Chapter 18

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Carter POV


I laid my head on his chest trying to control my breathing. I don't think I could ever get used to this. I thought just having one taste of him would calm me down when It just made me want him even more. And I even after having a whole night alone, I didn't want to be apart from him. He didn't seem to want to either.

I smiled in happiness as his hand ran up and down my back slowly and the other stayed tangled in my hair slowly massaging it. Cameron was a man of many talents and I was enjoying every single one. Damn i've... i've never felt this way. I've never experienced something so mind-blowing, desire filled beautiful... perfect.

Nothing could top this moment.

"I love you" he whispered and my heart stopped for a second. Did he?

My head popped up quickly as I looked into his green eyes with him smiling "What?" I asked confused hoping I did hear him right. He pulled me tighter to him laughing then let his fingers gently come up to my head cupping it.

"I love you. I know how you feel about me but, I want you to know that the feelings are the same" he whispered out making me giggle.

"I-I love you too" I said and he pulled me in for a kiss instantly turning me to puddy. I didn't expect him to say it, but I was happy he did. I felt the same way. I thought of love as loving the presence of that person, being ready to do anything for that person, not be able to go a day without a person. Ready to give everything up for that person in a heartbeat. That's how I felt with Cam.

Didn't think me hearing that for the first time could do this to me. Could make me feel like this... So full so complete.

Something else changed though. I couldn't explain it before but, something did shift in me. It was good but, after thinking about it for a while I realized, it was complete. The mating process was complete.

I couldn't get enough of him, I wanted to be with him all the time and that's what I got this whole week but, it was kind of like we had telepathy with each other. Or maybe I just knew him that much. I wasn't sure but, I just wanted him and I had a whole week with him alone.


We spent every day together trying new things and I loved it. Surfing, swimming, scuba diving in the mornings and later was more intimate. Dinner on the beach, watching the sunrise, he even took me to a club and we stayed on the dance floor all night dancing and teasing each other.

Of course, that led to other amazing activities with him all over the house. Every room in the house we enjoyed. I don't even remember the last time I didn't have a smile on my face this week.

Probably when we had to leave.

After almost a full week of us, it was time to go but, we decided to go out one last walk on the beach. I settled for a light blue maxi dress barefoot and most of it in a ball in my hand as we walked on the beach letting our feet get wet. My other hand was intertwined with his tightly as we laughed, talked, stopped and kissed time from time.

"Kind of feel like we never did the like stage, we just jumped into love" he stated squeezing hand then kissed it gently looking over to me. I smiled as I thought about it and agreed.

It was true, we didn't go through that stage and if we did it was very brief. Went from hating each other, to just dealing with each other to... kinda falling for each other. Now we were saying we loved each to her. All in less than a month. Weird. It didn't matter though, I knew where I wanted to be and so did he.

"Doesn't even matter. We have each other now" I whispered grabbing his chin then kissing his cheek quickly. Once I pulled away, I saw him he smiling even harder looking at me. He pulled me back quickly holding me there for a few seconds taking a deep breath before pressing his lips to mine.

Once he pulled away I was in a daze just smiling looking away. I really didn't want to leave this place. I loved everything about it. Especially the atmosphere. So peaceful, and intimate. Everything just felt great, I was going to miss this, just us being alone like this but, this wouldn't be the last time. I'll make sure of it.

I smiled at all the people swimming, surfing, getting tans or just enjoying the sun. So lucky to have this every day.

A little girl ran over to her parents and sat between the two of them. She started rubbing her mom's belly, she looked like she was ready to burst. It was one of the cutest things ever seen. They laughed all rubbing the belly and then the father kissed the mother cheeks.

Everything smashed as reality hit instantly.

I wouldn't be able to have that. I wouldn't be able to have a family with Cameron. He wouldn't be the father of my children, he wouldn't be able to rub my belly, go to classes with me, be in the delivery room.. Have a child.

That's when I looked away looking at him as we walked. I wondered did he ever think about that? I always thought about having at least one baby in the future but, now it couldn't happen. I finally meet the perfect guy in every way and this happens.

I hated this.

Once we finally thought everything was fine something else would come up. Something always had to remind us that our love wasn't perfect.

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