Chapter 36

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"Ughh they're so gonna kill us" I said studying the house. The living room was destroyed, worse than his room. I don't even remember how we got back in the house. I just remember being thrown on the couch then we were on the floor.

"Not if they don't find out" he said laughing and I joined in still laying on his chest. I looked around seeing so much stuff on the floor around us and I sighed shaking my head. How wouldn't they know?

"We've put holes in walls, the couch is pretty much broken, with the table leaning. I think the only thing not damaged is us thanks to being able to heal quick" he chuckled letting his hand run up my back.

"I'll order a new couch, table, counter, TV and do the holes later. But right now, that doesn't matter. We're enjoying our second honeymoon and I don't plan on that being the last time we have sex here" he stated.

Wasn't sure how long we would be here but the house didn't stand a chance. This was the first night here and look at it. Did it really matter though? Cameron didn't think so and now I thought maybe there wasn't much to do about it.

Cameron wasn't going to let it be a problem. He had a plan already so nothing else mattered. He was going to destroy this house and then fix it later, nothing else.

He grabbed my hand intertwining it with his then gently kissed mine making my heart flutter. I looked at him biting my lip as my hand stayed in his lips. "Who knew sex on the beach could be so fun" he joked making me laugh.

"And so messy" I added feeling the sand still on me. He laughed "Let's shower then" he said excited making me laugh sitting up to straddle him naked. I definitely need one but I knew he was ready for round whatever, I lost count.

I hated him for making me like this.

He barely had to do anything to tempt me. Few words, a little touching, intense stare or biting his lip. I was puddy in his hands instantly.

His hands went up my thigh, torso, breast then to my head as he moved the hair out of my face and touching my cheeks. I smiled closing my eyes taking a deep breath.

I leaned into them relaxing "I love you" he whispered making my heart flutter and fill with so much joy.

I opened my eyes seeing his green ones on mine "I love you too"


Next Week


"Wait what?! So the house is actually still intact" Harry joked. I rolled my eyes laughing as I sat with Cam. I was leaning on him as his arm stayed around me with his finger gently drawing circles. I froze for a second remembering Cam said he would handle it. He knew Harry and Sarah would be annoying about it.

Suddenly, pulled me onto his lap making me laugh as I leaned against his chest. "Yes" Cam stated as I stayed silent. "You destroyed nothing?" Sophie asked laughing as he kissed my head.

That's all I could say. If I spoke too, I would give it away. I sucked at lying.

"Nope" I said not making eye contact. "Liars. They probably destroyed the whole house and Cam bought new stuff" Sarah said as we stayed silent for a few seconds before we busted out laughing.

"Can't get anything past Sarah" Cam stated rolling his eyes as I agreed. It didn't matter though, they'll know eventually.

"No you can't. I know you guys too well. Just please don't destroy this house. I like it the way it is" she said making me wonder how this would work. I do feel like we did get it a bit out of our system but, for how long?

Would we have to go somewhere else, maybe tone it down a bit while here? But everytime?

I don't think we thought this through, at least not me.

"It was all her. She doesn't know her strength yet. She was the one slamming me into stuff" I elbowed him in the side making him grunt as I looked down blushing. 

Okay, majority of the time it was me but, he was to blame too. I felt I had no control of it he would just do something to me till where I was just so crazy about him and couldn't control myself. I just wanted to jump on him.

"Mhmm" Sarah said eyeing him suspiciously as I giggled knowing she would see through the bull.

"What?" He asked laughing. "She probably wanted to calm down but, you kept tempting her. She wouldn't go around destroying everything if she could help it" Damn she was good. I laughed and nodded agreeing.

"Okay I did, but I didn't expect all that. Not that I'm complaining though. The memories just keep replaying" he said squeezing me as I shook my head not sure what to say. I wasn't one to be so verbal about intimacy so I just ignored it.

He was trying to start it again. I don't know when he did that, it made me want to pounce on him. I was so demanding and I didn't even care anymore. He satisfied the need every time, no questions asked.

"Hopefully she learns her strength soon" Harry said and I agreed. I couldn't wait for it either then Cam will stop being slammed and thrown on everything. He seemed to be able to take it great which was surprising but then again, somehow he ended up always in control.

"I'm actually in no rush. It's fun and a workout. Take your time.. we have all the time in the world" he said and I smiled pressing my lips to him. Exact Cameron response I expected.

I couldn't get enough of him. I didn't expect any of this but, I loved it all. I loved the feelings I got when I was with him. I love the love between us. I loved the way he treated me as if I was only girl the world.

Of course there was one time I didn't think it would work but months later, I was deep in love. I didn't want to live without him now. I got the chance to have an everlasting love and was so grateful for it.

Of course there were things that needed to be figured out but, we could deal with those later and together when we needed to cross that bridge. Right now I wanted to celebrate and be happy with everything we had right now.

I love him and I would shout it to the world in a heartbeat.

His grip tighten around me. I guess he felt my emotions once again. "I love you too" he whispered.

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