Dally's Rampage

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*Johnny's POV*

It was mainly just another ordinary, calming day at our house, taking care of the kids and the dogs. Jenny was actually planning on painting the kitchen to a different color, but she couldn't decide on what color she wanted to paint it too. The kitchen was already a weird maroon color, which I think was a color that wasn't really something she was into since she doesn't seem too fond of it. We were looking at paint colors for the kitchen while the twins were playing with the dogs. The dogs were still really young so they couldn't really hurt the twins since thy didn't really have the teeth that will hurt the kids. We suddenly heard the doorbell ring. I got up to check to see who was there. I saw that it was Darry. He's normally at work right now so I was a little confused.

I opened the door and Darry seemed to have a look of terror.
"Darry, what's wrong?" I asked him. He placed his hand on my shoulder. 
"Dally's gone on a drunken rampage. He first got drunk when Makayla was visiting him and then he started striking her. We all need to calm him down before he really hurts someone." He said.
"Is Ponyboy alright? Mainly since he's the youngest all of us." Jenny asked. Darry nodded.
"Yeah, he's fine, he already went to school before Dally went crazy." He said. We both nodded and Jenny called her friend Payton to watch over the twins and the dogs since we didn't need them involved with this whole thing. They've already been exposed to so much in their lives already. Payton got to the house as fast as she could and we followed Darry to take down Dally before he gets himself into a ton of trouble.

Darry took us to Buck's place. I had a feeling that's where he was since that's where he likes to go to get wasted. Buck was already standing at the door, as if he knew that we were coming. He pointed to the inside of the building.
"He's already destroyed part of house's furniture, you better calm him down or I'm calling the cops on his ass." He said. We all just nodded and ran into the house. Dally was standing on a table, with a bottle of beer in his hand. I can't believe how many bottles were surrounding the table he was standing on and that he hasn't fallen off the table yet. He was shouting plenty of things to people that either didn't know, or it was at his own friends that were trying to calm him down. He then threw his beer bottle at Makayla, which caused her to scream.
"Dally what the hell is wrong with you man?!" I shouted. He didn't say anything to me, except spit at me. 
"You need to calm down or you're gonna hurt someone you jackass!" Two-Bit yelled. All that Dally could do was just smile and started to do a weird dance, to which he almost fell off the table.

This whole thing went off for nearly twenty minutes, mainly people shouting at him and all he does is just ignore them and continue to either, laugh, spit, or dance the whole time. All of us got together and came up with a plan. The girls would all stand in a line and use a bra that wasn't there's since they didn't want him to see them topless, then one of the guys would take an empty beer bottle and try to aim for his head to help knock him off with three other guys catching him when he falls off. We all agreed on the plan and the girls all stood together and waved a bra in the air and shouted to get his attention. He stared straight at them and didn't notice that we were behind him getting ready to throw. 

We decided that I was gonna throw the bottle since I have the best aim out of the all the guys. Darry, Steve, and Sodapop were the ones that were getting ready to catch him. They each stood on different sides of the table so that if he fell in a different direction, they would be ready to catch him and make sure he didn't hit the floor. The girls had his attention for the time being and I had a beer bottle in my grip and then threw it. It hit him in the spot that I wanted it to go, at the back of his head. It got him and he fell forward, toward Darry. He was knocked out cold when Darry caught. Steve and Soda went over to Darry to help him bring Dally to the truck that was out in the parking lot in front of Buck's house. I went over to Buck to see if I could get some back story on what happened.

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