Don't Do It

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*Johnny's pov*
I stood there by the bathroom door totally frozen in fear. Jenny's own mother was pointing a gun at me and her. Jenny stood frozen in fear as I started to speak to her mother.
"Why are you doing this to us? What did we ever do to you?" I demanded.
"Because dickhead, you stole my daughter from me. She was the only person I had left," she said, "now that she's married someone like you, I'm willing to kill you just to take her back." She then looked at Jenny with the most evil look that I've ever seen.
"The reason why I'm going to kill you is because you had no right to just walk out on me the way you did you whore. Now you're about to get what you deserve. Those kids of yours in the other room are going to grow up without any parents." She said with her finger on the trigger. When she said that my babies are going to have no parents, it pushed Jenny over the edge.
"Okay listen bitch. I have a right to not be with you. I left you after all the abuse you made me suffer through for fourteen years. I have finally found someone who loves me for who I am and has never laid a hand on me. I don't give a damn about what you say, but I'm never going to come crawling back to you. I'm staying with the people that actually love me." She said with confidence. She had finally stood up to her mother for the first time in years. But it didn't do her any good as her mother just shrugged it off as if it was nothing.
"Suit yourself. But if you manage to survive while he's dead, you'll have nowhere else to go except to your loving mother." She said then pulled the trigger on Jenny. I screamed out in terror as I watched Jenny fall to the ground. Another shot had been fired and it struck me on the side of the head. It didn't go into my skull but I knew that it wasn't in my head. I noticed that my mother had opened a window and escaped on the side of the house. I slowly turned my head towards Jenny. The bullet had struck her on the side of the head like me, but up a bit more, kind of close to her temple. There was a pool of blood pouring out of her head, I had some blood coming from the side of my head, but things were getting real blurry. The last thing I saw was Ponyboy and Darry running by us, then I passed out. I later woke up a room that I wasn't familiar with.
"Where am I?" I asked.
"Hospital. We found you and Jenny in a pool of blood, so we brought you here." Ponyboy said. I looked around and noticed I was in the hospital. I haven't been here since the twins were born. But I barely cared and I had to know about my wife.
"Where's Jenny?" I asked scared.
"She's in emergency surgery. She got shot in the head. It grazed her pretty good. Thank god there was an exit wound on her, but it was still pretty bad." Sodapop explained. I felt awful about what happened to her. We let a killer into our house and she tried to kill us. Thank god she didn't get to the twins.
"Where are the kids?" I asked.
"Their right here. Do you want to see them for a little bit." Darry said. I looked and saw that Carly and Mykala were holding the babies. They brought them over by me and gently laid the babies next to me. Jasmine was asleep but Jonathan was squirming a little bit, but was pretty quiet. I was beginning to freak out about Jenny, I just hope that she's ok. A couple hours later, I was told I was well enough to be discharged. As I was preparing to leave the hospital room, Ponyboy came in.
"Hey man, how's it going?" I asked.
"Alright I guess, I got some news about Jenny." He said, a little worried. I started feel a little panic. I quickly turned towards him with a worried look.
"Is she okay?" I asked. He frowned.
"Well the good news is is that they got her all stitched up from the bullet wound. The bad news is, she's in a coma." He said sadly. I began to feel like a nervous wreck. Ponyboy opened his arms and gave me hug as I began to cry. I can't believe that poor Jenny is in a coma.
"How could I let this happen to her?" I said crying.
"It wasn't your fault Johnny." He said reassuringly as the rest of the gang came in.
"I feel so bad for Jenny. I'm sorry for you Johnny." Two-Bit said.
"At least she isn't dead." Dally said. Steve then smacked Dally on the head.
"What's the matter with you man?" Steve said .
"Sorry, it is true though." Dally said.
"Not really Dally." Darry said.
"What do you mean Darry?" I asked, starting to get a little scared.
"I just heard from the doctor that she might not wake up. She may have gotten through the surgery, but they're saying that she might not even make it through the next few days." Darry said sadly. I felt tears forming in my eyes. I couldn't stand the thought of losing Jenny. She's my whole world. I began to quietly sob so I wouldn't wake up the twins. The gang came by me and gave me a group hug to help me feel a little better. I don't even think I'll be able to go through the rest of the day without her.
"I'm so sorry Johnny, but I just had to tell you." Darry said. I shook my head.
"No, I'm kind of glad that you told me about her, at least now that I know." I said in between sobs. A half and hour later, I was discharged, but I didn't want to go home just yet, I had to see Jenny. They said I was able to see her, but only for a few minutes. I understood and followed the nurse to Jenny's room. When I got to her room, tears started to fill my eyes again as I saw the love of my life lying on a bed, with wires from different machines strapped to her. She pretty much looked like she was already dead. My heart broke into a thousand pieces just seeing her like that, I might actually lose the woman I love forever.

I know it's been a long time since I've updated, but I've been so busy with school finals and after school stuff,  but now I'm on winter break and will be updating more. Thanks for all the love to all my followers and readers. Stay gold 💫✨

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