Chapter 24

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"So I'm supposed to move on but, you won't?" I challenged feeling my whole body shake in anger looking at her. She was the last person I expected to ever feel this way about but, I couldn't help it. Not with this. Why would she even ask that? Why would she even think I would be okay with her not moving on? Why would she even think I would live without her? I wouldn't but, she would.

"You aren't happy you're the only girl I want. That I will ever love?" "No" she yelled wincing. I guess the mark hurt her. It made me feel a little guilty. I tried to avoid this as soon as she told me about this dream.

But, I should have expected to have to talk about this. If anything were to happen to me, I would want her to move on. It wouldn't be easy but I wanted her to at least try. She had my blessing but, I couldn't make that promise.

She wiped her face looking away from me to calm herself "I just want you to be happy and move on after me Cameron" she whispered out lowly.

I backed up clenching my jaw taking a deep breath looking down at her "I'm supposed to be happy after you die?" I asked. The joy, excitement and love I've gotten from Carter have been like no other. Nothing could live up to it so there was no trying for me.

She is all I want for the rest of my life and if I can't have her, I don't want anything. Not even life itself.

"Am I supposed to be if you die" she shot back filling me up with anger once again. Man this feeling each other feeling was... amazing yet difficult. I'm sure we were feeling the same way but, we had different ways of expressing them. But one thing for sure we both had short tempers.

"Yes, I want you to!" I roared making her jump a bit then she shoved me back roughly "No" She screamed wincing and grabbing her neck quickly and turned without another word. She swung the door open and stormed out. Her anger was slowly disappearing and now being replaced with sadness.


I closed my eyes taking a deep breath.

I know I was kind of wrong but, I couldn't think about her doing that because she lost me. I wanted the best for her. I wanted her happy and just to think of her... I shook my head trying to stop thinking about it.

Fuck that right now, it didn't matter.

She left out of our room crying because of me. She was hurting because she loved me too much and I made it worse. I felt like crap but, I deserved it. We both wanted to make sure each other was fine if something were to happen. Two stubborn people trying to push each other...

Maybe that's why I got blessed with her. She didn't deal with my shit. Before Carter, I was in my own world with people just living in it. I didn't care for anyone else until I stumbled upon her. At first, I thought this was on own personal hell but, it has been a blessing. She has given me a reason to live, smile every day, look forward to the future.

I heard the downstairs back door close and I walked to the window seeing her walking towards the forest. If there was one thing I have grown to learn and love about her, she didn't give up. She would fight for what she believed with her last breath. Just because she walked out didn't mean she was done. She wouldn't stop until I changed my answer.

I took a deep breath thinking about it all. There wasn't really thought about this subject anymore. The only way to make sure she would move on is if I promised I would. I honestly don't think I could, but all I could do was try for her sake. I loved her too much to let this ruin what we have.

Maybe now was the time to do it.




I took a deep breath as I sat down leaning against the tree holding my neck. Yeah, that push really did it. Hated this mark when it did that. No matter how much he pissed me off, I couldn't react the way I wanted. Maybe that was a good thing. Sometimes my anger would get the best of me and the last thing I wanted to do was say something I'd regret.

I wiped my face sitting in silence thinking about it. I understood what he meant by not being able to move on after me but, I didn't want it to happen. He had a life before me, he could have on after me too. His life should not end when mine does.

I took a deep breath trying to relax but, the throbbing was slowly making the anger rise again. I pushed him now I'm away from him, why was it still hurting? I kept rubbing my neck hoping it would stop hurting but I guess only Cam could stop it. Guess us making up would stop it. It was like a friend harassing you to make up after fighting. Annoying.

Why didn't he have this?

Butterflies filled my stomach instantly causing everything to come to a halt. I didn't open my eyes but I knew he was here.

"It's going to happen, I'm human" I whispered surprised he was so calm. He gently touched my neck sending a shiver up my back as the pain dulled. He went up to my cheek and I instantly leaned into it.

He was silent till I opened my eyes. He didn't even have to say anything, just looking into his emerald eyes was all I needed "I'll try for you" he whispered swallowing hard then looked down licking his lips.

"I'll try... if you will too and that's the only exception" he stated in a stern voice.

I looked away in silence. I didn't want to. I couldn't see myself without him beside me. I couldn't see myself ever saying I love you to someone else. But I had to think about him too. This wasn't easy for him either. The chance of me losing him was very slim but, I would go in time. I needed us on board together.

"Okay" I whispered watching him. He gave me a small smile nodding. "Alright" he whispered getting up. "But for now I just want to live in the present with you. Every second I can get with you I will take" he said picking me up. His hands slowly went up to my cheeks gently rubbing them.

"I love you" he whispered out and my heart swelled hearing it. "I love you too" I said and he pulled me into a kiss quickly. "Come on" I whispered once I pulled away grabbing his hand. I turned pulling him towards the house but, he didn't move.

"Wait one more thing" he said smiling.

I looked back confused standing there and instantly started shaking my head when he pulled out a box from his pocket, getting on one knee. Oh my gosh. What is he doing? I tried pulling away as he grabbed my hand but, he laughed.

"Oh come on you might as well accept it Carter. We are technically already married, I'm on one knee, I spent a lot of money on this and if you accept, it will make me so happy" he said knowing I couldn't refuse. Not like I would anyway.

"Now don't make this difficult for me with your stubbornness" he warned and I laughed shaking my head.

"Now Carter, You have brought a light into my life that I never knew I needed till you came in screaming and swinging" he joked making me laugh already crying.

"I have been blessed. I know things have felt out of your control and I'm sorry about that. So I feel it's only right to ask you for this. So, Carter will you make me the happiest man alive or undead- whatever you want to call it- by accepting this ring and officially marrying me? " He asked and I laughed nodding quickly.

I don't know what I was expecting when he came out of the house but, it definitely wasn't this. Maybe a bit more arguing, make up, makeup sex, the regular.

No, I was getting better, a proposal from the love of my life.


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