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(A/N: Well, here's what you requested Lucy_J_Carlyle ! I hope I did good... If you want me to redo it, just ask! Also, I included a Sherlock reference in here, I hope that's okay... Sorry if it's not... Happy Reading!)

Disclaimer: I swear on my all of my Harry Potter merchandise that I don't own the fabulous series of Lockwood and Co., nor do I own the fabulous television show by the name of Sherlock.

About three days ago, Lockwood and Co. had gone on another case. Was the case successful? Yes. Was everyone okay? Yes. Is Lockwood jealous? Yes.

Lockwood had been in a sour mood ever since George had saved Lucy from ghost touch just a few nights ago. He could remember how he had been just about to vanquish the poltergeist, but was too slow, and instead, George had rushed to the rescue and waved his rapier in a complex pattern, saving Lucy.

I absolutely hate you right now, George. Lockwood thought. I wish that I could have saved her... Then maybe she would know. Maybe she would be completely smitten with me, not him.

Lockwood was so deep in his thoughts that he didn't even notice Lucy walking in the opposite direction towards him. When the bumped into each other, Lucy was the first to say something.

"Lockwood! I'm so sorry. I wasn't-"

"Hm? Oh. I- Hush. It's fine." He said the last part coldly.

"Oh... Okay..." Lucy said, slightly scared of Lockwood.

Lucy then walked off into her room, and Lockwood into his. What Lockwood didn't know is that Lucy was going to walk right back to his door and listen outside of it, and see if he said anything that would tell her why he was so moody.

"Why? I bet she's starting to fancy him... Why can't I just- I-" Lockwood sighed. "I can't- UGH! I CAN'T EVEN SAY ANYTHING RIGHT ANYMORE!" He then collapsed onto his bed, wishing that the emotional pain would go away.

Lucy gasped softly, and prayed that Lockwood didn't hear her.

I know that I shouldn't be thinking this, but it's sort of cute when he's all frustrated and flustered... Lucy thought, smiling slightly.

Lucy then heard footsteps coming closer and closer to the door, and decided that if she wanted to live, she should get out of there, and fast. Thankfully, Lucy was a safe enough distance away when Lockwood walked out of his room, quietly mocking Lucy and George, which was just loud enough for Lucy to hear.

She giggled quietly, hearing
Lockwood mock her and George was quite funny and cute for her.

Aww... That's adorable! Lucy thought. Wait... What? Did he really just say that...?

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