Too Fast to React

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*Jenny's POV*

So much has happened within these past few months. We finally managed out who's been stalking Ponyboy. Apparently she was working with Bob before he got caught and we haven't heard from her since. Sodapop and Sandy had gotten home from their honeymoon and she was showing obvious signs of her pregnancy that we all forgot about, with her now being close to being nine months along. So the baby was due any day now. The girls and I have been helping her along her pregnancy, especially me since I had already gone through and I had twins so I helped quite a bit.

One day we just spent the day at the Curtis household for the day since we had nothing better to do. Cherry has been helping a lot too since her and Ponyboy are out of school for summer vacation before they become seniors next year and the twins will finally be a year old in a few weeks. Sandy was sitting with Sodapop on the couch, with him asking if she's okay for like the thousand time.
"Soda, I will tell you when something happens, you don't have to keep asking." She said. He nodded, but kept his hand with hers. She later got up and asked me to come with her in the kitchen and I followed.
"Did Johnny always ask you if you felt anything with the twins?" She asked. I nodded.
"Not as much as Sodapop has been asking you, but it quite a lot." I said. We both laughed since guys always ask if anything is wrong when we are close to term. We don't know why they always ask when we tell them that we will let them now if something's wrong. Sandy suddenly stopped laughing and grabbed her stomach.
"Jenny, how do you know if your in labor?" She asked. I began to grow a little nervous. I needed to know if she was having contractions first.
"Are you having any contractions? If you are, how many minutes apart are they?" I asked. She nodded about the contractions part and looked at the clock.
"About three minutes apart." She said. I asked to check her out since she was starting to get a lot of pain from moving. She didn't have a problem with it and I checked. It's a good thing she was wearing gray pants cause I didn't want to touch her and make her uncomfortable and saw that they were wet. She was going into labor and the baby was coming.

I told her to stay where she was and to keep her breathing while she was having contractions and told her to stay calm since they panic could cause stress on the baby. She did what I said as I went into the living room to let the gang know it was time to go to the hospital.
"Guys, we need to get to the hospital as soon as possible. Sandy's in labor and we need to go now." I said. Sodapop had a look of terror while everyone else knew exactly what to do. Darry and Johnny picked up Sandy and brought her to Curtis truck, Isabelle and Cherry took the twins, Steve held the front door open while Two-Bit kept the gate door open in order for us to get Darry, Johnny, and Sandy through the door as everyone jumped into the truck. Dally was actually helping with the whole thing and got the truck started. Once everyone was in the truck, we headed straight to the hospital, all while Sodapop was by Sandy's the entire time while the girls were helping her keep her breathing at a safe pace.

We flew down the street to get to the hospital, all while hoping the police wouldn't pull us over, to our luck, it never happened. We pulled her into the front of the hospital and half of us brought us into the hospital while the other half would try to find a place to park the truck. Johnny had jumped off the truck and rushed in to get Sandy a wheelchair to wheel her into the delivery part of the hospital. The nurses took her and Sodapop into the delivery room. The other half of the gang and asked if she was doing okay.
"Other than screaming the whole time while having her contractions, I'd say she's doing fine." I said, a bit sarcastic. Childbirth hurts like hell, it feels like I was getting stabbed in the stomach with a hundred knifes as the the twins were coming out  of me. While we were in the waiting room, we heard loud screams coming from Sandy while in the delivery room. I bet Sodapop is having the time of his life, with the bones in his hands getting crushed to bits.

Johnny was holding my hand while we were both holding the twins, while the guys were all holding their girlfriend's hands. We were all hoping nothing bad would happen to either Sandy or the baby. Eventually, the screaming had stopped and the delivery room went quiet. I didn't really freak out since it's kind of hard to hear the baby crying after being delivered. Sodapop then came out of the delivery room and Darry was the first to come up to him.
"How is she doing?" He asked. Soda gave us a happy smile.
"She's doing fine and the delivery went really well, even though I needed to get my hand wrapped since she squeezed it so hard." He said while showing everyone his wrapped hand. Everyone laughed but we were all happy for him as being a new father. I get the feeling he's gonna ask Johnny a lot of questions about being a new dad while Sandy will be asking me questions about being a new mom. Two-Bit came in and then asked the most important question.
"So is it a boy or a girl?" He asked. Soda smiled.
"It's a girl." He said. All the girls cheered and then hugged him. The guys, well except Johnny anyway, seemed a little less thrilled but they were happy for him regardless.

*Johnny's POV*

I'm so happy for Sodapop, now being a new father. It seems like the guys seem a little sad that the baby wasn't a boy, but I didn't mind what the baby was since I have both a son and a daughter. I think that him having a daughter will be better than him having a son since then he'll be able to help his daughter defend herself if none of us are there to help her. About an hour later, we were able to see Sandy while she was in recovery after she went through about four hours of labor. Yeah, even I couldn't believe that it was four hours too. She seemed to be recovering very well. She was still pretty sore from the labor and delivery, but she's been recovering very well.

About an hour or so later, they brought the newborn baby into the room to her parents. Sandy gently took her daughter and lightly wrapped her arms around the newborn as we all took a look at the baby and got to see how beautiful she was. We all decided to try and come up with names for the little girl until Sodapop came with a really good name.
"What about Tea? You know? Cause I know for a fact that she'll be just as sweet as her mother." He said. That actually does sound like a good name for her. For the middle name, we all decided on Ann, so her whole name would be Tea Ann Curtis. We all thought that it was an original name and we all agreed that that would be her name.

Eventually after about another hour of being at the hospital, Sandy was finally able to be discharged from the hospital and head home. Sodapop put his daughter in a carrier as me and Jenny had our twins in their carriers and we all headed for the truck, even though we had some tight space along with Dally complaining that he's being surrounded by babies, even though Tea was in the front of the truck with her parents to stay away from the wind while we had placed blankets over the twins but not on their faces to keep them from feeling the cold air hitting their faces. There was only three children so we didn't understand what the hell he was talking about.

We went to the Curtis house since that's Soda and Sandy is still staying there before they get their own place. We all got into the house, Sandy put her new daughter in her crib to have her take a nap, along while me and Jenny were having our own children take a nap too. When the children were asleep, Darry made everyone a cup of hot chocolate to help us all warm up from the cold. We mainly just watched tv for the day before we all headed home.

I'm finally making more chapters and able to use my computer to write faster.Hope to get more done sooner. Stay Gold to all my readers.   

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