Sandy's Surprise

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*Jenny's POV*

Things seemed as if they were back to normal after we all slept that night. Actually, after a couple of days, things felt like bliss. I was back with my family, my loving husband, my adorable little dogs, and my two beautiful children. When I woke up one morning, it had already been almost a week since of what happened to me. I quietly went to feed the babies before anyone noticed. After I did that, I went into the kitchen to start up breakfast until I saw Sandy at the kitchen table. I see her almost all the time here cause she's always with Sodapop, but today was a little diffferent.

She was sitting at the kitchen table, looking down at her hands as if she was looking at them in despair. I walked over to her to see what was going through her head.
"Hey Sandy, why do you look so down?" I asked. She looked up at me with puffy red eyes. She then showed me that it was a pregnancy test. I brought up to my face for me to see, since it was still pretty early in the morning, I couldn't really see very well. I took a good long look at it and it was positive. I looked at her in shock.
"You're pregnant?!" I yelled-whisper to make sure that no one would here me. She wouldn't even meet my gaze.
"You didn't tell Soda yet did you?" I asked. She shook her head.
"How the hell am I supposed to tell him this time? I already abandoned him the first time, I don't want to lose him again." She said, her voice breaking slightly. I shook my head.
"You're not gonna lose him again, he loves you and I'm pretty sure that he's gonna wanna be with you to take care of his child with you." I said. I was making a pretty good point. I was too afraid to tell Johnny that I was pregnant with his children but I knew that he loved me enough to stay with me and take care of our children.
"Are you sure Jenny?" She asked me unsure. I nodded.
"Absolutely." I said. She then stood up and gave me a hug. I then saw the front door open.

It was Cherry, I wonder why she's here so early, she's usually a little alter after everyone goes off to work. Me and Sandy released our grip on each other and Cherry walked up to us.
"What's going on? What was with the hugging?" She asked. Sandy then handed her the pregnancy test and Cherry starred at it, then her eyes grew huge from surprise.
"You're pregnant?" She said, almost barely getting the words out. Sandy nodded. Cherry then gave her a hug. When she released the hug, she looked at Sandy.
"Is it Sodapop's?" She asked.
"Of course it's Sodapop's." She said. I nodded
"How are you gonna tell him?" Cherry asked. Sandy shrugged.
"That's something that we haven't figured out yet." She said.
"None of the guys even know. Makayla. Isabelle, and Olivia don't know yet either." I said, realizing it.
"Why don't we tell the girls later today?" Sandy said. Me and Cherry nodded.
"That could work out, but how are you gonna tell Sodapop?" She asked again. I then came up with an idea.
"Tell him in a very special way. When I told Johnny that I was pregnant, it was right after I got home from the doctor's office" I said, "why don't you tell Sodapop a little differently than how I told Johnny?"
"You should tell him at the same place that Ponyboy asked me to be his girlfriend? At the park? And while you guys are at the park telling him the good news, we'll stay quiet to the guys and you can tell them when you and Soda get home?" She mentioned. Me and Sandy nodded.
"That's a really good idea Cherry. Thanks for helping me out with this girls." Sandy said hugging the both of us.
"No problem girl." Cherry said.
"You know what I realized? We've already had four or five hugs already before breakfast." I said. Cherry and Sandy just laughed and they came over and helped me with breakfast.

After about a half an hour after breakfast was made, Steve, Two-Bit, Sodapop, Darry, Isabelle, Makayla, Dally, and Ponyboy were already in the kitchen eating breakfast, well except for Two-Bit cause he was in the living room watching Mickey Mouse. I noticed that Johnny never came downstairs yet, so I went upstairs to wake him up. I slowly walked up to our bed and gently shook him awake. His eyes fluttered open and he looked at me and smiled. I then gently kissed his cheek
"Good morning honey. Come join us for breakfast." I said. He rubbed the sleepiness from his eyes and slowly got out of bed. I got downstairs before he did, so I decided to make him a plate and placed it on the table. Johnny finally got downstairs and I noticed that he had horrible bed head, but it made him look really cute. Everyone finished their breakfasts quickly and they all went into the kitchen, except me and the rest of the girls, we all went upstairs and Johnny had brought the twins into the living room with him since I asked him to keep an eye on the kids for a little bit while I talked to the girls.

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