Chapter 25

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Few Months Later


Jesus when he said he wanted this to be big and memorable he meant it.

I was excited- like jumping around excited since he asked but, he might have beat me. He took care of everything and more. I was fine having a small wedding. Hell, I would have been fine getting eloped but, he wasn't having it. He wanted everything big. Big white dress, big ceremony, big cake. He asked me about my perfect wedding and went above it.

"Can't believe I actually agreed to all this" I whispered walking away from the window the backyard was completely different. All white everything. Of course, I was grateful for all of this but, I didn't need this. I didn't even need a wedding. I just needed him.

"Wanted it to be perfect for you. Now relax" he said getting up from the bed and walking over to me smiling then kissing my head. I smiled pulling him down to my lips instantly wanting to continue this but it seemed he couldn't. Once he pulled away I frowned making him laugh.

"I'll be back in a bit. Hold those feelings for an hour" "Where are you going?" I asked and he smiled shaking his head "Don't worry about, I'll be back as soon as I can" I sighed rolling my eyes. I hated when he was like his. Acted like it was no big deal but, still wouldn't tell me.

He froze looking at me and I knew he felt my emotions instantly. "It's not serious relax love" "Then tell me" I whined pouting and he chuckled. "Thirsty" he stated and I scoffed throwing my hands up. Cameron was so weird sometimes..

"Umm hello am I not here? I told you it was fine-" "I know bu-" I shook my head cutting him off "What is my blood not good enough" I joked and he laughed shaking his head walking back to me.

"Trust me your blood is...amazing but, you not just a body of blood. You're my wife" he said leading me to the bed holding my hands. I understood what he meant but, he could drink from me when he wanted or needed "As your wife, I should be able to help. This is the perfect example Cam. Instead of leaving you can drink from me I'm honestly fine with it" I reassured smiling and he still looked unsure but I rolled my eyes moving closer smiling.

He nodded biting his lip as I moved my hair out of the way. Without another word, he took a deep breath pulling me into his lap. I relaxed in his arms and turned my head giving him access.

I tensed feeling his light breath against my but just took a deep breath closing my eyes. It was slight but, there was gonna be a pain. His lips ran over my neck taking my scent in. His teeth pushed into my skin and I winced a bit holding onto him at the slight pain. His grip tighten as he drank and a low moan slipped out as I let him take what he needed.

After a few, he pulled away breathing hard for a bit as I opened my eyes. He poked his thumb making it bleed, rubbed it against the bite and the pain disappeared instantly.

I looked up at him smiling and he returned it. This was something obviously not normal for couples but for us, it was like feeding the other food. Weird but, okay. I loved the relationship we had though. No matter what we dealt with, it always worked out. As it should.

Since the last time I talked to Harry, it had me thinking. Maybe me and Cam didn't really need to have that argument of me... dying. Maybe we didn't even have to cross that bridge at all. I could be given a way to be with him forever. I wanted him more than anything.

"I've been thinking...." his face went hard. "Calm down I think it's good" I laughed shaking my head "Can't help it, every time you get like this, it's something serious" he stated and I thought about it agreeing. This wasn't something like Oh I want to go somewhere or do something. This was a life-changing decision.

"It is kinda... but, I think you will be happy or I hope so" I said I said and he nodded waiting for me to speak "Tell me before I lose my mind" he begged and I chuckled. "I thought it over for a few months and... I've made the decision" I whispered looking away a bit nervous on this. His reacting, what will happen in the future, everything.

"What decision?" He asked confused and I sighed looking up to him .

"To be with you forever Cam. I want you to make me into a vampire"

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