Lucy Can Sing?

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(A/N: Thank you for all of the feedback! I'm going to be using Eye of The Tiger by Survivor in this one shot. This might not be as funny/good as the first one, though. I rushed to finish this early on Saturday because I had a sleepover at a friend's house and just got home... Well, that's enough about me! And Happy Reading!)

Disclaimer: Am I Jonathan Stroud? (looks in mirror) No, I am not. Am I a member of Survivor? (looks in mirror) No, I'm not that either. So I do not own Lockwood and Co. or Eye of the Tiger.

Lucy was practicing her rapier skills on Esmeralda while singing a song in her head that she heard the other day. She instantly fell in love with the song, an hadn't stopped singing it since(in her head, of course). The song sort of helped her concentrate when she was fighting off ghosts, so that was another good thing about it. Since Lockwood and George were out of the house, she decided to sing while practicing.

"Rising up, back on the street, did my time, took my chances."

Lucy then began to develop a rhythm when stabbing at Esmeralda.

"Went the distance, now I'm back on my feet, just a man and his will to survive."

Lucy then started to slice Esmeralda.

As Lucy got further into the song, her moves became more complicated.

"They stack the odds still we take to the street for the kill with the skill to survive."

She was now doing many complicated twists and turns, all the while stabbing and slicing Esmeralda, and now Joe, too.

I'm glad no one is here to hear me sing or to see this. Especially Lockwood, I would practically die! Lucy thought. But little did she know that Lockwood had entered the house just moments ago, and was now leaning against the doorframe, watching her.

Wow, she's good. And she sings so well... I'll just watch for now and and tell her later to avoid disrupting her. Lockwood thought.

Lucy then finally finished the song, and ceased stabbing the rag dolls.

"Bravo!" Lockwood said, clapping and walking towards her. "That was brilliant! Where did you learn to do all of that?"

"Do what? And when did you get here?" Lucy asked, suddenly red.

"All of those complicated moves and sing so well, what else?"

"Umm... I sort of just moved in tune with the song, and I don't sing that good." Lucy responded. "Now, when did you get here?"

"You seemed to be somewhere in the middle of the song. Also, yes you do sing that good! And you were so focused and prett-"

WHAT? WHY DID I SAY THAT?... Sure, she did look pretty, her dark eyes speckled with hazel and green flakes, staring fiercely at the dummies, and the way she gracefully moved, successfully doing all of those complicated moves... Wait... NO! WHAT AM I THINKING?

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