Oh My God

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*Jenny's POV*

Things have been getting back on track a little after Dally's meltdown. He got put away for a few days since he listened to the police and gave himself up to the police so that he wouldn't have to be put away for a long period time. He was only put into a cell for a few weeks instead of a few years. He was released a few days ago and promised that he would be a better friend to the gang and would be part of all the children's life as the uncle that he was supposed to be. 

Our lives had gone back to normal, until something we really didn't want to happen, she walked up to the front door. I saw her through the front door and I just wanted to run away and crawl into a hole and never come out. Johnny came out of the kitchen and saw how terrified I was when I saw her.
"Jenny, what's wrong?" He asked. I shushed him to make sure that she wouldn't hear him.
"Stay quiet. My mother found us." I said. Johnny first had a look of fear on his face until it turned to anger. He turned around and ran for the back room of the house, that we don't really use too much since we keep a safety gun just in case we got into a problem in order to protect ourselves.

He ran back into the living room with the gun in his hand and ran over to the door. Before I was able to stop him, he aimed the gun at my mother, but he never pulled the trigger. Instead, he shouted at her.
"What the fuck do you think you're doing here!?" He screamed. My mother then put her hands in the air and actually looked scared.
"I only came here to apologize to my daughter!" She yelled back. Johnny still looked like he was close to pulling the trigger, I grabbed his arm.
"Please, Johnny. Maybe she's telling the truth." I said. He gave me a look.
"How can you think that when she tried to murder you the last time she found us?" He asked. 
"Because she just went to prison, maybe she's gotten better." I said. He rolled his eyes and said fine.

Before we allowed her into the house, Johnny still held the gun at her and he told me to pat her down. I did what he asked and patter her down to make sure that she wasn't carrying any weapons to hurt any of us again. She wasn't hiding any guns in her pants or shirt, or any knives in her pockets. She was clean, so we allowed her in our house, but we kept our pets and our children away from her, since we still didn't trust her enough to be around them. Johnny and her mother sat on the couch while I sat on our love seat to be furthest away from her for my own safety.
"Why the hell are you here?" Johnny asked her. My mother mainly had her head down the whole time, not looking at us.
"I wanted to make amends with the my daughter and son in law." She said. At point, I really didn't want to hear it, but at another, I wanted to give her another chance to make things better.
"Why should I let you? You nearly murdered me the last time you found us." I said, but I wan't shouting. She then looked up at me with tears in her eyes. 
" I know that and I'm so so sorry I did that to you. I don't know what came over me." She said. 

Back when I first met the gang, me and my mother never really had a relationship, since we were always fighting. When I took off, she was incredibly pissed at me with leaving her to go live with the gang and then later marrying a young man that was close to my age when I was seventeen years old. But, we still don't really know why would she nearly try to kill me a little after I had children with my new husband. 

"Why would you want to make amends to the daughter you nearly killed to leave her husband to be a widower with two infant children all on his own?" I asked her. Tears moved freely along her face when she looked at me.
"Because I felt like I was losing my little girl," she explained, "When I saw you going with those group of boys, I felt like something was gonna happen to you and I just wanted you back home honey. But seeing how your life has gotten better, I just want you to be happy. You have a charming young husband with two beautiful children and now have your own roof over your head. But, I want to make things better between the two of us, since I never had a father figure in my life and my mother was hardly in my life after I left. So, I want to be able to make things better and easier to prevent any more problems. 
"I really don't know mom. I mean, I forgive you and I'm really grateful that you're here to make amends with me and my husband, but I think it's gonna take some time for me to really forgive you and let you see the twins again." I said. She nodded to agree.
"I understand that Jen, I just want to be able to talk to you again." She said with tears coming down her eyes. I got up and opened my arms to hug her. She opened her arms to and she hugged me back. All Johnny really did was just smile on the couch.

I can understand why Johnny is still pretty protective over me with my mother, especially since he nearly lost just lost his wife to her mother. But, over the past few days, he started to warm up to her a little bit, while it was taking me a little bit to get over the whole thing too, but me and my mother have been spending more time together, such as getting something to eat together or going shopping together. Eventually, she met the gang and they started warming up to her too, and considered her like a mother to all of us. After a few weeks, everyone really enjoyed having her around and me and Johnny were allowing her to watch over the twins if we were away on something together.

She's even been helping with giving us advice with something that we may need to know on something, like relationship advice and such. But, even while all of this was happening, I still felt like my mother was gonna turn around and do something to us, like murdering the twins or the dogs, or possibly one of us in the gang or possibly her own daughter again. But, I'm really hoping that that never happens. One day, we were out getting some coffee since me and my mom wanted to get some coffee together because there was something she's dying to tell me. I just hope that it's something decent or good.
"Okay, are you ready to hear what the big news is?" My mother said. I just shrugged since I was taking a sip of my coffee.
"Isabelle is thinking that Darry might propose to her!" She half shouted, since she didn't want to be to loud in the coffee shop since it's a little store.
"I had a feeling, those two look like they've been more inseparable then ever since Soda and Sandy's wedding and she was the one who caught the bouquet." I said. Even though I knew that they were gonna get married eventually since they look like they were meant to be together.
"How do you know that Mom?" I asked. She put down her coffee since she was taking a sip of her own.
"I was talking Darry the other day and he was telling me that he really wants marry her since he feels like that he wants to spend the rest of his life." She said.
"I think that's great. I feel like that would be amazing, but Soda and Sandy just got married, so I think it might take a while for them to get married, we might not have the money for it." I said. I mean, I have a point. Soda and Sandy's wedding cost a lot of money and it could take a long time to get that kind of money so quickly. 

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