Chapter 35

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After I had a taste of his blood, I wanted more. But, not just of the blood, but of him. He happily continued fulfilling the need, bringing me to the edge over and over throughout the night. This was our second honeymoon. 2.0

Thing were different and it was for the better. Kind of. I was one of them not a fragile human-like before. He didn't hold back anymore. It was great for me but, not for the house. Two sex hungry vampires and an empty house.

We were so caught up in amazing sex, we ended up turning the whole room upside down.

It wasn't just the bedroom this time. It was the living room, the kitchen, the bathroom but we left the other rooms alone. Where ever we were he would just have this moment where kiss me and then somehow, I was against something moaning his name. Cameron didn't care, I guess that's the perks of having money. It was all fixable to him.

No matter how much I tried to resist, he pulled me into him. And I was his the rest of the night.

I woke up around three in the morning and I smiled seeing him so peaceful next to me. I slipped out of his hands and threw some clothes on then I studied the room and shook my head.

We definitely need a new bed, nightstand, holes fixed.

I left the room and walked around the house looking at all the pictures when I stopped at one. I tried reaching for it but I failed. If only I was a few inches taller. I could see it was everyone from the house in the picture.

Not sure when it was taken but, it was here and everyone seemed so happy. This was such a rare picture and I wanted to see it closer.

A tall figure came behind me pressing his body against mine to grab the picture. I jumped a bit turning to feel his whole body pressed against mine and his crotch pressed against my lower region.

I smiled not sure how I didn't realize he was even up.

He passed me the picture smiling hard looking into his eyes "Good morning beautiful" he said giving me a peck on the lips. "Morning" I smiled seeing him looking me over then came up to my eyes smirking.

"Hmm..." "What?" I asked looking myself over nervous. Was something on my face? Oh lord.

"Was kind of hoping you would walk around naked for me now" he joked grabbing my waist. Of course, he would already start this. And he made it out to be as if I was the sex-crazed one. I was but, I had a feeling he's been holding himself back.

But now, there was nothing holding him back.

I took a deep breath trying to calm down "Listen I don't want to destroy the dining room. Can we at least wait till we get back in the bedroom?" I said pushing him back a bit but he didn't really move much.

He pulled me in leaning down "Thought you said I didn't have to hold back now?" He whispered letting his hand slip under my shirt and run up my back quickly. He knew how to push my buttons maybe resisting impossible. He was going to win, we both knew it.

I shivered at his touch as I bit my lip. "I don't want to destroy the house any more than it already is. This is your beach house" I reminded him and he scoffed rolling his eyes as I looked up at him crazy.

"I'm all for rough sex but in a bedroom" I smiled.

"Anything here can be replaced. We could destroy this house, get a new one and destroy that. It still won't stop me from having you" he said biting his lip simply.

"That means if I want to bend you over the dining room like this..." Instantly my chest was against the glass table with him behind me. One hand on my hip and the other in my hair gripping it a bit. Enough to show he was in control.

I closed my eyes but my lip already ready to give in.

"Or..." He turned me around lift me up on the table and opening my legs making his way between them. He pulled me close to him gripping the back of my head and neck.

"I think this is your favorite" he whispered and I squealed as he pushed my back against the table kissing my neck over and over. I giggled just wrapping my legs around his waist looking up at him as he pulled back to look at me.

"You're a smooth talker Cameron" "Yet you keep fighting it" he shot back making me laugh. That didn't mean he still wasn't good and didn't make my whole body heat up with just one look or touch.

"You know I don't have that much control" I warned making him roll his eyes "You have self-control" I pushed him back so I could sit up but he still stayed between my thighs gripping them as I clenched knowing it wasn't long before I was bent over this table.

"Not for you" I shot back.

He smirked leaning down to kiss my neck and nibbling at the mark. I moaned feeling my lower region aching for him. I closed my eyes gripping his arms as he leaned me back a bit get my access to my neck.

"You're not supposed to resist me Carter I won't allow that. I want you to let go, give yourself to me without any hesitation" he stated in a dark tone.

He ran his tongue up my neck and the next second he was slammed against the wall and I was attacking his lips. Before he could do anything, I was gripping his head pulling him to hopefully get him back to the room.

"Stop worrying about it, I'll take the blame if they find out" "They won't have to find out anything if you stop trying to destroy to the house for the hell of it" "Actually it's you, I'm the one being mostly slammed into walls by you. You must forget you have more strength than you ever had" he stated matter of factly making me pull away from him laughing.

Because he would get me to this point in sex where I would lose my mind. I just wanted him and to be against him naked.

He looked at me confused as I smirked.

"Oh really? Maybe we should just stop having s-" "Sex, yeah no. Don't even think about it Carter. You know resisting never works for both of us.

"I don't want to destroy the house" "Come here Carter" he ordered making me smirk. He was losing his patience but, it's funny seeing him like that.

"Come get me" I giggled then took off into the next room. "I'll give you a headstart" he called out making me laugh. That meant there was no way I was going to get away from him. But I was going to try.

I ran down the hallway and squealed as I heard him behind me. I opened the back door and ran on the sand only to be pulled back to him. "Please don't tell me that was you trying to get away" he joked turning me to face him laughing.

"I tried" "Like a dog chasing a bunny" he joked making me laugh agreeing. No reason to run but it was fun.

"You know..." he smirked looking at me. "I never had sex on a beach" I looked around knowing there was no one around and it was still dark outside. All I could feel was the light breeze on my exposed skin.

I bit my lip looking at him amused "Me either... first time for everythi-" His lips were crushing to mine as he wasted no time slipping his tongue in my mouth and letting his hands roam over my body stopping at my behind grabbing it.

I jumped and he gripped my thighs lifting me up and wrapping them around his waist.

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