Getting the Money for Darry

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*Jenny's POV*

Things have been getting a little tight with money since me and Johnny have been working a lot to help Darry get the money for a ring and then be able to pay for their wedding in the future. Sodapop has been helping making money for his brother by taking multiple shifts at where he works to make enough money for his older brother. Ponyboy was dying to help make money too, even though he really needed to stay focused on school. He decided to help Cherry with babysitting the kids around the neighborhood so they could make some money too. Ponyboy had to change his appearance in order to help him get business with Cherry. Since she was already well known around town helped get them enough business too.

Making enough money for the ring took a lot less time to make then everyone thought. It only took them about a month to help make enough money for the nicest ring that Darry was able to find for the love of his life. It's pretty unbelievable that Darry was the third one to get married to someone. We all thought that Steve would be the next one to marry, even Two-Bit. But, we're not judging him though. The ring was very beautiful. It wasn't a super expensive ring, but just the right amount of money to help make things very special for Isabelle.

Darry, Johnny, and Sodapop all went over to the local jewelry store to by the ring, to which it took them more than a few hours looking for the ring for Isabelle. Darry wouldn't tell us about the proposal since he wanted it to be special for all of us, mainly for Isabelle since she's always hanging out with the gang so she would be bound to know about the proposal either way. We didn't take it personally since we all knew how important this was going to be for Darry since this is the first time he's found someone to be with since him and the boys parents passed away and he's been having to take are of his brothers over the years.

We were all super happy about Darry getting married, except for Dally since he's still against the whole marriage thing. At least he won't be able to have another meltdown since that massive scare the last time with the police and nearly getting shot and killed. He's been a little more lenient about the whole thing, he's still super skeptical about getting married.

Darry and Isabelle spent the night together at the nicest spot in town, which was by the town's fountain, which is a lot bigger than the one in the park where Johnny had proposed to me and where Sodapop had propose to Sandy. He didn't tell us much about what his plans for the proposal was and we all respected it. Eventually, after a few hours, the two came back home and Isabelle showed us the beautiful engagement ring that Darry went and got her. She revealed the details to me and the other girls while Darry was spending time with the boys.
"It was so romantic." She said. Isabelle raised her hand and showed us the ring on her finger and we all starred at it. Though Makayla has been wanting to marry with Dally in the future, she rolled her eyes.
"Says every girl in the world." Makayla said. Carly looked over at her.
"Yeah, every girl says that, but that doesn't mean it's not true." She said. I nodded.
"I said the same thing and it was really true. Johnny worked hard to help make it so romantic and I'm sure that Darry did with his proposal." I said. Olivia, Isabelle and Carly all nodded.

Isabelle said that it was at the city fountain, that had a trail of tulip petals since tulips are Isabelle's favorite flower. He gave her a super sweet speech about how she's made him the happiest man around and that his life has been so much better, other than how his lives and his brothers have been. He said that his life has been getting better after what happened with his parents accident. He then got down on one knee and proposed and she said yes. After all of that, we started raising money to help pay for the wedding.

We got the money for the wedding and for some reason, we put Steve in charge of the money. I was a little worried about the whole thing since Steve isn't really the best person to handle money since he's known to spend it on booze. It took me a little bit of time to get use to him handling the money since so many of us were working to help continue bringing in more money just in case something were to happen to it.

Eventually, it was the time that we needed to set up the money to prepare for the wedding and all the supplies that we will be needing for the occasion. I called Darry and Isabelle to come over to the house to talk about planning for the wedding, especially since we've planned two weddings, our's and Sodapop and Sandy's wedding. They came over and sat at the dinner table while the twins were taking their nap in their nursery and the dogs were in the living room, sleeping on the furniture. I asked Johnny to call Steve to come over and bring the money so that we know how much we have and to help set a budget to help save some of the money.

*Johnny's POV*

I called Steve's house number since he's most likely at home, watching more cartoons with Two-Bit.
"Hello?" He answered.
"Hey Steve, I need you to bring the money over to my place since me and Jenny are helping Darry and Isabelle plan the wedding." I said. For some reason, Steve was silent. I started to get a little confused on why he was so quiet.
"Steve, what did you do with the money? I told you not to spend it on booze." I said. He then sighed.
"I didn't spend the money. Dally went behind my back, stole half of it, and spent it." He said. I felt as though I was gonna slam the phone into the wall. Dally already had his fit and got arrested, why the hell would he steal form his best friends that's raising money for the most important day of our best friend's life.
"Are you kidding me? There is no way in hell am I gonna let him get away with this. Thanks for telling me Steve." I said.

I then walked over the dinner table where my own wife, my best friend and his fiance and I have to tell them the worst news I could tell them.
"Johnny, what's wrong?" Jenny asked. I could hardly look at her.
"Is Steve not coming with the money?" Darry asked. I then had to look at him in the eye.
"He's not coming with the money cause half the money that we spent on raising and working our asses off was stolen from him behind his back." I said. Isabelle looked as though she was gonna cry while Jenny and Darry looked both upset and surprised at the same time.
"Does he know who stole the money?" Jenny asked. I looked over at her.
"Yeah, it was the guy who threw a massive fit because Darry was getting married." I said. Darry then shook his head while Jenny put her's in her hands. Jenny went over to the phone and called Ponyboy to come over with Cherry to watch the kids while we were gone for a little bit. They didn't ask why, but they agreed.

We then left the house and headed straight to Dally's place. We saw that Dally wasn't there so we went to Buck's place. Buck told us that he was upstairs since he was sleeping off another hangover. I ran upstairs before the others could, saw Dally laying on the bed and punched him straight in the face, just below his eye. He shouted in pain and gave me the worst look he could give me.
"What the hell was that for pal?" He demanded.
"You know exactly why you lying son of a bitch!" I shouted. He then grabbed his head.
"What are you talking about?" He said. I shook my head.
"Don't you dare give me that shit, I know that you stole the money we raised for Darry and spent it on your own selfish needs." I said. He just shook his head.
"C'mon, you guys raised that money before, you can raise it again." He said. I wanted to just grab his throat and strangle him.
"But, that doesn't give you the damn right to just take that money whenever you want just so you can get drunk off your ass!" Jenny shouted. I looked over at Dally and he still seemed like he cared more about trying to get rid of his hangover than listening to us.

We spent most of the time just yelling at Dally, but he still seemed like he didn't care so we just left. When we got home, I tried as hard as I could to not slam my fist into the wall. Cherry and Ponyboy came over to us and asked us what happened to make me so pissed. We explained the whole thing and they were just as pissed off as we were. They knew that we all had to spend even more time trying to save more money that was spent on us.

Eventually, it took us about a month and a half to save up the money to help pay for the wedding for Darry and Isabelle. I spent time with Darry while Jenny went out with Isabelle to just have some girl time.
"I still can't believe that Dally went out and did that to us." Darry said. I just nodded. What I can't understand is how I always thought that Dally would have his act together by now, since now almost all of us are close to our twenties now while Darry is getting close to his thirties now too.
"I thought as though he would now have a brain and stop being so freaking stupid." I said. Darry nodded and we continued to plan for the wedding. I just hope Dally doesn't do anything to destroy the happiest day of Darry and Isabelle's lives just as Sodapop and Sandy's wedding was nearly destroyed because of Bob.

I just hope nothing happens then, I just really hope.

The next chapter will be done as soon as possible. This one took me some time since I've been dealing with writer's block lately. Thanks to all my readers for their patience. Stay gold guys

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