Close Call

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(A/N: I'M FINALLY OUT OF SCHOOL!!! Most of you guys have probably been out of school for a while now, though... Anyways, running out of ideas, so if you have any requests, just comment! Even if your that person who thinks that they shouldn't for some reason, do it! I'm one of those people, too, by the way. Sorry this is so late, I've been busy lately... Also, there's another Doctor Who reference... Happy Reading!)

Disclaimer: Pft, you actually thought that I owned this? The only thing I own is the plot, not the characters, not the setting, not the book series that it was based on, nothing. I don't own Doctor Who, either.

Lockwood, Lucy, and George were on a case, and in a tight situation. Literally and figuratively.

"Lucy, you're standing on my foot." George moaned.

"Well sorry! We're all trapped inside an iron chain that just barely fits us and our gear! And there's a ghost right there!" Lucy retorted.

The agents of Lockwood and Co. were yes, standing in a small iron chain, trying to not reach their death. Lucy was, of course, taking this opportunity to stand extremely close to Lockwood, and trying to think positively about their current situation.

"Calm down," Lockwood said, "we're all going to be okay."

"But-" Lucy started, but then got cut off by George.

"Why don't we just jump out of the window behind us?"

"Because we're too high up. It'll kill us! Duh!" Lucy said.

"Everyone, just stay calm." Lockwood said with a note of urgency in his voice."We've been in the most haunted house in London and defeated the ghost cluster, so I think it's safe to say we'll be alright. And remember, it's not good to show strong emotions around ghosts."

"Okay, so what do we do?" George asked.

"First off, don't throw any canisters of magnesium fire. We all know what happens if you choose to do so." Lockwood said, glancing at Lucy.

"Well sorry! I just wanted to make sure you didn't get ghost touched or something!" Lucy cried.

"Well, that is true, but don't do it again." Lockwood said.

"Okay..." Lucy said.

"Good. Second, try-" Lockwood was cut off by Lucy.

"Lockwood, I know we've done this before, but... What happens if it turns out to be a type three? Or if... Or if one of us gets killed?"

"Don't think like that, Lucy!" Lockwood said, flashing her one of his biggest smiles that he didn't know comforted her so much. "We're all in this together, and we'll all be okay. And if one of us has to die, I'm willing to make that sacrifice for my closest friends."

And for the one I love... Lockwood thought.

"Lockwood! No!" Lucy cried.


"But that's only for if our situation becomes that dire." Lockwood said reassuringly.

Just then, the chain snapped. And it was audible, too.

"Lockwood, hand me the backup chains." George said, holding his hand out.

"Don't you have the backup chains?" Lockwood asked, slightly confused.

"I thought you did." George said, slightly worried.

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