Chapter 33

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The rest of the wedding went actually good and of course, that surprised the hell out of me but, I wasn't going to complain. This was what I wanted, just wasn't sure if I was going to get it.

Didn't matter anymore I just had to be proud that I controlled myself, I didn't hurt anyone. I could finally talk and enjoy my family and friends here.

And I couldn't help but smile looking into his eyes. Seeing his green eyes, seeing the happiness and relief was indescribable. I felt happier than ever knowing I was making him proud too.

I squeezed his hand gently smiling while we slow dance to Kiss me by Ed Sheeran and then Endlessly by The Cab.

"Seemed more relaxed now" he stated as if it was no big deal and I'm nodded smiling even harder. It felt like a weight was lifted off my chest once I stepped out of the room. That burning, the urge, it was gone again and it was because of him.

I need to start listening to my husband now.

"I did what you suggested, I focused on something else" "And what was that?" I looked around at everyone smiling enjoying their time and watching us in the center of the dancefloor.

"I thought about you" I admitted and he smiled looking down before kissing my head gently.

His head leaned on mine suddenly "I knew you could do it. You're stronger than you give yourself credit for" "I know..."I whispered out closing my eyes. His hands came up to my head cupping it and tilting it up to look at him.

"Don't worry though, I'll be here to remind you of how incredible you are... forever" I smiled feeling so much relief and bliss.

"And not sounding conceited or anything but, it makes me happy I'm the one helping you control it." he whispered smiling.

Cameras clicked around us but, my eyes stayed on him just living in this very moment with him. With my everything.

"And I don't know what I did to deserve all of this. Falling in love, marrying you and having eternity together" he added.

"I'm happy you are too. I feel like when you're here, I have the strength to do this" I whispered "And I will always be here" he said kissing my head. I smiled looking up to him then pulled him in for a kiss and he instantly responded holding my hands in his hands. I got on my toes getting closer not letting him go.

We continued on and on not caring if anyone saw us until Sarah and Harry walked past. "Damn, at least wait until the honeymoon" Sarah said making us pull away and laugh. Of course, these two will always mess things up for us. I guess I had to get used to it.


"We're going back to the Beach house?" I asked excitedly once I realized the familiar signs we passed in the car. When I turned to him with the biggest smile, he laughed nodding. One of the best times we had together was at the beach house. The first time we were intimate, the first time he told me he loved me. That trip started so much for us and I'm sure if we never visited, we wouldn't be here right now. Could wait to see what this trip had in store for us.

"Yes, you seemed to miss it a lot" I looked over to him confused. "How do you know?" I didn't remember telling him though. So much was going on in these past months a trip was out of the question. I haven't even told Sarah about wanting to go back either.

He looked a little guilty turning to me "I... maybe kind of went into your dreams" he admitted.

Was it weird I wasn't even that mad? Cameron knew everything there was to know about me. He knew how I felt 24/7. Was there a reason to hide it? But, that confession did make me wonder...

I raised my eyebrow "How many have you seen?" I asked eyeing him suspiciously. How the hell did he do that? It seemed so cool to be honest but, I needed to know. I kind of wanted to try it. There was so much more to vampires than I ever learned and with now being one, I wanted to enjoy it too.

He shifted in his seat and refused to look at me as I waited "A few" he simply admitted and my mouth dropped realizing something "Is that how you knew about that dream I had about you and me and... the baby?" I asked and he shook his head quickly.

"The baby one was Sarah" he stated. I rolled my eyes "Of course it was you two" I shouldn't have even surprised. Those two were partners in crime. Then if you add Harry... I just shook my head. Love them though.

"Hey don't blame me. It was you having sex dreams about me. I tried to ignore it but, curiosity got the better of me" he shot back and I giggled hitting his arm "Yeah I'm MY dream, MY head but, you decided to stick your nose in it" I argued he laughed shrugging. He didn't seem really sorry at all. Just tried to use my dream against me.

"And I don't regret. I liked it and you were being all shy about it. It was fun messing with you after the dream too" I slapped his arm again as he laughed. I remember that day clearly. I was still embarrassed by the dream and couldn't even look him in the eye. But, he still decided to mess with me about. I wasn't sure how he knew at the time until now.

"Jerk" I mumbled.

"So how was the dream?" He asked and I didn't answer looking out the window. I was trying to stop myself from smiling but, thinking of that dream wasn't helping at all. I enjoyed it too much.

"From the way you were moaning I'd say pretty damn good" He stated making me laugh and nod agreeing. For a bit, I thought it was real. Of course, it didn't make sense how quick it was till we were rolling around in my bed but, that didn't matter.

I looked over to him focused on the road and I smiled watching him "What other dreams did you creep into?" "Well it always was sex dreams. Once I smell your arousal, I can't help but want to know what's causing it to rise. Just making sure it not another man" he stated making me laugh

"No other man has anything on you. You don't have to worry about that baby" I reassured letting my hand go to the back of his head slowly running through his hair. He took a deep breath closing his eyes for a second.

"I kind of realized that when I saw myself in every dream. I was honored to be in them all but, my favorite was the Beach house. That was... Woo." He said whispering the last word and I covered my face blushing a bit. He literally watched my dreams like a fucking movie and I couldn't even do anything about it.

I remembered parts from the dream and yeah it was amazing.

Something about his touch, the look in his eyes pulled me in deeper. I couldn't really explain it either, it was just something intense, demanding, possessive. We were in sync. As a human I never felt like this with someone but, I wanted it. I hoped I would have these feeling and then I met him.

Suddenly, the smell in the car was so intoxicating. It was making it hard to think of anything but this smell. Not only was I getting drunk on it, but it was also turning me on. Was this his arousal? Is this how he felt when we were together?

He could sit there, smell this and do nothing? I wanted to jump on him right now and I didn't care if he was driving.

He took a deep breath biting his lip and that's all we needed. I placed my hand on his upper thigh smirking as he tensed up.

"We should bring that dream to life" I suggested waiting for his response and seconds later I was thrown back as he pressed hard on the gas speeding.

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