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(A/N: Look, a wild update has appeared. Happy Reading!)

     "Lucy, what are you doing?" Lockwood asked, peering over her shoulder.

     "Nothing!" Lucy said, trying to cover her notebook with her arms.

     "But you're doing something!" Lockwood said. "You have a pen in your hand and you were writing something!"

     "What makes you think I was writing? I could have been drawing."

     "Well you were doing something and you won't tell me, but I want to know! Will you pleaseee tell me?" Lockwood pleaded.

     "Nope." Lucy said.


     "No. Not in a million years." Lucy said, not realizing her arms were slowly sliding off of her notebook.

     Lockwood's eyes began scanning the page, reading everything Lucy had written down.

     "Lockwood, what-"

     "Lucy shh I'm reading something." Lockwood muttered.

     "Lockwood!" Lucy exclaimed, "No!" And she shut the notebook, turning slightly red.

     "I just want to read some of it!"

     "What are you two talking about?" George said with a box of doughnuts in his hands.

     "Nothing!" Lucy said quickly.

     "Lucy has a-"

     "No I don't!" Lucy said, covering Lockwood's mouth before he could say anything else.

     "Do I even want to know?" George said, sighing.

     "No you don't. Keep walking." Lucy said sternly.

     "Okay..." George muttered, walking away slowly.

     "Good. Now Lockwood," Lucy said with a dark tone, turning to face him.


     "Don't. Read. Anything. In. This. Notebook. Ever. Again. Or else."

     "Or else what?" Lockwood said smirking, hoping to gain the upper hand.

     "Oh, you don't want to find out what I'll do." Lucy said, moving slowly closer to him.

     "Oh, but what if I do?" Lockwood said, moving closer, now only mere inches away from Lucy's face.

     "Trust me, you don't." Lucy fired back, suddenly realizing how close she was to Lockwood.

     You know, you could kiss him right now, Lucy, you could just fulfill your desires right now. There's nothing stopping you.

     "Brain quiet." Lucy muttered.

     But you know you want to, just close the gap between you two.

     "What?" Lockwood asked, staring at Lucy quizzically and intently, almost if she were a riddle that couldn't be figured out.

     He really does have beautiful dark brown eyes, doesn't he?

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