Chapter 5

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I was finally able to get the rest of my stuff from my house and as crazy as it sounded, I was in such a rush to get back but, I didn't know why. When he asked if I wanted to get more stuff from my house, I nodded happily. My computer, phone, everything. I was so excited to get there till I was here. I wanted to hurry back.

I wish I could explain it better... I just felt empty or more incomplete and I couldn't shake it. I didn't feel it until I pulled out in Sarah's car from the house. Cameron planned to go hunting while Sarah came with me to get my thing. With her speed, we were done in thirty minutes. I think practically had everything now.

I looked around wanted to make sure I had everything I needed quickly and she just watched me looking confused "How are you feeling?" She asked looking at me curiously and I just shrugged thinking for a second. "Umm... I don't know how to explain it but, I feel like I'm.. missing something. Like I need something since we left the house" I explained and she smiled hard.

"You need Cameron" "Huh?" I asked confused. "The courting week is almost over. He needs to mark you soon. I don't know what the hell he's waiting for" She stated looking confused now and I shrugged not knowing either. Once we spoke about it, I was waiting for it but, nothing ever happened. I wasn't in a rush but, I wonder why he waited.

"Well at least once it's over nothing really changes. Think that's what scared me most about this all" I said smiling and she looked over to me confused. "The same?" she asked and I nodded kind of hesitant because of the way she was looking at me. Was I wrong or something?

She looked a bit nervous chuckling "I don't know... I thought after the mark, all hell would definitely break loose. Kind of was expecting once he told you, you would try to hop out the window and run or something" she stated. Something was obviously not matching up right now.

"Why would I do that when all he has to do it mark me? That's all he has to do right?" I asked making certain that was it but, the way she looked showed me there was more to it. He just didn't tell me.

I swear...

" complete everything you two have to... You know... havesexandlaterhechangesyou" she said quickly and trust me, I heard every word. It just took a few seconds to register and once it did the anger was overwhelming me

"WHAT?!" I demanded.

She regretted it ever leaving her mouth because now, the feelings I had for him before were back. Sex? I had to have sex with him? "He didn't tell you?" she asked and my hands shook. No, he seemed to forget that part. Even after I fucking asked him about it. "He just said he had to mark me that's it" I said fuming.

He lied. This wasn't something to keep quiet about. He could have fucking told me. I obviously wouldn't have been happy but, lying about makes it no better. I mean he was cute and kind of hot but, I wasn't just going to allow that to happen. I don't know him! Just when I decide to be nice, he lies. I wasn't being the problem.

Sarah stayed silent for a bit letting me go off for a bit before speaking again but, it made nothing better "I know it's not the best time to say this but, you should calm down Carter. That anger could trigger the extreme need for him and caus-" "What?" I snapped.

I was supposed to calm down? Was she serious? He lies and I was the one who had to calm down.

"In this week of courting, you're supposed to get closer. Actually, you're supposed to be wanting to be near him at all times. I guess since you guys were on good terms it satisfied it, but this anger will mess it all up" she warned but, I didn't care though. I'm not doing this again. I'm not going to always try to make it work for him.

"If he wasn't such a fucking liar I wouldn't be pissed Sarah. Why do I always-" "I know Carter. Trust me I understand why you're pissed. He lied but, try to calm down. This is supposed to happen. If you start denying it, the need will push back harder and -"

Suddenly a sharp pain started in my neck and heart before she could finish. I grabbed the side of my neck as the pain intensified quickly making me panic. What the hell was going on? Why was I feeling like someone was ripping the skin off my neck and skin over my heart off?

If that wasn't enough to have me screaming, the pain shot through my whole body and I fell on the floor in pure agony unable to even stand anymore crying in pain.

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