Chapter 4

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Four Days Later


For the last four days, I barely talked to him. I barely talked to anyone to be honest. It was only hi and bye to everyone if I saw them. That all it was with them except him. I didn't really know. We spoke but, it seemed like the tension wasn't really there anymore. That first day was bad and I didn't expect it to get any better.

I couldn't really explain it though. It seemed like that didn't matter anymore. Tension just disappeared. But how? I had no idea but, why continue with anger if nothing happened?

The mate thing was still very weird though but, it felt pointless to fight it.

If I didn't do this, I'd die a painful death. Why die when I could just do whatever this was with him? He wasn't being an asshole so why be immature. Maybe I was overthinking it. I should talk to him about this but, I don't know. All it was still weird, I couldn't even really understand my thought.

I sat there thinking on how to even approach him- if I would when I heard a knock on my door. I relaxed a bit as I got up walking over to the door and opened it to reveal him there with a small smile. "Hey" he said and I smiled back "Hey" I said not sure what to do right now but, he came to my door for a reason so...

"I was wondering if you wanted to go for a walk?" he stated and I looked at him confused. Vampire and daylight? "A walk now? It's light out" I stated and he nodded looking at me waiting for me to speak again.

"W-wouldn't you burn or something in the sun?" I asked confused and he laughed holding his left hand up showing a ring with a green emerald in it. Reminded me of his eyes. Which were a nice color might I add. "The ring protects us from the sun" he stated smiling and I just nodded going along with it.

You're in a house with vampires, nothing should surprise you now.

"Also, I think you could use some time out of this room and house for once" he stated and I just shrugged. I mean, it's not like I really did it on purpose, I just didn't know what to do. I can't just go up to people and talk to them, i'm awkward and i'm pretty sure i would make it worse. I did say hi when I saw them though.

"I have nothing to really do. No job or friends to talk to" I whispered looking down playing with my fingers feeling a bit nervous with this. He leaned on the door frame crossing his arms smirking "Working isn't an option for you. To us, money isn't a problem and they would actually befriend you if you wasn't so anti social" he joked.

"So goodbye to my old life?" I asked and he shook his head. "No of course not. You don't have to give it up but, if I let you leave the house when you want, are you going to try and run away?" I froze thinking. If I had the chance to leave would I actually come back. He laughed shaking his head "You hesitated... But even if you were to run, trust me i'll find you. Just like before. You're my mate" he said in a ... gently voice.

It was gentle but, I knew he was serious. Of course he would find me. Was it even worth the risk now? He said I didn't have to give up my old life. Meaning I could see my friends and family again, I just had to go along with this.

"Now that that's out of the way, you making friends..." he stated and I shrugged. "Not really good at making friends with people exception of Sarah but, I don't think she's giving me a choice" Not like it was a bad thing but she made sure she came in everyday to say hello and see if i'm okay which was very sweet to be honest "Guess we'll have to work on that" said smiling at me and it suddenly kind of calmed me...


"So... about this courting thing" I stated as we walked through a nice park with a playground on my left side and a little pond on his right. Never thought I would love to see outside as much as now. He nodded looking over to me smiling "What actually happens?" Sarah spoke on how it had to happen but, I didn't know what. "Relax a bit" he joked and I chuckled looking over to the playground "But, when we mate, we have to mark our territory by leaving a mark on your neck. Kind of like a tattoo, but that doesn't seem to be a problem for you though" he stated point to my love tattoo on my wrist.

I smiled nodding "Is that it?" I asked looking back over to him "Well it has to be done at the end of this week. We have a week after we meet to do it or we run into problems. I wanted to tell you earlier but we weren't on-" "It's fine" I reassured as we continued walking around. Guess Sarah was right to let me calm down because I don't know how I would have reacted to all this at that time.

After all the serious stuff was discussed, we just talked about him being a vampire and it was everything I expected it to be: speed, strength, immortality but, mind control did surprise me abit.

And, even though I should have been on edge, I honestly felt calm. We were actually having a regular conversation without arguing. He wasn't rude, commanding or anything, he was being really nice. Maybe this wouldn't-

I looked over to him quickly and he met my eyes "One more question. After the courting...what happens? To me?" I said nervous. Did I just get a mark on my neck or did I have to change or something.

"Relax, nothing really changes. We're together I'm in charge of the house and you'll be the women of the house I guess. You can still live your life but, we'll be together" he stated and I nodded relaxing again.

It went silent for a few minutes as we walked around seeing people walking, talking and enjoying the nice day but, then he spoke up. "So... the reason why I wanted to go on this walk was to apologize" he said and my head snapped to him and I froze. What? Apologize?

I looked over confused and he he nodded. "Yes apologize. I was rude, spoke down to you, threw you on the bed, threaten you... a lot but, I was wrong and I am sorry" he stated making me smile. I wasn't expecting that. I was just gonna let by gones be by gone but, I did appreciate that apology.

"It's alright... but I'm sorry too. I was being stubborn and hot headed-" "But you had a reason I just threw it at you and expected you to say okay. No person in there right mind would say okay. I would have did the same thing. But, let's just bury the hatchet" he suggested and I nodded.

I was over it and he was too so it was done.


Can't say I expected this but, why not just drop this. Why stress over something that didn't need to be stressed over? This would be easy right? 

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