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(A/N: I forgot that I had to write this again, so... Yeah... I also remembered that there is a living room at 35 Portland Row, which makes writing a whole lot easier. Happy Reading!)

Disclaimer: Okay, look, there doesn't need to be anymore disclaimers, I don't think. I've posted... 14 one shots now, including this one. You should know by now that I don't own the beautiful books that are Lockwood and Co., so I guess this is the last disclaimer you'll see here.

One night, Lucy, Lockwood, and George were sitting down, huddled in a little circle in their living room, covered in blankets.

"I hate snow." George moaned. "Snow is terrible."

"Well, snow isn't that bad." Lucy said, "Snow is just annoying when there's a whole foot and a half of snow! How did we even get that much snow? This never happens!"

"Calm down, we'll be okay. It might be really cold, and we might be trapped in here for a while, but we'll survive." Lockwood said calmly.

"How are you not freaking out?" Lucy said. "We are most likely stuck in Portland Row for who knows how long, and how much food and water do we have? What if the power goes out? What if-"

"Lucy, quit your rambling." George said. "You're giving me a headache."

"George!" Lockwood said, moving closer to Lucy. "Lucy has reason to be scared."

"I'm not scared!" Lucy interjected. "I just have complaints about things..."

"Doesn't matter." Lockwood said, hugging her. "We'll be fine."

Lucy instantly froze up and blushed, but soon relaxed.

"Okay..." Lucy muttered.

"Well, while you two do that, I'll be trying to pry myself out of these blankets and make some tea." George said suddenly.

"You can do this!" Lucy said, playfully cheering him on.

"We have full faith in you!" Lockwood added jokingly.

"Ugh." George said under his breath. He then ran as fast as he could screaming about how cold it was.

"Well that was fun." Lucy said, laughing a bit.

"Yes it was." Lockwood replied, laughing along.

Her laugh is pretty. Lockwood thought.

Lucy then snuggled into Lockwood a bit, feeling safe.

Well, if anything happens, I want to be close to Lockwood. Lucy thought. Then I could hold onto him and feel safe.

"Hey Luce, do you want to build a pillow fort?" Lockwood asked.

"Yeah!" Lucy said excitedly, dragging Lockwood to a pile of pillows and blankets. "Come on!"

"Okay, okay!" Lockwood said, laughing.

Lucy then threw some pillows at him and grabbed some blankets. They started to build, and quickly built most of the fort.

Just then, George came in with the tea.

"I leave you two alone for five minutes, and you've already built over half of a pillow fort." George muttered. "Relationship goals, actually."

"Come on! Aren't you going to help us?" Lucy said happily.

"Sure." George replied.

Really soon, the pillow fort was finished.

"I want to go inside first!" Lucy said, crawling in as fast as possible.

"I'm next!" Lockwood said, chasing after Lucy.

"You two are crazy... Wait for me!" George said, suddenly realizing that he was the only one left outside.

Lucy was sitting next to Lockwood, cuddled into him.

"Well, I'm tired." George said, yawning. "Night."

"Aww..." Lucy said. Fine. Night."

"Goodnight, George." Lockwood said quietly.

Lucy then yawned, and was soon asleep, still snuggling with Lockwood.

"Goodnight love, sleep well." Lockwood said softly, laying her down, and then laying down himself. "I love you, but I guess you can't hear me, since you're sleeping.

Lucy then turned to face him.

"I love you too."

(A/N: I'll probably make a part two, since it's so late, but I could add more, so be expecting that.)

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