Chapter 16

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He raised his eyebrow with a smirk as I sat there ready to jump all over him. I know these feeling just crept on me so sudden but, I couldn't fight it. I wasn't even going to try. I wanted him here and now.

"You're testing my control" "Why don't you stop trying to control it and let go?" I shot back and he was surprised it seemed. It was weird though, couldn't he feel that I wanted him. Couldn't he feel how desperate I was for him?

He gripped my thighs squeezing them "Do you know what you're setting yourself up for Carter?" He asked looking at my lips and biting his. I just sat there watching what I was doing to him. He wanted to give in but, he was holding himself back.

"Why don't you tell me" I whispered as his eyes were directly on me and his breathing was hard. His hands let go of my thighs slowly trailing up my body as I tried to control my breathing but it was hard. He pulled me in holding me at the nape of my head as he slowly pressed his lips to mine then trailing down to my jaw and neck sending shivers through me.

I light moaned feeling my core ache with just his lips against me. Something about he moved and touched me had my mind swirling "You don't know how bad I want you" he said against my skin making me giggle. "You obviously know how much I want you" I joked and he chuckled nodding.

"I do... and it's making resisting harder" I let his hands tilt my head to the side letting him have more access and continued kissing, sucking and nibbling. My body was shaking begging for more. Begging for him to pull my clothes off and fuck me senseless right there. I didn't know his sexual past but, I knew he would be the best I've ever had. The way he carried himself just told me he could bring me somewhere out of this world.

That's what I needed.

"I can smell your arousal, your need for me. All I can think about is satisfying that" he whispered. "So do it-"

"Seriously guys? We're in the next room" Sarah yelled and we pulled away instantly realizing where we were. Felt as of it was only us, maybe that's why he was fighting. I closed my eyes covering my mouth embarrassed but, just as I opened my eyes looking at him, we busted out laughing. He came back to me pulling me closer to him as he leaned his chin on my shoulder.

"Maybe a place far from here would be better" Cam whispered and I nodded laughing. I understood why. They would hear everything and I mean everything. As if things weren't awkward already...

But, I was so mad. I was so riled up for no reason and now I was ready to jump on him. I wanted to see his body, I wanted to touch it, lick it, see his muscle tighten over me. I wanted to hear his moans, I wanted to feel him inside me. Fuck I was pissed right now. Sexual frustrated. I could tell he was mad too but, we had to calm down. It was going to happen, just had to try to wait.

"Okay time to leave everyone they still won't give it up. I don't want to hear it. I can smell the sex in the air already" Harry yelled out making us bust out laughing again but, we still didn't move. He gripped me tighter letting his teeth sink into my shoulder making me squeal and jump before he pulled away.

"Relax! It's not going to happen tonight or here" he said winking at me and I pouted. He leaned down kissing me again "Go to the beach house. Just don't destroy it" Sarah yelled out and I laughed still kissing him till he pulled away.

He shook his head taking me off the counter. He intertwined his hand with me leading me out quietly heading upstairs. I didn't even look at them as we passed the living room but, I felt all eyes on us. We stopped at my room and he stopped pulling me back to him quickly.

"Shouldn't have gotten you so riled up tonight. Wasn't thinking when we started. Sorry but, don't worry it's going to happen. You won't know what to do with yourself then" he said so sure of himself. I laughed rolling my eyes and he lifted my head pushing me against the wall quickly.

He bit his lip looking down my body slowly and I met his eyes last burning with lust "It will and when it does, you'll be begging for more" he said in a low yet seductive tone. A tone that made me want to give in and just let him show me how good it could be but, also wanted to push him. It made me want to challenge the control he thought he had on me.

I shook my head smirking "I don't beg for anyone" I whispered leaning closer not breaking the eye contact. We were so close to kissing and I wanted to so bad. I was dying for the touch of his lips but, he decided to tease me since he knew "Is that so? You think I won't have you laid out wide on a bed well fucked but still asking me more" I nodded instantly but, was hoping he would prove me wrong.

I jumped as he picked me up quickly going to the bed and hovering over me in seconds. I looked up to his smile as he held my hands above me getting between my legs easily and started sucking my neck. My eyes closed instantly moaning out letting my legs wrap around his waist again. I wasn't letting go.

He started grinding against me slowly rubbing against my core through my jeans. He was hard and I was beyond sensitive needing release. Maybe we were going to continue this. I wanted to.

He moaned out kissing my throat "I will have you begging for me. You will scream my name and you will not hold back" he stated with determination. I wasn't sure if I should agree or play around anymore.

He stopped his movements kissing my neck getting up as my eyes opened instantly looking up to him breathing hard licking his lips. "You'll see. Goodnight beautiful" he said leaving the room.

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