Chapter 11

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Cameron POV


She was looking down playing with her fingers shaking a bit as her heart pounded in her chest. I could even smell the nervousness on her and I hated it. I hated her being anything but happy. Especially if the feelings were because of me.

I didn't want her to fear or feel nervous around me. I just wanted her to feel happy and safe. She was safe but I haven't really seen the happy part. I know I caused this but, I was gonna fix it. She would be happy in time, just had to get there. I would be patient.

I placed my hand on hers gently happy she didn't pull away or something. I ended up getting more than expected with her. Her heart fluttered but, seconds later she was relaxed at the touch of my hand. Not all the way but, it was better than before. I'll take it though.

After a while of her stay silent, I spoke up "Carter just say it" I encourage not only for her but, for my sanity. I needed to know what was making her nervous to talk to me about. I needed to know so I could find some way to fix it for her.

"Whatever you have to say will be okay. We'll work it out somehow" I reassured squeezing her hand "We''s kind of embarrassing" she admitted looking towards the wall with my dresser trying to avoid my face. I wish she wasn't like this, I wanted her to be able to talk to me about anything.

"We should be able to tell each other everything. I just want to be there for you through anything. I want you to trust me" I stated and she nodded chuckling warming my heart a bit. "What is it personal, girl problems?" Her heart sped up more when I said the last one making me wonder. What kind of problem was this? Did she need Sarah or something? I mean I would be here but, if Sarah can handle this better since it was a girl problem, I'll let her help...

"Girl problems huh?" I asked and she nodded taking a deep and looking at me more embarrassed."Umm... This week I should get my... My period" she said and my body relaxed instantly. I was scared for something way worse. Something like pregnant with a man's baby. Don't know how I would have reacted to that but.....

"That's it?" I asked and she looked up confused but, nodded watching me. Did she think I would be grossed out or something? It's a part of life, every girl has to deal with it. She can't change it and neither can I. I actually felt bad for girls. Bleeding, cramps, bloating, mood swings. I would give her anything she needed for that week.

She looked at me surprised and still a bit embarrassed but, I just smiled at her. "I thought-" "We would lose it because we're vampires?" I joked and she chuckled nodding. I knew it. I wasn't even mad of course once you put blood and vampire together it's never good but, I had this under control.

"I wasn't sure and I didn't want to cause something to happen" She explained making me like her that much more. She wanted to be cautious. "Don't worry about it Carter, I planned ahead" stated and she let out a breath in relief smiling until I spoke up again. "You're gonna stay in the basement locked in a room" I stated and her eyes went wide as her mouth dropped.

I busted out laughing loving her expression at the moment. She actually believed me for a second. Before she could actually panic and maybe try to run, I spoke up again quickly "I'm kidding, I wouldn't do that" She laughed pulling her hand out of mine hitting me gently and my heart skipped a beat.

"We have self-control you know" I joked and she laughed nodding. "Have you ever experienced this?" "No, but it's all about self-control. Also, you're my mate, your life is first. As long as I'm alive you won't be in anything dangerous. I'll be on guard" I reassured grabbing her hands.

I was liking this more than I thought I would. I was calming her down and making her smile like I strived to do. Yeah, it was something small but, the fact that she was happy was all that mattered.

Her heart was pounding as she stared at me in silence. Something was there, a strong pull that drew me to her, wanting this. I could feel it, I just hoped she felt it too.

"Why are you so nervous?" I whispered and it caught her off guard and she looked down shaking her head. "I'm not" "I can feel your emotions" I stated quickly and she stayed silent for a second thing of another lie I guess. Why was she fighting it? Was she-

"Are you afraid of me?" I asked nervous that maybe that was the case. That was the last thing I was trying to do to her. I wanted to protect not scare here.

I relaxed as her head shook no "Then what is it?" I asked moving closer. Wasn't sure if it was the right thing to do but, if I felt like I crossed a line, I'll back up.

She didn't seem to have a problem with me closer so I moved closer as she took a deep breath playing with her fingers "I don't know how I'm feeling. Everything is scattered right now" She whispered not looking up at me but. I still nodded waiting for her to finish. "I'm like...confused... about us" she whispered out taking a deep breath looking up "I... feel like I should be far away from you" I instantly looked down feeling my heart ache a bit at that statement. Not what I wanted to hear.

"But, I also feel like I should stay with you and be with you" she added. My eyes snapped back up to her nervous ones. I looked around trying to wait for the joke but she was serious. This was real. She felt something for me. That's all I needed.

I know she was nervous but I would push my luck a bit today. My hand ran up her jaw to her cheek gently brushing the hair out of her face. Her eyes stayed on mine as her body shivered and she swallowed hard. She knew what I wanted and I took her eyes on me as approval but she could pull away at any time. Both of our hearts sped up as I leaned in closer.

Before I could even touch her lips, my phone went off making her jump. I groaned grabbing it and silencing it instantly but she already pulled away blushing. I wanted to pull her back to finish but, her leaving so quickly made it clear she still needed time. I would give her that. I sighed smiling that we even got this far. She opened up to me.

In time.

She opened the door looking back at me smiling " I'll talk to you later"

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