Going After Dally

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*Jenny's POV*

After a few days, we've been treating the days like they were the same thing, nothing different. The gang has been avoiding Dally lately since his tantrum a few days ago, mainly since we're just letting the whole thing blow over instead of possibly making things worse and getting someone hurt. Johnny has been recovering from his black eye very well since he's been taking the time to take care of it properly. There's still some bruising on his eye, but's it's a lot better than it was a few days ago. 

We finally picked the right color to paint the kitchen with. We went with eggshell white, mainly since it went well with the rest of the house. Johnny went out the day before to get two cans of paint since we didn't know how much we were gonna need for the kitchen, so we got two just to be on the safe side. We got everything that we needed to start painting. Johnny started on one end of the kitchen while I was on the other. We figured we'd meet in the middle so that it would be finished faster.

it only took a few hours to paint the entire kitchen, we just needed to get the paint smell out of the kitchen and keep it away from the kids. We put up a little gate to prevent the dogs from going into the kitchen and getting paint on their noses or fur. We kept the twins in the nursery for the day and spent part of the day in there to keep an eye on the kids too. The dogs were in there too and they were even playing with the twins too. We put a tv in the nursery just in case we needed to stay away from a room for little bit of the day. Towards the end of the day, there was a knock at the door. Johnny got up from the nursery and to see who it was.

A small time later, Johnny came back with Sodapop holding Tea in his arms. I looked up and gave him a small smile.
"Hey Soda, what are you doing here?" I asked. 
"Just came with Tea to see how you guys were doing." He said.
"We're doing fine, we just needed to spend part of the day in the nursery since we painted the kitchen this afternoon. How have things been with you and Sandy?" I asked. He sat down next to Johnny while he was still holding Tea.
"Things have been fine, we just haven't had a lot of time to ourselves. Mainly since we still live with Pony and Darry and we have to take care of Tea majority of the time." He said. I gave a look.
"We've offered to watch Tea for a night if you guys ever needed to have some time to yourselves." I said.
"We're also trying to make sure that Dally doesn't do anything to her either. I think things have finally gone down a bit, mainly since we haven't heard anything from Dally in a while." Soda said.
"I know and it's worrying me a little bit, he doesn't usually stay this quiet for this long, he's got to be doing something.' I said. The phone in the hallway that we had started to ring and I went to pick it up while Johnny and Soda kept talking to one another.
"Hello?" I said into the phone.
"Jenny, I need your help. I think I went a little too far on my rampage, the cops are after me." He said. I shook my head, even though I knew that he couldn't see me.
"Don't even think about using that gun to call your bluff towards the cops. Besides, you're on your own until you prove that you're better than what you've become." I said. I was about to hang up the phone I could've sworn I heard gunshots in the background.
"Alright fine, I'll help, but like I said, do NOT call your bluff. Just do what the cops want to do and you won't get shot, where are you at?" I asked him.
"I'm over by that convenience store that's not very far from your house." He said. I sighed.
"Fine, we'll be there as quick as we can." I said before hanging up the phone and heading back to the nursery.
"Dally needs our help, he's getting chased by the police." I said. The boys got up and I called Payton and asked if she could watch three babies this time. She said she didn't have a problem since she use to work as a babysitter and she says that our kids are very well behaved.

The gang got together quickly and took off the for the store that was around the corner from our house. We saw the police lights on since they were so bright and all ran as fast as we could, even though Pony was a little behind. He was even saying that he needed to stop smoking. We continued to run towards the store and I saw that Dally was doing exactly what I told him to do. Just listen to the police and not use that stupid unloaded gun that he keeps with him. He was on his knees with his hands behind his head. I did notice something though, he had a smirk on his face as soon as he saw us. I was afraid that he was gonna do something and I was right. As soon as all of us came around the corner and saw him, he got up and took off running. I saw that the cops were drawing their guns and we all yelled not to shoot him and we all took off running after him. I saw that the police had put their guns away, got back into their squad cars and they also chased after Dally.

Fortunately, we found Dally before the police could, he was hiding out behind a bush. He called us over and instead of having a smirk, it was a terrified look.
"Guys, you gotta make sure that I don't get caught, I can't go back to the clink." He said. We all shook our heads. 
"We can't let you get off the hook for attempting a robbery and bluffing the whole thing with an unloaded gun." Darry said. We all nodded in agreement.
"You need to turn yourself in Dally." Johnny said. Dally couldn't look at us, but we all thought that he agreed with us. He got up from the bushes to make sure that the police saw him. He then went down on the ground. He then looked up to us.
"Can two of you at least be on top of me so that the police don't shoot me." He pleaded. We nodded. Two-Bit and Johnny got on top of him while the girls waved the police down to make sure they knew where we were and where Dally was. The police found us and put handcuffs on his wrists while he was led to a police car and he was taken to jail for the night.

We all headed back to the Curtis house to process what had just happened to our best friend. Before Jenny and me got to the Curtis house, we went back to our own house and got the twins and Soda's daughter Tea from Payton. Payton asked us if she could stay with us, since she got a call from her mother saying that her father was in a mood and that he was going to snap at any minute and her mother didn't want her to deal with that when she would get home from babysitting the twins and Tea. We allowed her since she's been coming by me and Jenny a lot more so we didn't think that the gang would have much of a problem either since she was at Sandy's wedding. She came along with us while holding Tea in her arms while me and Jenny were holding our own children.

We got to the house and everyone looked like they were trying to process everything that had just happened.
"Why the hell did he do this in the first place?" Ponyboy asked. A few of us just shrugged, since we didn't know why he would just go out and do something like this either.
"I think he just wanted attention, make himself look like he's this big tough guy and since it didn't work, I think that he finally learned his lesson and might have changed his ways." Jenny said. I don't know how she still manages to stay as positive as possible, but that's I love her. The front door suddenly flew open and saw that Makayla was standing at the door.
"What was going on? I saw a bunch of police going after someone over by that store that's around the corner." She said. She looked like she just ran around the block multiple times.
"It was Dally, he went on a rampage and did an attempted robbery and used an unloaded gun to call his bluff and he got chased out by the police and called us for help. He's gonna be in jail for a while now." Isabelle said. Makayla looked like she was gonna bawl her eyes out. 

We all went over to her to comfort her, but some of us were confused on why she was crying about him in the first place since he used her in a way that no girl wants to be used. We all agreed that today was a long day and that we decided to head back home for the night. Payton had asked us to stay with us for the night since she didn't to see her father and possibly see her mother being abused by the hands of the father. Before we all left, we all agreed that Payton would be a new member of the gang since we all knew her and that she was really trustworthy. We all headed home, Jenny fed the dogs and the twins while I prepared the guest bedroom for Payton so that she wouldn't have to sleep on the couch for the night.

We all got ready for bed, we brought the dogs into our room where they went to their beds that was close to our bed. We got our pajamas on, brushed our teeth, shared our goodnight kiss and fell asleep. We didn't really feel like talking that night since so much had happened that night and it was another rough night that we had to deal with and another day that our children will most likely question when they get older and start understanding things better. I just hope that something like this won't be involved with our children again since they've been exposed to too many things that children should never be exposed to. I just hope that things like this won't continue on a regular basis like it has been now.

Chapters are really starting to come along and I hope to more done for this story. Thanks to all my readers that read this story. Stay Gold

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