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(A/N: Everything I wrote on this part got deleted last night about five times for ni reason at all! Why me? I'm Also drowning in my own tears because of Doctor Who. Well... Happy Reading!)

Disclaimer: By now, you should know I don't own it. This is fanfiction.

Lucy was up late at night, more early morning, working on a drawing. She had been drawing and shading for hours, and had been in need of another cup of tea for a while. Finally, Lucy decided that she couldn't go another five minutes without tea, and stepped out of her room to go to the kitchen.

On the way there, she heard an uncommon noise for the house; music.

What is that? Lucy thought. Is that... A piano? Do we even own a piano? Because last time I checked, we didn't. No one here knows how to play an instrument, either. Unless someone does and just hasn't told me. Well, before I try to look for this mysterious piano or something.

Lucy finally arrived at the kitchen and put the kettle on the stove, still completely bewildered as to how she could have heard a piano.

Well, maybe I'm just imagining things. Considering it's about two in the morning and I haven't gotten any sleep, I'm probably just tired. Lucy thought to herself. Yeah, that sounds logical.

Once Lucy was finished making tea and was heading back to her room, she heard the piano again.

Okay, I'm going to look for the source of that noise. I'm not going to be able to go to sleep wondering about this.

So Lucy followed the sound, in hopes of discovering what was happening. She walked passed Lockwood's room, noting that the light was still on, but no noise was coming from the room.

Did he fall asleep and forget to turn off the light? Lucy thought. Lockwood never does that! Why is there so much random, mysterious stuff going on tonight? I just wanted some tea!

Lucy then passed George's room, which Lucy could hear George snoring in, and as she continued down the hall, she found a room she never noticed before. The sound was strongest here.

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