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(A/N: Sorry for the late update... Also, you probably looked at the picture and thought "what's this have to do with anything?" Well, it'll all make sense. Oh, and those things are called Jammie Dodgers. Happy Reading!)

"Lucy, I have something to ask you... A really important something. You need to answer me, too. Don't worry though, it's simple... Sort of." Lockwood muttered, standing right outside of Lucy's door.

How do people do this? Lockwood thought. It's infuriatingly hard.

"How about... No. Wait, yes. Oh wait, no, that's not a good idea..." Lockwood said as he continued to pace directly in front of the door.

"Lockwood, just go in there and ask her. I'm sure she won't kill you." George said.

"But there's a million things that could go wrong! What if she says-"

"She won't." George said, cutting Lockwood off. "You'll be fine."

"Ugh... Okay..." Lockwood said, finally knocking on her door.

"Hey Lucy..." Lockwood called out. "C-can I come in?"

"Huh? Who is it?" Lucy said, quickly putting her art supplies away.

"It's Lockwood." He replied.

"Lockwood the scared little cat." George muttered.

"No!" Lockwood said, turning around. "I'm not a cat! I prefer giraffe."

Lucy giggled from behind the door. Well whatever you are, you're cute. Lucy thought, still scrambling to put her notepad filled with little hearts and last few pencils away.

"Ugh, fine. Scared little giraffe. There." George said.

"Thank you." Lockwood said briskly before turning back to face the door.

"Anyways... Uh... What? I was going to do something, but-"

"You were going to ask Lucy something important." George said, cutting Lockwood off.

"Oh... But I don't-" Lockwood said, starting to walk away from the door.

"Just- just get on with it." George said, dragging him back. "Just ask her."

"I don't bite!" Lucy said, laughing.

"You say that..." Lockwood muttered.

"Lockwood wanted to ask you something!" George called, opening the door and shoving Lockwood in. "Now ask her!"

"Aren't you going to go? Or at least shut the door?" Lockwood asked, staring at George standing in the doorway.

"What? Oh... Sure." George said, shutting the door and walking away.

Lucy was still standing up, putting the last few pencils away, and realized that Lockwood was about to turn around. So instead of actually putting them away properly, she put them in her back pocket.

"You wanted to ask me something?" Lucy asked sweetly.

"Uh... Yes? No? Yes? Yes." Lockwood said quickly. "Yes I did... I think."

"Do you even remember what it was?"

"... Maybe..." Lockwood said quietly.

"You do, don't you?" Lucy said.

"... Yeah." Lockwood muttered.

"Well then tell me! I'm not getting any younger standing here." Lucy said.

O-oh yeah... Uh... Luce, you should sit down for this..." Lockwood said slowly and surely.

"Why?" Lucy asked, remembering the pencils in her back pocket.

"Well, I mean, I guess you could stand, but it probably wouldn't be smart to." Lockwood said.

"I'll stand anyways." Lucy replied.

"Okay... What if I told you... I maybe... Sort of kind of... Maybe don't... Like... Jammie Dodgers?"

"Really?" Lucy said, rolling her eyes. "That's it?"

"Well... No..." Lockwood said, starring to turn slightly red.

"I maybe kind of sort of-"

"Just tell me." Lucy said, cutting him off.

"I... Like... You?" Lockwood said, looking into Lucy's eyes hopefully, fearing rejection.

"Well... What if I told you... I maybe... Don't like you?"

"O-oh... I... I understand..." Lockwood said, smiling to hide how truly hurt he was, but the tears welling in his eyes gave it away. "I'll just..." He got up, turned around, and started for the door.

"You didn't let me finish." Lucy called out. "I don't like you because... I think... I think I love you..."

"You- what?" Lockwood said, turning around swiftly.

"You heard me right..." Lucy said, flushed red.

"No..." Lockwood said, smirking.

"Ugh. Fine." Lucy took a deep breath. "Anthony J. Lockwood, I think I love you."

"Well that's good, because I think I love you too." Lockwood said, tackling Lucy to the ground in a hug.

"My silly little giraffe." Lucy said under her breath, laughing. "But just a question; do you really not like Jammie Dodgers?"

"No I don't, because I love them, almost as much as I love you."

(A/N: I feel like I'm rushing things... Tell me if I did because I don't want to rush things.)

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