Snowstorm part 2

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(A/N: Since people actually wanted a part two, here it is! This random, but is anyone else here excited about how much Harry Potter there is today? Just me? Okay... Happy Reading!)

"I love you too."

Lockwood froze. His breath instantly became hitched and he couldn't think straight.

Huh? Am I asleep? Is this real life? She couldn't have meant that, could she? I want food. And a book. No I don't want food. Well, actually, waffles are good. Wait, no, Lucy just told me she loves me. But on the other hand, I really do want waffles. Maybe Lucy wants waffles while we talk about this. Or maybe I'm just distracting myself from facing Lucy. Okay. First, I have to get my thoughts together. No more waffles. I can eat later. Two, I have to think of what I want to say- wait, no, stop staring at her before that. Lockwood shook his head. Ugh. Okay, I can just do this without a plan. I do things without a plan all the time!

"You- you heard that... Didn't you?" Lockwood muttered.

"If you mean hearing you say that you Love me, then yes, I did hear that. Then again, I could have been sleeping. I do that a lot; sometimes I think I hear something, so I respond, and it turns out I was having a dream." Lucy said, getting slightly off topic.

"So does that mean..." Lockwood trailed off.

"Does that mean what?" Lucy asked.

"Actually, can we get waffles before we talk about this, because I'm hungry."

"What? Fine. Get waffles. Wait, I want some waffles too! I'm coming with you!" Lucy said.

Lockwood laughed and got up, with Lucy following right behind him.

"There's one reason that I love you." Lockwood said quietly.

"I heard that too." Lucy said plainly. "Don't think I can't hear what you're saying because you said it quietly."

"Oops..." Lockwood muttered, blushing slightly.

"Don't worry, I mean, George isn't up, and who else would be in the house?" Lucy said, trying to make him more comfortable with talking openly.

"Lucy, don't ever say 'who else could be in the house' because usually, right after someone says that, someone else is in the house." Lockwood said quickly.

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