Chapter 26

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"What?" He asked with a hard face making even more nervous. His face expression made nervous to even repeat it. Did he not want that? Did I just catch him off guard?

I smiled nervously "I... want you to change me into a vampire" I stated watching him now.

He looked away taking a deep breath "Do you know what you're asking for?" he asked and I nodded "I'm asking to be with you forever" I smiled but he didn't return it but nodded holding me closer to him. He was uneasy, looking for the words to say.

"Which mean never aging, drinking blood and having to fight the urge at times, which is hell. And if I were to change you.... there is no way we can have a ... baby" he said whispering the last part. I understood what he meant but, those were only little problems. If I had him, I could make it through.

I just nodded with a smile "I know but, Cam we could always adopt. Maybe a little girl hopefully. Not now but, a little later. There's so much I want to experience before settling down" I said hopefully and he chuckled watching me closely and a bit surprised. "Seems like you got this all planned out already"

I could tell he was still not on board with but, I don't understand why. This will literally end the biggest problem we have, time.

I sighed shrugging "You know you don't want to deal with crying, nagging and no sleep... And that's only from me for nine months" I joked and he laughed shaking his head.

"It's just a part of pregnancy. It will pass and something beautiful will come out of it. I'm going to be with you every step. I'll be up with you through morning sickness, cravings and be here to talk and cater to you through it all" he reassured and I smiled leaning my head on his.

I believed him. I knew he would be here through it all but, did I really want to deal with being pregnant. Weight gain, morning sickness, swollen feet, mood swings, having to waddle like a penguin and last but not least the contractions the baby coming.

Now some girls will happily take all of that but, I had no desire now that you think of it. Of course having a baby would be all that and then some but, I had a chance skip that. I didn't see it that way before but after a lot of thought, I know what I want.

"I think it's best if we skip that part. It will be nothing but me craving crazy food, crying and complaining about my weight, pain from the baby and we would have to take the sex down too" I stated watching closely. I expected him to instantly change his mind but, he held his ground.

"And I will happily deal with all of that if in the end, we have our baby. They will be connected to you. He or she will have a part of you in them too" he stated. That would be great but if I adopted a kid that wouldn't change a thing. I would love them unconditionally anyway.

"But with all the orphans and kids put up for adoption, why not take a few in. So many people are against people of the same gender adopting yet have never thought to adopt a kid. They deserve a family too. We can do that.

"Let's just take some time to think about this you're already jumping for this. Let's get married and if you feel the same way in a few months or years. Well talk about it then"

He was being too good.

"Are you serious?" I asked and he nodded smiling "I'm prepared for it all" he reassured . I sat up looking at him smiling so excited for it. I was still going to try to change his mind.

I licked my lips smirking at him "So you know we would barely be able to have sex right? Maybe none. Don't want to do anything to hurt them right?" I asked and he swallowed hard nodding. He tensed up as I touched his chest lightly running my fingers up it.

"Yeah" he breathed out.

I sat up straddling him and wrapping my arms around his neck looking into his green eyes curious. "So no sex, no sexual contact, you're gonna have to fight the urge to take me. We both love having each other so much imagine with a baby inside me" he didn't respond and I smiled knowing I caught him. It was slight but if I kept going I would eventually get there.

I leaned closer to his ear "As much as you hate it, you're gonna have to hold back no matter how much you're tempted. " I whispered then kissed his neck as he growled.

I was on my back that instant with his dark eyes on me. "You're not making this easier Carter" he whispered looking so conflicted and trying to fight his natural instincts. This is what he would have to do If I did have a baby.

"It shouldn't be hard. I know what I want, everything is worked out. The only thing stopping this is" I whispered taking a deep breath watching him think. Why was he so against this?

"I just don't want you regretting this Carter. You can live you're human life a-" "Or I can be vampire and be with you for eternity" Unless... I stopped looking away finally realizing it. That should have been one of the first things you addressed. This doesn't just change your life, it changes his too.

"Or... maybe you don't want that" I whispered feeling a bit embarrassed. He grabbed my head quickly "You know I want you forever Carter" he explained and I looked away again. Then why was this a problem?

"I just want to make you're ready for that. This is life changing. This isn't oh I want to change my hair color, a tattoo of something. This is permanent. You can't change this or take it back once it's done" He turned my head to face his again frowning.

I know you love me. I would never question that but, I don't want you to do this for me. I want you to do this because you want to. Even if you wanted to wait, it's fine. But, only when you're ready"

Not aging, not getting sick, mind control, faster than any human, healing abilities and being with him forever...

"I am ready" I said positive and he nodded. I didn't want to wait anymore.

"Then... I'll do it"

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