Chapter 6

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I felt like my lungs were collapsing in my body was being torn apart while burning. Wouldn't wish this pain on anyone, not even my worse enemy. I knew I couldn't take this for much either this was going to knock me out cold or it was gonna kill me. Even though I was begging for it to just put me out of my misery, I was hoping somehow it would just stop. I would do anything to stop this pain.

I needed Cameron to stop this.

I felt my body being picked up quickly and the pain slowly faded away but, I was still shaking remembering every moment of pain. That pain would haunt me for the rest of my life. There was still a pain in my neck but, I could take it compared to the other. My lungs felt like they could finally work again and I took a deep breath relaxing as arms wrapped around me. His arms.

As mad as he has made me in these few minutes, I've never been so happy to see him and be in his arms. It seemed that Cameron was the cure for everything going wrong.

Once he nuzzled his nose to my neck, the pain was completely gone letting me relax fully. I tensed as he stayed there letting his lips press against my skin gently. My heart fluttered as I swallowed hard not understanding why I was feeling so warm inside. I wasn't against it though, if that meant I never felt that again, he can continue this. I was practically leaning on him refusing to move in fear that I would feel the pain again.

I took another deep breath as he pulled me in tighter to him saying nothing else even after Sarah spoke up. "Umm...i'll see you guys back at the house. Seems like you have to talk" I just nodded as we still held to each other tightly. I didn't know exactly why he held me like this but, I was just thankful.

That's how it stayed until he finally spoke in a low tone "That was the scariest feeling ever" he whispered sounding nervous. "What feeling?" I asked against his chest inhaling his smell. So fresh, clean and relaxing to me "That your life was in danger" he whispered out and I didn't know how to respond. How could all this be possible? Not only could he sense me, he knew when I was in danger. "I should have just marked you before" he whispered full of regret making me finally picked my head up to make sure I wasn't just losing it again.

I just looked into his green eyes and that's when I realized all that anger I had, vanished. I wasn't going to scream but, I needed to know why he did he lie. I thought we were on better terms now "Why didn't you tell me the rest of the process" I asked and he looked at me confused. "What do you mean?" "The mark isn't the only thing you have to do to complete the process" I whispered hoping we didn't have to really speak of it right now. I still wasn't sure how I felt about it.

He sighed looking away "Because it doesn't really matter" "It does though, what if it's not completed? Am I going to die or something?" I panicked hoping not but he relaxed me when he shook his head "The important part is the mark. You don't have to worry about that. We are running out of time and whatever triggered that anger to me made it react like that. You resist, it will make you" he explained and I just nodded. I think we just needed to sit down and talk about all of this. I needed to know everything.

"What about the vampire part?" I asked she shrugged. "That's your decision. If you don't want to, you'll be my mate till your life is over. I wouldn't force anything on you unless you wanted it. I mark you and you continue to live your life Carter"

I took a deep breath trying to keep calm thinking about it. I really hope he wasn't lying and it was just that simple for us. I was trying to make it work and we could if he met me halfway. "I'm sorry... I should have told you everything but, I wasn't sure if that would add more fuel to the fire we were trying to put out" he explained laughing a bit. He was right though. We wouldn't have made it here if he told me this earlier.

I chuckled thinking about how I would have acted. "Yeah... that wouldn't have helped" I laughed looking back up to his bright eyes on me. It gave me a calm feeling inside. Ugh I hated that he calmed me like this when I was trying to be serious "So, is there anything else I need to know?" He shook his head "No. Nothing else" he smiled and it suddenly gave me this burst of happiness.

"Let's get out of here" I said finally pulling away and turning to notice my bags were gone. Sarah. At least I didn't have to carry them now. I took a deep breath looking at him and he shrugged holding his hand out to me. Without a thought I took it and we headed towards to door when I suddenly had an idea.

"We should all go out tonight. It's Friday and I think we could all have a night out" I suggested looking over to him. I was in such good mood and I didn't know why but, I wanted to do something. First time in a while that I felt like this why waste it?

He didn't look at me as he spoke "Where?" he asked and I shrugged heading down the step behind him. "Bar, club- " "I don't think so" he stated cutting me off as my feet hit the floor. "Why not?" I asked confused. It's not like it was only me, I was hoping we could all go out, including him but, I guess not.

"It's dangerous for you" he turned as he stated in a hard voice. Now he was all serious. Here we go "How could it be dangerous? It's just a place to enjoy yourself and it's not like it would only be me. I want all of us to go" I clarified hoping he would relax but even then, that still wouldn't stop me from going. He didn't own me. I said I would meet him halfway and if he wasn't going to try to make this work, I wouldn't either.

"You can enjoy yourself at the house" He simply said and I rolled my eyes instantly. SOunded like my mother when I was younger. No. "Are you serious Cam?" I asked annoyed. I wasn't a little kid, I was going to go out. If he didn't want to go, he could be home bored for all I care. He didn't even respond just looked at me with a serious face.

"I'm supposed to stay in the house all day?" I argued filling with anger that he was actually trying this with "No you can go places but, with me" he corrected like I was the crazy one. "What the hell Cameron that's not fair. Might as well stay in the house" I said walking past him and to the door rolling my eyes. What was I going to be able to since I couldn't even really go anywhere?

This was bullshit.

"You forgot to tell me that you would be all possessive. What happened to me being able to live my life?" I shot back turning to him and he just rolled his eyes. "It's for your protection Carter." he stated walking closer to me and I shook my head.

"Bullshit you're so full of it Cameron. You just lie and lie till you're called out on it" I shot back fuming. He didn't even seem to care how I was feeling right now. As long as Cameron got what he wanted, everything was fine. Fuck meeting halfway.

Suddenly, the pain came rushing back at full force without a warning like last time. I grabbed my neck instantly crying out gripping at my neck trying somehow to stop it or make it calm down. But, it didn't care, all I felt was pain.

A second later, he grabbed me and I screamed out even more as his fangs pierced into my neck.

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