Chapter 28

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My eyes shot open and I sat up holding my chest. It felt like the air was pushed into me instantly. I was breathing hard with my head pounding and mind overwhelmed with questions. Did it work? Was I a vampire? What happens once everything went black?

I feel like it was so quick, as if I was taking a nap but waking up was different. Just felt like air was pushed into me. My life I guess, I don't know. It just felt weird.

Cam was already there in front of me holding my head to look directly at him. To focus on him "It's okay you're going through the transition" he said in a calm voice.

I just took in his face slowly moving up from his perfect plump pink lips, to his cute nose then to his breathtaking green eyes. That's where I stopped getting completely lost in them.

He looked way better than he did before this whole thing and I was so happy about that. He was calm and now happy.

I looked away for a second and that's when I noticed it all. So many sounds were being heard, everything was so clear. It was as if I could see everything in HD.

I was so amazed at how much changed. I couldn't focus on anything for too long so much needed to be seen. I was so confused on how but, still fascinated.

"How are you feeling?" he asked out and I looked back to him swallowing hard. I thought for a second in disbelief "Different... weird" I stated trying to really explain it and he just chuckled watching me.

I could hear so much, see so much it felt as if I was kind of in a dream but, I knew I was awake. This was just so... different.

He gently intertwined our hands "Guess you noticed I couldn't do it" he whispered. I don't think anyone could kill the one they love, even if it meant they were coming back to life. Could mess anyone up.

"If you did it without a problem, I would be a little worried" I whispered and he laughed hard not taking his eyes off of me. I couldn't either.

He took a deep breath watching me "Still almost lost my mind when I found you on the bathroom floor. If that bottle of pills didn't do it, the impact to your head did. You head hitting the tub is what pulled out of my thoughts"

He looked down shaking his head and suddenly I felt sadness, guilt and pain.

I looked down not sure what to say. Guess that explained the headache. Can't imagine how he felt or reacted seeing that but, he obviously realized what I did before he lost his mind.

He placed his hand on my cheek lifting my head and I shuttered a bit but, leaned into it. I grabbed it holding it in place and relaxed even more. All the sounds and thoughts came to a halt when he touched me. It was like it was only him and me right now.

I could only focus on his amazing touch and beautiful shade of green his eyes were. How could someone be so perfect? How could someone be as beautiful as him? How could one touch make me feel this good?

I couldn't help but continue studying every inch of his face and shutter at his touch. Imagine seeing the most beautiful man in the world then, being able to see him clearer. As if it couldn't get any better.

And he was mine.

I was so caught up in admiring his beautiful face, I didn't even realize people came in the room till he turned his head. I looked over to see Sarah and Harry walking in smiling. I returned it but, noticed the big bag in Harry's hand. It sounded like a liquid but, I wasn't sure.

He passed it to Cam "Hopefully this will be enough for her" Sarah said smiling at me.

"How are you feeling?" Harry asked moving back a bit and putting his hands in his pockets.

I thought about it for a few seconds looking around at the three pairs of eyes on me "Good... kind of" I said unsure.

I'm pretty sure it would take a bit to get used to this and to top it off my throat was kind of burning. Not that bad but it was starting to bug me since my focus left him.

Cameron opened the bag and pulled out a pint of blood. "Maybe this will help" he said passing it to me. I just looked down at it dreading this part.

"To finish the transition you have to drink it" he whispered and I nodded.

Imagine now trying to live on it.

"You'll be fine once you have some" he stated taking it from me as I just looked at it in disgust.

Once he opened it, the smell of blood hit my nose instantly and everything zoned out. All I could think about was the blood. I went from disgust to wanting it now.

That's all I wanted.

He passed it to me and instantly grabbed it without a second thought of drinking it down. I didn't even feel like I could control myself. Cam seemed to not be bothered by it just watched me as if he was preparing himself for something.

It didn't matter though, drinking this blood was like running for miles on a hot summer day and having a nice cold bottle of water after. I couldn't help but moan in enjoyment.

I finished it in seconds but, still needed more to stop the thirst. It barely did much for my dry throat.

I held my hand out for another one and he passed it to me quickly without a word. I finished that in seconds and held my hand out for another but, I didn't get the same response. He shook his head no and it instantly angered me.

"Maybe you should slow down" Harry said pissing me off even more "I want more" I stated harshly. What was so bad about having another one? I needed it.

I waited for a few seconds and growled impatiently going for the bag. Cam grabbed me wrapping his arms around me tightly "Let me go" I yelled and then hissed in pain at the sharp pain in my neck.

Guess that was never going to disappear.

"Take the bag" Cam said and they were instantly gone out of the room leaving me there dying for the blood. I was trying to not lose my mind but, I couldn't control it. I couldn't until I had more.

I growled trying to get free but, he wouldn't let me go.

No matter how much I tried to get out of his grip he wouldn't budge. I didn't know what I wanted more to get out of his hold or to have more blood.

This was going to be the longest day of my life.

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