Chapter 8

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Wow, he wasn't kidding about the mark. Any man that even came near me caused it to throb. It was such an annoying feeling but, I pushed past it trying to enjoy the night.

But, I wondered if this how it would be for the rest of my life? Me not being able to even be near another guy? Friends? Family? That would be ridiculous but I didn't even know these guys and here it was.

I had to ask him when I got home.

Right now though, I was going to drink and dance till I couldn't anymore.

I finished my drink already letting the bartender know I needed another before looking over to a surprised Sarah.

"Usually Cam sticks with his decisions, surprised he let you go out" She stated smiling before drinking from her cup and I couldn't do anything but shrug. Maybe because he knew that would make me not like him more? Or that I wasn't one to really listen to anyone either. I didn't really know.

"Not as mean as I thought I guess... We finally agreed that we have no way out so we'll try to make it work. Need to meet halfway somehow" I explained the best way I could. To be honest, I was still trying to understand it myself but, things were getting easier.

She smiled nodding "Seem to like him more now. Thought you might try to kill him in his sleep" she joked I busted laughing at that statement because it was true.

That's how much I hated him at first but, I would never actually do it, not like I could anyway. Would catch me as soon as I got to his door. Damn vampire abilities.

"Trust me at the time, I thought about it but, I'm over it now. He's being nice so I'll relax and put my weapons away" I said smiling and she giggled gently hitting my arm.

"Sensing more than like..." She smirked and my smile dropped. What was she sensing because all I saw was two people trying to get along for the sake of this mating stuff. I shook my head sipping my drink as she just continued smiling.

It was due to the mating...

"It's okay if you do, it's natural." she reassured and I didn't respond for a second staying silent. Of course, I noticed we spent more time together and we were getting along but, the way she was making it seem was as if I was falling for him.

I shook my head chuckling "It's not natural, none of this is... it's the mark" I stated then finished my second drink and she just shook her head.

What the hell was she getting at? I was not falling for Cameron, we were just friends. Yet she was here smirking like she knew something I didn't.

"What are you trying to say Sarah?" I asked slightly annoyed yet confused that she was making this situation more than it needed to be. She should just be happy we weren't screaming and at each other anymore. She was hoping we would act more mature and look at us.

"Nothing..." she said shrugging as she smirked. "Just that... the mark will make sure you two are together and respect each other but, anything after that is natural"

I rolled my eyes shaking my head "Yeah and that's all were are doing. Being together and not arguing anymore because of the mark. But that's all there is, we're nothing more than mates. Friends if you want to say that" I explained but I wanted to use the term friend lightly.

"For now" she muttered smiling.

I hit her arm quickly and she laughed looking back over to me. Maybe she was just joking, trying to stir something up. I don't know but it did make me wonder. What if she did see something... Did the rest see it? Did Cameron see it?

See what?!

With that, I let the subject go. I was too sober to think about that right now.

" I can't wait for you tw-" She instantly stopped tensing up but didn't move for a few seconds. Before I could even ask her what was wrong, my neck started throbbing even more but, I wasn't sure why. I gripped my neck annoyed turning around to see what was happening. Something was causing this and I needed to get away from it. Maybe it was time to leave.

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