway and saw a couple of other rooms. I peeked in one room and saw Ponyboy was in bed with Cherry. The good thing was that they weren't completely naked. I looked in another and saw Sodapop with a girl that looked kinda familiar, but I figured I would find out later. After looking in all the rooms, each one of the guys were in bed with a girl, even Darry. I guess Buck let us stay the night since we were all so wasted. I walked downstairs and noticed that Buck picked up some food for all of us. I saw him in the corner of my eye and he had a smirk on his face.
"The crazy party girl is finally up I see." He said. I turned and looked at him with a confused look on my face.
"What are you talking about?" I asked.
"You don't remember a thing do you?" He said laughing.
"How can I with a hangover like this?" I said getting frustrated.
"Fair enough," he said, "I remember you drinking a ton of beers and taking shot after shot too. You and Johnny went out on the dance floor for a little bit then, you and him went upstairs and didn't come back all night, along with the the rest of the gang." He said. Just as he finished explaining about most of the things that happened at the party, the girl that I saw in the bed with Sodapop earlier came down. I couldn't believe who it was. It was Sandy, Soda's ex-girlfriend.
"My god, I've got such a hangover." She said.
"Oh my god, it's really you." I blurted out.
"What do you mean? Do I know you?" She asked.
"Yeah, you're my best friend's ex girlfriend." I said.
"And who's your best friend exactly?" She asked, still really confused.
"Sodapop Curtis." I said.
"Wait, you know Sodapop?" She asked.
"I do, him and his brothers are very close with my husband." I said.
"Who's your husband?" She asked. Man, it feels like we're playing twenty questions or something.
"Johnny Cade." I said happily. I'm always so happy when I tell people that know Johnny that I'm his wife.
"No way. Johnny got married?" She asked surprised.
"And he is the father of two beautiful children too."
"Really, man it sure has been a while since I've been here in Tulsa." She said. "Well, you know who I am, but I don't know who you are." She said.
"I'm Jenny Cade." I said proudly.
"What was your maiden name, you know, before you and Johnny got married." She asked.
"Before I married Johnny, it was Madison. My full name was Jenny Madison," I said, "what made you come back to Tulsa?"
"Well, I was really lonely at my grandma's and I really missed Sodapop so, after about a year of thinking it over, I decided to come back and be with Soda again." She said.
"That's so sweet of you. You know, he told me how much he missed you after you left so, I'm sure he'll take you back no matter what." I said reassuringly.
"Thanks, that's really good to know." She said with a smile.
After a little bit of talking some more, the rest of the gang and the girls they were with, except for Johnny and Sodapop of course, walked into the kitchen to eat some food in hopes of getting rid of their hangovers. Sodapop looked like he was finally getting his focus back when looked at me and Sandy. She had her back towards him, so he didn't know who I was talking to.
"Hey Jenny, who's your friend?" Soda asked. Sandy turned around to show him it was her. He had the happiest look on his face.
"Oh my god, Sandy!" He yelled and she ran straight into his arms. "It's really you." He said happily.
"Yeah, it's really me. I've missed you so much." She said.
"I've missed you too." He said. After which, the guys started clapping for the two of them. When they were done clapping, I asked each of the guys, except Johnny and Sodapop, who they were each with. Two-Bit was with a girl named Carly, a skinny bright blonde girl who was really beautiful, Steve was with a girl named Olivia, a sweet girl with brown hair and chocolate colored eyes, Dally had a girl named Makayla, she definitely looked like the cheerleader type, but she was actually very nice, Darry was with a cute girl named Isabelle, Sodapop was with Sandy, Ponyboy was with Cherry, and I was with Johnny. After we all ate, we went to the Curtis house for all of us to get to know the other four girls that were with us. Cherry had gotten Jonathan and Jasmine for me and Johnny, so the girls got to meet the babies for the first time, and we welcomed them all in to the gang. Apparently, all of us had the best time of our lives and we barely remember a thing. It's actually a good thing for me since Johnny's birthday is in a couple days and I wanted to surprise him and we could have the night of our lives, sorta like the night on my birthday. I can't wait till that comes.

*Johnny's pov*
Man, today really flew right by us. We had introduced four new members into our gang, had the time of our lives for the first time in how long and don't remember it, and we got to see our babies again after coming home. We talked with the guys for a while before they left to go home. I'm guessing other than me and Pony, everyone has a girlfriend, even Darry. It was really late after everyone had left and we were all exhausted, so we decided to go to sleep. Just as I was about to drift off to sleep, Jenny kisses me on the forehead.
"Goodnight honey. Love you." She says.
"Goodnight baby. Love you too." I said and I drift off to sleep.

Well that was chapter 18. Hope you enjoyed. I'm gonna try more chapters in as soon as I can. Stay gold all my readers.

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