Chapter 13

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He wouldn't talk to me for days. He wouldn't even come out of his room from what I heard made me worry about him. I just wanted to know if he was okay. I just wanted to see his face. I knocked for days and got nothing.

I knew he was upset and I understood why. He felt guilty for getting that way but, I didn't blame him. At all. He stopped before anything happen. That's all that matters.

How was he supposed to know this would happen if he never experienced it anyway?

I didn't know what to do but, I wanted to do something. It's been days without him and with every hour, I felt myself getting more sadder, more lost. Not to mention, my neck kept bothering me and got worse with every day. It wasn't allowing this to happen but, I couldn't do anything to fix it.

I felt bad and wanted to talk to him but, I couldn't. I had to keep trying till he gave in. I sighed getting up and heading to his room again expecting that same response as always but, hoping it would change today.

My heart ached when I got the same response.

"Cam... just open the door please" I begged resting my hands and head on the door trying to hear something or him open the door. I got nothing. I looked down trying to calm myself but my eyes were watering and I was trying not to break.

I backed up taking a deep breath wiping the tears and walked away heading to my room and once I got to the door, I heard a door unlock and open. I looked over seeing it was his door and my body finally relaxed a bit.

I walked back nervous hoping he would talk as I quickly wiped my eyes again. This was a good step. I walked into the room freezing. It was dark due to all the closed curtains and lights being off. He pushed open a curtain open just enough to let some light in so I could see him. I swallowed hard and closed the door behind me and looking at him standing there.

It fell silent between us. I was watching him but his head was down as he stood there tensed up "Cam" I whispered stepping forward and he took a step back. "Stay there" he ordered making me freeze instantly taking a deep breath.

"Look I know you feel bad but, it's not your fault. How were you supposed to know this would happen? I'm fi-" "I could have hurt you" he snapped. I nodded "But you didn't, you stopped yourself" I reassured hearing him growl and start to pace before stopping and rushing over to me.

"I shouldn't have even gotten that close to harming you! I'm supposed to protect you" he yelled in my face as veins popped out his neck and his eyes burned into me hard.

I knew the anger wasn't aimed towards me so I pushed it off. It was aimed towards him and he was pissed that I wasn't blaming him. He seemed to expect me to be scared or pissed at him but, I had nothing but worry for him and the need to be near him.

"Why are you making yourself suffer Cameron?" I asked and he turned away from me walking away but I followed him. I wouldn't end this subject till he stopped blaming himself for a mistake "I'm fine, I don't even blame you. Stop trying to put yourself down for something that is in your nature. You're a vampire but, you stopped. No harm was done" I said as he had his back to me. All he did was take a deep breath going through his brown curls.

I stood there for a bit before speaking up again "Just talk to me Cam. What happen? What has you even unable to look at me?" I felt emotions overwhelming me again. I just wanted this to be fixed. I wanted to be like we were before.

He took a deep breath looking up speaking up "Once I felt your need for me and your p- I lost my mind" he explained turning to me. Without any thought, my hand touched his intertwining it slowly prepared for him to pull away. My heart fluttered as he held and squeezed it gently looking down at me. And right then, I felt right. I felt lost this whole time but right here, I felt right. With him. He was still upset but, he was trying to open up and I just wanted to be there for him.

He swallowed hard watching me "I wanted it. I left to make sure I wouldn't slip but, I could... I couldn't stop thinking about it" he whispered sounding ashamed but he kept his eyes on me. I just nodded letting him continue "Then I felt your emotions, you wanted me. Before I could do, anything I was here ready to..." he broke the contact but, didn't let my hand go. "I'm sorry" he whispered out.

My other hand instantly came up and touched his face gently and felt him relax a bit leaning into it but he still didn't look at me "Everything's okay. No one's hurt and I'm over it" I whispered moving closer. He finally looked up and that instant I noticed how dark his eyes were.

"Cam...How long has it been since you drank?" I asked worried. It's like a human going without food. Couldn't he starve or something? "I'm fine" he stated and I didn't even accept that. He had to go drink. "It's been almost a week Cam" I argued back. I know we just came back together but, I couldn't let this happen. I wouldn't stop till he went.

He sighed nodding "I'll go later don't worry about it. Thank you for caring about my well being" he said giving me a small smile and I smiled back slowly moving closer went in for a hug. I can't explain what made me do that but, I just did and I didn't regret it. He slowly hugged me back and I relaxed into his hold loving it more than anything this very moment.

I rested my head on his chest closing my eyes as he took a deep breath resting his head on mine. I don't know if I was making this harder for him or he was fine but, I wanted to make sure he was good. How could I do that?

I opened my eyes taking a deep breath thinking. I knew it was hard for him but, I trusted him. I know it might sound crazy, but I wanted to help him somehow if I could.

How could a human help a vampire? It actually was simple, crazy but, could work. If he was okay with it. I didn't know how he would react but, I wanted to at least put it out there for him.

"What are you thinking about?" he whispered and I took a deep breath hating that he felt my emotions sometimes "I was just thinking... maybe I could help you" "With what?" he asked and I shrugged pulling from him to look into his eyes.

"W-Why don't you feed off of me?"

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