Chapter 10

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Cameron POV


I couldn't control my laughter once I closed the bathroom door behind me. Her face was priceless when I asked her about her sleep. She knew exactly what I was talking about. That very surprising yet amazing dream.

One reason why I loved being a vampire, I can control minds, go into dreams and they don't even know or can do anything about it. Humans were powerless to it.

Never did it to her till last night. I just wanted a peek into what she was thinking. She was opening up and being more comfortable but, did that mean everything was okay with her. I sensed something was off so like a good mate, I checked on her. Surprised myself that I was in it.

She was scared and I was reassuring her that I wouldn't let anything happen to her. Which was true, I wouldn't let anything happen to her. She was my mate, no matter how much we argued and disliked each other at times, I would protect her with my life.

Things got intense though. Really intense.

Next thing I know, her clothes were everywhere and I was taking mine off. I had to watch the whole thing happen, it was too fascinating not to. It was a side of her I've never seen but, my vampire side wanted it. Me too to be honest. And of course, I was so riled up I lost control but, she didn't stop me. She didn't stop me until I caused her pain.

Once I bit into her neck, she woke up breathing hard, feeling confused, embarrassed and even though it was slight, I smelt her arousal. Her need for me. I guess after she thought about the dream that arousal seemed to increase making me want to run to her room.

But, I didn't think anything could smell so amazing till I smelt her a few minutes ago. It was stronger maybe because she was directly in front of me. Or maybe because I was shirtless in front of her and she still wasn't over the dream. Either way, I was in love with it.

Believe me when I say, it took all my energy not to lose control and drag her into the bathroom. To rip that towel off of her and do more than she could see in her dreams. That dream wouldn't even compare to what I would do to her. She would fall in love with me. She would crave and beg for my touch.

But, I wouldn't do anything unless she fully agreed.

Which meant even if the vampire instincts tried to take over, I would do everything in my power to stop it. I would keep that promise to protect her, even if it was from me. I know it's supposed to happen but, I wouldn't touch her unless she was ready.

But, that didn't mean I couldn't mess with her. I enjoyed her reaction way more than I should to be honest.

She wouldn't stop thinking about it meaning, I couldn't stop smelling the arousal and I was getting drunk on it. It just followed me around. No matter where I went it was there with me reminding me she was mine and she wanted me. I obviously never dealt with this but, I heard and this was way more intense than they explained. They said I would just feel it around me when we were close but, this was hitting me, slapping me every damn second making it hard to calm down.

I guess I just had to try to get used to it.

It was funny though, once she knew I was near she would panic, arousal would get stronger and she would try to avoid me. While she would talk to others in the house, I'd just popped in to see her reaction. She kept trying to push the feelings away but, failed miserably. She didn't know what to do with herself and it was too funny but, kind of cute. A girl was so drawn to me she ran away. Lucky me.

Honestly, I wish she didn't though. At first, this was all about mating and I didn't care how she felt. I was going to mark her even if she didn't want it but now, it was different. Those selfish feelings were gone.

What I would do and give just to go back in time, meet on different terms. Meet somewhere other than an alley where she was about to be killed.

She would be crazy to think of me any other way than just the mate.

I don't blame her either. But I still wish it would happen. Just because I smelt the arousal didn't mean she really wanted me. Any guy could pass and her arousal could get stronger I would think.

Even then, I didn't know exactly how I felt about her at this very moment. It wasn't love, but it wasn't just like but, somewhere in between when I would kill for her, protect her and care. 

I instantly froze as I smelt her coming towards my room. I swallowed hard trying to stay in my spot on my bed as she walked but then she froze at my door nervous. A low growl slipped out of me sensing that and hating it. Why was she nervous"You don't have to knock Carter" I called out waiting as she sighed opened the door and peeked her head in.

I instantly smiled sitting up and I heard her heart flutter making my smile get a little harder in response.

"H-Hey I need to talk to you about umm... something"

DAMN she was nervous.

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