Chapter 12

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Carter POV


The next week was kind of.... weird but, not as bad as I expected. I know Cameron said everything would be okay but, I still was on edge. Once I got it I just tried to stay in my room and away from everyone. Except to eat, use the bathroom or shower obviously.

I barely saw anyone except Sarah. Not even Cameron which was....

It kind of bummed me out when I didn't see him at all for two days. Even after hours of not seeing him, I would be kind of sad and when I did I was happy. I asked Sarah where he was and she said he had to take care of some things but, changed the subject quickly making me suspicious.

A few hours away from him was okay but, one or two days? I was sad and my neck ached a bit.

Since that day in his room, I wish I didn't stop it. I wish I didn't pull away and just kissed him. That moment between us kind of made me want to be around him more. I know I got up to leave but, I didn't know what was going to happen. His phone rung messing up the moment. Should I have just sat there till he finished with the call and tried to get it back?

Everything was so right at that moment. I spoke to him about something... personal and he was there for me. He was comfortable with it and handled it way better than expected. He was being the guy I wanted.

Dammit, I wanted him.

"So where's Harry?" I asked as she went through movies looking for something to watch. I could tell something was wrong but, she wasn't going to speak on it. I didn't see her for almost two days and when I did she just spoke to me like it was nothing. I couldn't go an hour without her peeking it checking on me.

"With Cam. You know if Cameron's gone, Harry's with him. It's like a package deal" she joked and I chuckled sitting on the couch crossing my legs. "That's how it's always been?" "Since they met, yup. So I go-" Sarah's phone rung cutting her off. She hurried over to it picking up and before she could say yes, her face went hard and I uncrossed my feet standing up nervous.

Before I could speak she ended the call, grabbed me going to the basement."What are you doing? What's going on?" I asked panicking. She didn't respond making me panic even more. Something bad was happening and I didn't know what. Of course, I was gonna be scared.

She pulled me in an empty room letting my wrist go and facing me. I massaged the wrist she had in her hand as I waited for her to speak "I need you to stay here till I say so okay?" "What's-" She disappeared before I could even get the second word out pissing me off. Why couldn't I know what was going on? I was dragged to a room downstairs and I could even get a quick explanation.

As I stood there so confused and scared not sure what to even do. Why was she acting like this? I didn't know but, I knew it would be stupid to not listen to her. So I just had to panic down here till she came back and hopefully explain this.

I jumped as I heard something smash and a lot of screaming coming from upstairs.

"Hold him!" "Come to your senses you don't want to do this!" Someone else screamed. Who? Hold who? Who was upstairs causing this? Growling, shouting and loud bangs was all I could hear making my heart pound in my chest. As if nothing else could make me more scared, Sarah screamed.

"Cameron stop. You could hurt her" she yelled.


"No! I want to see her!" He roared and my heart dropped to my stomach.

Cameron was somehow losing it. Something was wrong with him but what was it. All that I could understand was, they were stopping him from seeing me.

Just as quick as I picked my foot up to move, I put down. I wanted to see him but, I was scared. Scared of why he was acting like that. They wouldn't be stopping him unless it wasn't serious. What the hell is going on with him? He's never acted like this since I met him, now out of nowhere he leaves and comes back acting... It hit me.

It was my period making him like this.

I knew something was going to happen. He's a vampire, they are attracted to blood. But why was Sarah fine being near me? I didn't know but, what I did know was, they didn't seem to have a good hold on him. My hands went through my head trying to understand what could happen.

Could he actually hurt me right now? What about the mating thing? I turned to look for something and I looked at the window thinking. Maybe I should run. I know Sarah said stay here but, I was a sitting duck.

I went over to the window and pulled it up quickly with my hands shaking violently. I put myself through it when I was quickly pulled back and slammed against the wall.

I froze in fear as he stood right in front of me, growling and breathing hard. His body was tense and I wasn't sure if I could even do anything right now. He looked like he would attack at any moment. I knew they would come after him but, it would only make him even angrier. I didn't want him to hurt anyone. Maybe I could calm him down.

I looked at his black eyes swallowing hard as he stared at me like he was ready to pounce.

"Cam, it's me" I whispered but I got no response. I don't think it was him, he was looking at me like I was a stranger. As scared as I was, I wanted to at least try then stand here waiting for him to do something he could regret.

"Y-you don't want to hurt me" I whispered out watching him. "You want to protect me, your mate" It felt so weird saying that but, it didn't matter. I was his mate and I had to help him. "The way to do that is to fight it" I reassured but, I got nothing. Nothing changed in him.

The grip he had on my arm hurt and tighten as I moved closer but, he made no moves. I lifted my other hand and tried to gently touch his cheek but then, he instantly pulled away growling and went for my neck.

"Cameron!" I screamed in fear closing my eyes remembering the same situation the first time we met. I got the same response too. He froze up with his head in the crook of my neck and didn't move for a few seconds. My eyes slowly opened as he took a deep breath and took in my scent before pulling away.

His head was down as he moved away and I knew he finally came to his senses. And now he was realizing what he was about to do and what could happen. I didn't even feel fear anymore, my mind wanted to comfort him. I wanted to hug him and tell him it was okay. He didn't know this was going to happen, he thought he would be okay and if anything would go wrong, he could fix it.

"Cam it's okay. I'm-" I froze when he shook his head and looked up slowly and tears were forming. Tears instantly filled my eyes falling seeing him like this. His eyes were full of guilt shame and disgust.

"It's o-" Before I could make it to him and finish my sentence, he was gone.

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