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(A/N: How did I get 933 reads? I really don't deserve this. Thank you guys so much! And I used the show Supernatural in this one shot, just to let you know. It's not owned by me, Eric Kripke made it. Also, prepare for a few Panic! At the disco references. I feel like I forgot something, so tell me if something's missing from this. Happy Reading!)

"I'm hungry, but I don't want to go out and get food." Lucy moaned. "George, do you think you could-"

"I don't feel like cooking, so cook something yourself." George said, cutting Lucy off.

"I want to cook!" Lockwood piped in.

"Lockwood, do you even know how to cook?" Lucy asked.

"No, but why do you think we own cookbooks? For aesthetic purposes?"

"Well, we never really use them, so I sort of did..." Lucy muttered. "I guess we actually do use them, though."

"I used to use them." George said. "But I memorized quite a few of the recipes, and I can make food without them, now."

"Oh... Well I'm not getting any less hungry just sitting here, so I guess I'll-"

"We'll." Lockwood corrected.

"I guess we'll begin cooking." Lucy said. "Is that better?"

"Yes, yes it is." Lockwood responded.

"Good. Now come on! Let's make some food!" Lucy said, already walking to the kitchen.

"Wait- Lucy- Luce! Shouldn't we get the cookbooks and decide on what we're going to cook next?"Lockwood asked.

"Just find a recipe on pizza or something." Lucy shrugged. "Pizza should be simple enough.

"Okay." Lockwood said, already flipping through a cookbook.

"Tell me when you find something."

"Look, cookies! We could make them shaped like giraffes-"

"We can make giraffe cookies later, Lockwood. Save that page and find some pizza."

"Okay..." Lockwood said quietly.

After a few minutes of flipping through cookbooks, Lockwood pointing out random recipes, Lucy telling Lockwood off for getting off track, and George giving up all hope of a peaceful afternoon of watching Supernatural, Lockwood finally found a recipe on how to cook pizza.

"Lucy! Look!" Lockwood exclaimed.

"Let me guess," Lucy sighed," "you found a cake recipe, right?"

"No, I found a recipe for pizza!" Lockwood said cheerily.

"Oh, then show me!" Lucy said, walking to the kitchen.

"Okay!" Lockwood said, following Lucy to the kitchen.

"Okay, so we need... What do we need again?" Lucy asked.

"Uh... Flour, salt, water, yeast-" before Lockwood finished, Lucy cut him off.

"How much of all that?" Lucy asked.


"Lockwood, you have to at least know that when cooking or baking, you need specific amounts of every ingredient."

"Of course I know! ... Maybe I didn't..." Lockwood said the last part quietly.

"Lockwood! Well, just look right next to the ingredients and you should see how much you need of every ingredient."

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