Karaoke Night

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(A/N: Okay, this is basically the same plot as the one shot with Lucy singing- oh who am I kidding? All of these one shots have the same basic plot, with different scenarios! Well... Now you're probably thinking "Why did I waste my time reading the exact same plot over and over again?" Well, it's because I use different scenarios, and make George do different stuff that you can either laugh at or yell at him for... Either one, really. Anyways, this is sort of diffrent... You'll get it when you read it. This time, I'm going to use the song The Only Difference Between Martyrdom and Suicide is Press Coverage by Panic! At the Disco and I'm going to hint at Doctor Who by Sydney Newman, C.E. Webber, and Donald Wilson. My author's notes are getting to become more of author's chapters... Oh well... Oopsies. Happy Reading!)

Disclaimer: I wish that I were Jonathan Stroud, but I'm not. I wish that I were a member of Panic! At the Disco, but I'm not that either. And yes, I wish I were a creator of Doctor Who, an actress would be cool too, but no, I'm not any of that. I'm not any of the above, all I am is a devoted fan, nothing else.

"Lockwood, I'm bored. We don't have a single case, and I've already done every chore imaginable!" Lucy moaned.

"Well, what do you want to do? Go shopping or something?" Lockwood asked.

"The curfew bell already rang and-"

"Lucy, we're agents. We don't need a curfew bell, we fight ghosts for a living!" Lockwood said.

"Well, I still don't feel like going out to buy anything. I've never been the type to go shopping for things or say 'Oh look! That is such a cute outfit! I really want to buy it!' Now have I? And who in their right mind would be running a shop at this hour? No one! " Lucy said.

"Well," George said, with crisps in his hand, "why don't we all do something together, like friends, not coworkers."

"Do you mean like game night or something?" Lucy asked, suddenly interested in what George had to say.

"Yes... I guess I do." George said.

"Well, I've always liked the idea of having game night or something similar, but I've never had one... At least..." Lockwood then trailed off, hoping someone would change the subject.

Lucy was the only one who saw fear, pain, regret and maybe even desperation flash through Lockwood's eyes for a split second, sensing something was wrong, and secretly telling herself to make a vow later to never ever be the cause of Lockwood's fear, pain, regret, or desperation.

"Well anyways," Lucy said, quickly switching the subject, "what would we do?"

"You mean what will we do, because we're definitely going to do this." George said.

"KARAOKE!" Lucy squealed. "Oh... Sorry.. Karaoke isn't a game..." Lucy muttered.

"Well, let's do it anyways. You seem excited about it." Lockwood said. "I'm not a very good singer though..."

"Well, I for one take pride in the way I sing." George said, smiling.

"I'm not good either, Lockwood, I just really like singing." Lucy said, trying to comfort him.

"Well, I for one take pride in the way I sing." George said smiling proudly.

"Of course you do, George." Lucy murmured.

"There's just one problem," Lockwood said, "I don't know many songs, and we don't even have karaoke machine."

"Well, that's okay, because we have radios." Lucy said matter of factly.

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