Chapter 17

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Warning Dirty scene !! You have been warned!!

Cameron POV


I couldn't help but, smile as I drove to the beach house. Not because what could happen but, I finally had alone with just her. Someone was always in the house with us. Especially Sarah being annoying.

I kept sneaking glances at her taking in natural beauty. She just smiled looking out the window taking in the view as I looked at her in awe. This was surreal. Crazy how things went from not wanting to even deal with her to me craving her presence and tending to everything she needed. I don't know but, I wanted nothing else but to make her happy.

"Beautiful isn't it?" I asked and she looked over to me smiling and nodding "It is. Thank you for bringing me. Feels good to go for a drive and a new destination with an amazing view" I grabbed her hand and kissed it feeling her tense a bit but relax "Anything for you" I whispered looking and she blushed looking away.

I could smell the excitement on her. She was finally happy, comfortable with me and it made me happy that I could do this to her.

Once we got there, I brought the stuff in including her happily. I could tell it took her off guard at first but she relaxed laughing as I walked in bringing her to the room.

"Acting like we're married" she joked and I gave her a quick kiss on her head.

"Through vampire's eyes, we technically are but, if it makes you happy and you want to we can actually have a wedding. I could get you a ring and your family can be here. I wouldn't take that away i-" She shook her head instantly making me shut up.

"No need for that Cam, you don't have to buy a ring. The mark is all I need" I nodded smiling putting her down on the carpet. I was still going to get it. The mark would make vampires back away but, a ring would make the humans. Therefore, once we got back, I was getting it. She was mine forever and ever.

She looked around the room taking a deep breath then looking over to me smiling "So this is kind of our honeymoon huh?" she asked and I took a deep breath letting the smell of her hit me. "Yes" I whispered watching her closely and instantly her arousal was higher than ever. Inhaling it was like a drug to me and it just kept getting stronger as she watched me watch her.

Her breathing picked up matching mine and that very moment I knew, there was no going back.

"Might as well start it the right way" she said biting her lip and without another word, I had her against the wall in just her panties. It took seconds for them to come off.

This one had been hell for me. Since I had her on the counter and under me on her bed, I've never wanted anyone as bad as I did now. I laid in my bed trying to calm down but my mind stayed on her. Her smile, her laugh, her feistiness, intelligence, her moans, her need for me. Sensing her feelings made it a hundred times worse. She wanted me with her but, I knew if her mind went that way, I wouldn't be able to say no.

Now I didn't have to hold back and she didn't have to either.

I couldn't be too rough with her like I used to be with the other random girls though, this was the one. The one I wanted to spend my life with. But, she would be satisfied beyond belief. Everywhere she went my touch would linger and remind her who she belonged to and how I belonged to her.

I quickly picked her up wrapping her legs around me making my way to the bed hearing her heart pounding. She was ready just as I was. Our lips connected instantly staying there as I got on the bed. Fingers tangled in my hair gripping tight as she moaned moving against me. I attacked her neck feeling her already losing her mind under me. With every flick of my tongue against her neck, she tensed gripping tighter.

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