Is That Who I Think It Is

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*Johnny's pov*
The next morning, I woke up and saw that Jenny was still sleeping peacefully. I quietly walked downstairs to make some breakfast in bed for her. After I finished making breakfast, I looked in our room and saw that she was just starting to wake up. I walked in with the tray of food.
"Good morning baby." I said.
"Good morning honey." She said sleepily. I placed the tray of food on her nightstand and sat on the bed.
"How'd you sleep last night?" I asked.
"Pretty good, I got worn out last night." She said then kissed me. When we broke the kiss, I handed her her food.
"Awe baby you didn't have to do this." She said.
"Oh but I wanted to." I said. I laid down next to her and turned on the tv as she started eating. We basically watched whatever was on tv. When she finished eating, I took her plates and put them in the sink to wash later. I walked into the living room and saw Jenny was staring out the window with a weird look on her face.
"What is it baby?" I asked.
"I think I see my mom. But, she doesn't look like she's always been." She said.
"You're being serious right?" I asked.
"I'm not kidding honey. Come and look." She said. I walked over and looked out the window. Jenny has shown me a picture of what her mother looks like, so she was right, she looked absolutely nothing what she always looks like. I noticed she was coming up to the house.
"What is she doing here, and how did she figure out that I live here?" I said frightened.
"I honestly have no idea." I said a little worried. Darry then came into the living room.
"What's wrong Jenny?" He asked.
"My mom, I think she figured out where I live." She said more scared than before. "Do want me to tell her that you don't live here if she asks?" Darry asked.
"Can you please? I would have Johnny do it but she knows who he is." She said. Darry nodded his head in approval and walked up to the door, expecting her to ring the doorbell. She wrapped her arms around me in fright as I wrapped my arms around her protectively. Then the doorbell rang. Jenny quietly whimpered as Darry opened the door.
"Can I help you miss?" Darry asked.
"Does my daughter live here? Her name is Jennifer Maddison." She said. She actually sounded like she had concern in her voice. When I first met her, she had this harsh tone in her voice, this time, she sounded worried. "Sorry ma'am, you got the wrong house, we've never heard of this Jennifer Maddison." He said, playing it cool.
"Please, I need to find her. It's been almost two years since I've last seen her. I just wanted to tell her that I've changed." She said. She sounded like she was on the verge of tears. Jenny got up and walked over and stood at the door. Her mom looked like she had a ton of happiness of the world on her face.
"Oh honey I've missed you so much." She said. Jenny didn't really seemed very moved by her mother.
"What do you mean you've changed? You would always beat the hell out me and belittle me everyday of my life after dad died, and now you have the nerve to come over here and say you've changed? Yeah right." She said pretty coldly with her arms crossed.
"Please, just let me stay here for a few hours to prove to you that I've really changed." She said. Jenny rolled her eyes. Then she took a deep breath.
"Alright. Fine, but only for a few hours." She snapped. Darry looked at me and I just shrugged my shoulders. Her mother walked in and she placed her coat on the couch. The only thing we did almost that entire time was just watch tv and have some chocolate cake. Jenny had me sitting with her on the opposite side of the couch, to keep her relaxed. Her mom basically just sat there really quite like, almost to quiet.
"Jenny, honey, can I talk to you in private for a little bit? In the kitchen?" Her mother asked. Jenny turned and looked at me a little worried. I slightly nodded as if saying to give her mom a chance. Jenny got up with her mother in kitchen to talk with her. I was thinking I made a mistake.

*Jenny's Pov*
I went into the kitchen with my mother a little worried what she'll do to me after I don't really trust after how many years of being beaten.
"What do you want?" I asked.
"I'm just trying to show you that I really have changed." She said. I still didn't believe her. I saw her purse sitting on the counter. I thought I saw a gun sitting in it, but I couldn't really tell.
"If you excuse me, I'm gonna go to the bathroom real quick." I said. I walked out of the kitchen and into the bathroom. I needed to relax since I saw that gun in her purse. I'm so scared, what if she uses it on one of us. Or worse, what she uses it on the kids. I quietly sobbed in the bathroom, until I heard a knock on the door. At one point I was too terrified to answer, but I decided I should anyway. I slightly opened the door to see it was Johnny.
"Jenny, what's wrong?" He asked very concerned.
"It's my mom. I think I just saw a gun in her purse. What if she uses it on one of us? What if she uses it on one of the kids?" I said scared. Johnny walked into the bathroom and hugged me to comfort me.
"Don't worry baby, there's no way she'll use it on us. I'll keep you and the kids safe from her if she does decide to use it on us." He said stroking my hair.
"Thanks Johnny. That makes me feel a little better." I said. He smile at me and I smiled back as we kissed. I opened the door and came face to face with something I hoped all my life I would never come face to face with. There was a gun pointed straight towards me and Johnny.

Well that was chapter twenty one. Sorry I haven't updated in FOREVER. I've been with so busy with school and basketball lately that I haven't been able to work my story. I promise I'll update a lot more. Thanks so to all those that read my stories. Stay gold ✨💫

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