Shouldn't Have Said That

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(A/N:I'm not going to make a whole 'chapter thingy' for this, but guys... Thank you sososo much for 110 reads!!! That might not really sound like a lot to you, but it is to me! So thank you all!!! Anyways, I'm going to include a reference to Harry Potter in this. I think they are way to out of character here, but I wrote this a while ago, and I'm too lazy to change it, so yeah... Happy Reading!)

Disclaimer: I'm still not Jonathan Stroud. I still don't own Lockwood and Co. I'm not J.K Rowling and I don't own Harry Potter.

Lucy was about to go up to her room for the night, and just needed to say goodnight to Lockwood and George. She instantly found George in the kitchen, eating a jelly doughnut and reading comics.

"Night, George." Lucy said briskly.

"Night, Lucy." George said with a mouthful of doughnut.

"You know, you really shouldn't talk with your mouth full."

"Lucy, are you really in the mood to argue with me right now?" George said, annoyance detectable in his voice.

"Fine, I'll wait until morning." Lucy said matter of factly.

"Wait, before you go, I have a question."

"What is it?"

"Well... It concerns how you feel towards Lockwood..."

Lucy's face went red almost instantly. Uh oh... Does he suspect that I like Lockwood?

"Okay... Go on..." Lucy said, fearful of what he might say next.

"Well," said George, "I've recently noticed how you stare at Lockwood, and whenever he smiles, you have this dreamy look on your face, until someone snaps you out of it. Is it possible that... You like him?"

"Umm..." Lucy's face went completely red. "Well... I..."

"Well you what?" George snapped, growing impatient for an answer.

"Yes, yes I do like him. I love every single aspect of him. His passion, his attitude, his bravery, his looks, wich are just a bonus, the way he smiles... Everything! I think he's the most amazing person in the world! Okay? Are you happy now? Now, just don't ever tell him! I would never be able to look him in the eye, or even be around him, for that matter. So just please don't tell Lockwood."

Unbeknownst to her, Lockwood was right behind her, smiling like an idiot.

"Don't tell me what, Luce? Remember, I don't care if you keep secrets about your past, but you have to tell us everything about the present."

"How much of that did you hear?" Said Lucy, alarmed.

"I may or may not have heard the whole conversation. I especially liked the part where you talked about how much you loved me." He said, smirking.

Lucy was blushing hard, and was at a loss for words.

"I... Ummm... Well- I...Uhhh..."

George, feeling like a third wheel, decided to take this moment to leave, before anything else happened.

"Go on," Lockwood urged, walking towards Lucy. "Keep talking about how much you love'my smile' and 'good looks'. Anything and everything else, really."

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