Bring Her Back

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*Johnny's POV*

We've been coming up with ideas with trying to figure out where Jenny could be. God I miss her so much. After about an hour of coming with ideas, I had one come into my head.
"What about Randy? He's bound to know where she is. He's Bob's closest friend after all." I said. Everyone looked at one another agreeing. We decided to go looking for him. He was bound to be at the park trying to pick up girls so we figured we'd give the park a shot. We walked down to the park and we managed to find Randy by an old tree, hitting on girls that walked by. I just wanted walk up to him and make him tell me where my wife was but I can't just assume things, especially now that he's starting to get use to us. We walked up to him and he gave us a wave and some of us waved back.
"Hey guys, how's it going? It's been a while since the last time I saw you guys." He said.
"Not to well man, Jenny's been kidnapped and we have no idea where she is." I said sadly. He looked down at his feet.
"I know," he said, "Bob told me everything about what happened after he broke into your home, knocked you out and took her." We all looked at him and we couldn't believe what he said.
"He even brought me to where she's being kept at."
"Well then where is she? Where is she being held at?" Mikayla asked. Randy pointed towards the direction where he meant.
"Around the corner from that block over there, third house on the right. You know where that old abandoned house that an old greaser used to live at before they all moved away from here?" He said. I knew exactly where that house was since it wasn't very far from where I use to live with my parents.
"Yeah I know exactly where that is, I use to live somewhere around there." I said angrily. Randy gave me a look.
"I wouldn't go there now, it's broad daylight and it's way too risky to get involved with the police since they're mainly gonna side with the Socs so if I were you guys, I would wait until tonight to attack and get her back." Randy said. We all nodded.
"Alright, thanks for your help man." Sodapop said. Randy nodded.
"Anytime guys, just don't tell Bob that I told you guys." He said. Two-Bit shook his head.
"Don't worry man, we won't tell that guy a thing." He said, then we all walked back to the Curtis house.

For the rest of the day, we all just waited around until the sun went down to start our rescue. Throughout the day, other than feeding the babies and feeding the dogs, I was out in the back lifting some old weights that Darry and Sodapop had to help prepare me for the fight since I knew getting Jenny back wasn't gonna be so easy. Cherry came outside while I was still lifting, but I didn't know who it was until she said something.
"Johnny, I don't like what this is doing to you. I hate seeing you like this." She said with concern in her voice. I just shook my head.
"I know that Cherry, but I'm not gonna be able to win this fight tonight if I don't work on some muscle building for a little while." I said as I continued lifting. I was right, I had no chance if I didn't do this. I was usually the weaker one of the group. Hell, I have a freaking scar on my face from the first time I got jumped by the same asshole that kidnapped my wife and children. I'm so tired of this stuff happening to my family.
"Well just know that you've got the gang with you, it's not just you doing this." She said. "Besides, if you guys were able to beat him the first time. I'm pretty sure that you'll be able to beat him again." She wasn't lying, we did manage to kick his ass the first time.
"I know that Cherry, but what if he has more guys with him? What if he has a gun on him? What if he does something to Jenny that can actually kill her?" I said as my voice started to break. She then walked by me and gave me a hug.
"It's ok Johnny, I'm pretty sure you guys will be able to get her back home." She said before she released her grip and walked away. I just stood a bit longer before I went back to lifting the weights for a little while longer since I didn't want to be too tired before the fight tonight.

After I was done lifting, I walked back into the house and everyone was still there. I brought Cherry, Sandy, and the rest of the girls upstairs with me.
"Are you guys coming with us or are you staying here?" I asked them. I was only asking because I wanted to make sure.
"We're staying here, we want to make sure that you're babies and your dogs will all be safe." Sandy said and the rest of the girls all nodded in agreement. I nodded
"Alright, I just wanted to make sure is all." I said. Isabelle put her hand on my shoulder.
"Don't worry Johnny, you've got nothing to worry about. Just make sure that you kick that guy's ass once and for all." She said. I smiled slightly while the girls all came in for a group hug.

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